What Should I Do


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
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I have a very soft and kind heart for animals, and would love to give and care for all the animals I could. But I have noticed a few of my local fish shops have been being cruel to Siamese fighting fish. I have kept tropical fish a long time ago, and have read up of the basic care of siamese fighting fish. I can offer a tempory 3UK Gallon tank for each I rescue. I would only be housing 1 or two at a time as this way, I can fouce on them better. I will be selling them on when healthy and finage has grown back.

I wanted your views on this before I went for it. I do understand that the more I save the more they are going to treat like this, but I cant just stay there and watch them die or be bullied by other males. I have tried before about reporting the shop but nothing was done about it. And have also hear other people reporting the shop - so not just me.

Would you say go for this, or leave them alone ?
Who would be intrested in the resale of the Siamese Fighting Fish - as this is a kean part of this, as to rescue more I would need to sell the healthy ones.
I have a very soft and kind heart for animals, and would love to give and care for all the animals I could. But I have noticed a few of my local fish shops have been being cruel to Siamese fighting fish. I have kept tropical fish a long time ago, and have read up of the basic care of siamese fighting fish. I can offer a tempory 3UK Gallon tank for each I rescue. I would only be housing 1 or two at a time as this way, I can fouce on them better. I will be selling them on when healthy and finage has grown back.

I wanted your views on this before I went for it. I do understand that the more I save the more they are going to treat like this, but I cant just stay there and watch them die or be bullied by other males. I have tried before about reporting the shop but nothing was done about it. And have also hear other people reporting the shop - so not just me.

Would you say go for this, or leave them alone ?
Who would be intrested in the resale of the Siamese Fighting Fish - as this is a kean part of this, as to rescue more I would need to sell the healthy ones.
I would resuce them, 3UkG is fine nothing less than 3G though. You can rescue one, sell it when healthy then resuce again using the 3G it may encourage the shop to buy more but still youll be saving them, plus someone else may buy them if you dont.
Your very kind :D
Well if I get 3 more good views on this then I will be going into the rescue idea. I have everything ready for the hospital/rescue tanks. So just needs the good views and then Im off to get a "ill" fish. Can I sell them on here?
Yes, in the classified section though which is near the end of the tropical fish forums main page. I will email you another good site to sell them on aswell. Keep in mind it may take a few months to get the 'rescues' to full health.
When you say there being cruel to the fish, how do you mean by cruel?

You have your 'pm' disabled. So no-one can send you messages, if you still want me to pm you the site then enable your pm :D Can be done in settings
This is very sweet of you and something that I would love to do myself if I had the resources (nd the willpower not to just keep them all O_O) Try and get some mature media if at all possible, if not you'll have to do large daily water changes.

Good luck, I hope this all goes well for you :)

Great idea, just be aware you may come too attached to them to let them go!!! lol
I rescued a betta a few weeks back. When I brought him home, he was ill... hung at the top and only moved when I tapped the glass. He progressivily became better until a few days back when became very ill (and would lay at the bottom of his tank, only moving when he felt the need to flick). This is when I took steps to try and make him better. Fortunetly what I've done has worked as today he's acting like my other bettas (swimming and no longer flicking). Normally I would pick the healthiest of the bunch, but now he's happy. I'm not sure what I plan to do now re: taking care of him.

As far as reselling, I have no experience! Even if you only save two and keep them as pets, you're making a positive contribution! Best of luck.
I have the meds and everything needed. And will only be getting one to two rescues at a time. I know that it can take serval months to get back to full health and wouldnt think of selling one under health unless he was only waiting for fin regrowth, as this grows perfect in nice clean water. I can get whole on some media for the filter(s) so this isnt a problem.

I know that it will be hard re selling them, but I do believe that if I know they are going to a loving home and to someone that will take good care of them, then it shouldnt be too hard to let go of the ones I have. Also I will always be thinking, (even though I would like to keep them all) That if I sell and let go of these one I could save another one that might really need my help.

They are being cruel by putting two males together. One will be in a large tank with fish that will chase or nip the fighter (Sliver sharks, tetras) Or even put it with guppies which can stress the fighter out of even kill the poor guppies for no reason. And have another male in the same large tank but in a breeding trap, half the time one male jumps into the breeding trap with the other male, and they fight as this is natural for them. Also keeping them in something less then 1UK Gallon... I know they can be kept in this for temp time, but I still look at this as un fair on the fish.

I havent got my messages unable... You are welcome to email me though. I havent posted enough messages to be able to message people yet and thats probaly why you cannot get through to me.

Yes I do understand as well that I will lose some money on them. As some will not be able to save or become ill again without warning, but this is a price to pay in the work I am doing. I would like to save as many as possible and give them a good home, this is why for reselling.

Thanks for the advice given to me already. Looks like when everything is setup I will be going ahead and doing the rescues.

I'm glad your going through with it and you seem to know what your doing :good: In this case at the shop it sounds as if alot of the bettas will have nipped fins due to other nippy fish, but you have all the treatments you need etc, if you need any help with anythign dont hesitate to ask on this forum :D
Well I wont.
Thanks and I now know that the forums are here for my help on the matter.

I do have a healthy betta I rescued from another male 2 weeks ago. Nothing was wrong with him apart from some stress and heavy breathing. I dont wish to keep him a pet as Im looking for some other colours (as breeding might be a opition too) So will post in the classifed section now with some pictures of him when possible
I think 'rescuing' bettas is an awful idea.

You ARE encouraging the shop to buy more in. Supply and demand. Whilever you're buying the shop keeping is going to re-stock. Long term you are making absolutely NO difference to the problem.

If you really want to help the fish long term then you have to not buy them, and you have to keep writing letters to your local council and RSPCA.
You need to be asking them to go to the shop and force the shop keeper to give the correct husbandry to those fish.
Well, tbh, bettas only live for around 3 years, so it will take a good few months for finnage to come back.
If they be around 4 months at the petstore then another 4 months 'rescuing' them, it doesnt give them much time to be with thier new owner

So personally, i don't think its a good idea.
I thought they lived for 2 years and were 7 months when sold? Either way, not much time.

I have to agree with Curiosity, supply and demand
I think 'rescuing' bettas is an awful idea.

You ARE encouraging the shop to buy more in. Supply and demand. Whilever you're buying the shop keeping is going to re-stock. Long term you are making absolutely NO difference to the problem.

If you really want to help the fish long term then you have to not buy them, and you have to keep writing letters to your local council and RSPCA.
You need to be asking them to go to the shop and force the shop keeper to give the correct husbandry to those fish.

I totally agree with this too

It's pointless buying them. as the shop will juts buy more in to replace it
unless you could keep up with their stocking - then none of the bettas would deteriorate to the point of dying. but then you'd be the one needing to sell them not the other way around!

yeah unfortunately writing letters is about all you can do but unfortunately nothing will probably happen unless its really really bad

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