Search results

  1. beechey

    Shrimp Eggs

    Crysral red eggs are always black? Why? And my cherrys are always greeny why?
  2. beechey

    Discus, Plecos, Tetra

    How far away are you from coventry
  3. beechey

    Getting Blueberry Shrimp And Red Cherries. Keep Them Together Ofr Not

    Yeah don't mix these !!! Give me the pearl blue shrimp lol
  4. beechey

    Clown Loaches Fighting/ Kissing

    Yeah lots of clicking lol one has a few pin bite marks on the side
  5. beechey

    Clown Loaches Fighting/ Kissing

    I've got 3 seven inch clowns had them for about 6 years 2 of them are as the title says ? What's goin on?
  6. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    i dont do cold water as there in with my discus hummmm might give it a try thou
  7. beechey

    What Type Of Shrimp Is This?

    i bought my first bamboo shrimps today love watching shrimps
  8. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    the old spouse thanks alot love the pics dont think my serbis will ever breed i have four from babys from different people and are big now but never breed , surely can not be all the same sex
  9. beechey

    What Type Of Shrimp Is This?

    amamo shrimp
  10. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    my clown loaches normal eat them all
  11. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    i did put a few apple snails in about 2 weeks ago but took them out as dont think they liked the hotter water maybe theres still one in the tank somewhere
  12. beechey

    Small Bubble On Discus

    its eating and behaving normal
  13. beechey

    Help With Purchasing A Severum

    my new baby
  14. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    just discus really lol
  15. beechey

    Few Discus Pics

    few more
  16. beechey

    Few Discus Pics

    not hard to keep if conditions are right !!! im thinking about changeing the type of fish as want some oscars or frontasa
  17. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    dam lol !!!! i dont have any snails in my tank
  18. beechey

    Help With Purchasing A Severum

    i bought a tiny green severum today he is about a 10p size ,
  19. beechey

    Small Bubble On Discus

    ok cool been trying to get a pic
  20. beechey

    Few Discus Pics

    my shrimp and bn growing tank
  21. beechey

    Is This Cory Eggs?

    if not what do cory eggs look like if there are ? what to do next ??
  22. beechey

    Small Bubble On Discus

    one of my discus has a small bubble on there nose? any one had this before? had discus for 5 years never seen this
  23. beechey

    Young Albino Bristlenose

    Yeah wicked mate defo have some off you then
  24. beechey

    Young Albino Bristlenose

    Yeah mate after a few ? You intrested in cherry shrimp as could do a swap etc
  25. beechey

    Young Albino Bristlenose

    have you got any left???
  26. beechey

    Free Fish In Radford Coventry

    what ya got phone me tomorrow im 2 mins away ill pm you my number if i dont answer text me as got football in morning your message system dont work 07841512318
  27. beechey

    First Discus Spawn :d

    good look
  28. beechey

    Led Build

    sorry but wanted to do this ages ago for spare tank!!! where you get the leds from also what are them black blocks the leds are on?? and the plug part how have you wired it up??
  29. beechey

    For Sale- Apple Snails West Yorkshire

    any left really want some of these thanks
  30. beechey

    Free Shrimp To Good Homes

    ill have some will cover the cost to post ! pm me and can pay over paypal etc
  31. beechey

    Discus And Reverse Osmosis

    mainly water quality is a must so lots of water changes and gravel /sand sphyening (spelling) mine lay eggs all the time in tap water also
  32. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    I had a fresh water archet for about 2 years awsome fish used to jump out of tank and catch prawns out of my hand
  33. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    Can come tomorrow as I'm I'm nights defo want the blue acara 1 albino senegales bichir maybe the gold flecked plec pm me your number
  34. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    Doh!!! What's left?
  35. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    did you get my pm
  36. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    I'm from cov mate also ! Are the rest on my list taken? What about albino severum ? Pm me your number will phone tomorrow. Beechey All bulldogs gone?
  37. beechey

    Breeding Cory's

    what temp do u need for serbis? to breed?
  38. beechey


    wish mine would spawn
  39. beechey

    Clicketh Here For Fish

    i will have rotkeil 2 bulldogs blue arara , white senegales please ! pm you my number can come tomorrow!