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  1. D

    Rummy Nose Tetra Problem

    Can anyone tell me what the problem is with this fish please - sorry pic is not very good. There are 2 healthy Rummies on the right and the one on the left has some sort of white growth throughout the front part of it's body. Thanks
  2. rummy_0079.jpg


  3. D

    Houdini Fish?

    Found him...he must have been deep in the filter unit and managed to get back up...he was in the housing when I got back home, although he's scraped himself a lot on the top. I have put some filter foam on the inside of the grill so they can't get through again - silly sods!
  4. D

    Houdini Fish?

    Lol..great cartoon!
  5. D

    Houdini Fish?

    Ok one is accounted for...I just found him in the filter housing behind the pump...hadn't spotted him earlier and he was dead. How the hell he got thru the vent is anyones guess! The other is still a mystery.
  6. D


    Try one of these UV Sterilizer
  7. D

    Houdini Fish?

    I've had 2 Danios go missing over the past couple of nights...checked around the tank and checked inside the filter housing....not a sign of them - can anyone throw any light on this?
  8. D

    Uv Sterilisers

    Thanks SuperColey1, that's the one I've just ordered.
  9. D

    Uv Sterilisers

    Thanks guys...think I may put one on a timer for an hour/day.
  10. D

    Tank Backround

    You could try this
  11. D

    Uv Sterilisers

    What's the view on these units for keeping water algae free - is it harmful to the good bacteria in substrate and filters?
  12. D

    Discus In Distress!

    Read this it might be relevant.
  13. D

    Sick Tetra?

    True....not that easy when things go wrong....but very nice when all is fine!
  14. D

    Sick Tetra?

    Hi QR already done that thanks, both the salt and the crushed peas - only time will tell!
  15. D

    Sick Tetra?

    Tank is Juwel Rio 125 Litre Water Stats: Nitrate 8 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH 3 PH 7 No other fish are exhibiting this behaviour and all look fine at the moment, the sick fish is still isolated and alive. If it is Swim Bladder disease how long does it normally take for treatment to take effect...
  16. D

    Is My Heater Working?

    I have a Visitherm 50 and the light definitely goes off when the water is at the correct temp. What do you have the temp. set to on your Visitherm?
  17. D

    Sick Tetra?

    Couldn't wait for any response....I've isolated the fish into another small tank and added aquarium salts plus swim bladder medication. I also added some food which she hasn't touched. Should I also treat the main tank the fish came out of? Dave
  18. D

    Sick Tetra?

    I have a neon tetra (one of 3) which appears to be sick. I's body is no longer straight...sort of bent 30 degrees and the tail/body is flicking a bit more than normal. It just doesn't look right. It's swimming is a bit abnormally. Could it be swim bladder disease or something else? Dave
  19. D

    Polluted Tank? - It Is Only 3 Days Old!

    Don't worry...same thing happened to my new tank was just bacterial bloom and I couldn't see the back of the it's now crystal clear.
  20. D

    Steralising Used Tank?

    Thanks guys..all good ideas to try!
  21. D

    Steralising Used Tank?

    Nice one..thanks Tolac!
  22. D

    What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

    I have 2 male Guppyies that are constantly looking at their reflections on the side of the tank and my Danios love swimming through the bubbles.
  23. D

    Steralising Used Tank?

    What's the best way to clean & steralise a used tank and get rid of all the nasty stuff?
  24. D

    Which Heater....

    Visitherm heaters are really good...there's an indicator to tell you when it kicks in and the temp is variable. They do a range of heaters between 25-300 watts. There's a table here to give you an indication of the wattage required. Dave
  25. D

    Cold Cathode Moon Light

    Just bought one of these kits with 3 blue lamps and I'm well impressed. I also ordered another from eBay with 2 greens and a red to operate a couple of hours after the main lights, before turning to all blue for moonlight - highly recommended! They can be used inside or outside the tank and...
  26. D

    Planting In New Tank?

    Thanks DD...looks like I'll be shopping for plants today!
  27. D

    Planting In New Tank?

    Is it ok to plant a couple of plants in the tank and then add to it after the tank is filled with water and fish? Or does all the planting have to be done up front?
  28. D

    New Tank Anyone

    Didn't get it for xmas as such...but just bought a Juwel Rio 125 as a new home for my fish!
  29. D

    Fishless Cycle

    I'm sorted...many thanks to all!
  30. D

    Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the additional advice on the food .... I'll stop by and pick up a few bits today. As for the aggression, I'll keep my eye on them...they seem to be happily swimming around together at the moment. Will the guppies feed off the bottom also?
  31. D

    Fishless Cycle

    Thanks....took the readings into the local petstore and they confirmed the water was ok. Bought a couple of colourful male guppies and a bronze cory ...... they seem to be adapting quite well. Not sure how much to feed them though....crushed up about a dozen flakes of tropical food and put that...
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    Fishless Cycle

    Nitrites are now 0 Did a 90% water change and tested again Nitrates are between 25-50 mg/L same as the tap water so I reckon I can't go any that figure acceptable? PH=7 approx KH is >6 GH 3 I think the above 2 are the correct way round. When I put the newly treated water into...
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    Fishless Cycle

    Thanks...will do...still got a long time to wait then!
  34. D

    Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the warning...I was preparing some water earlier to put in tonight...I'll scrap that.
  35. D

    Fishless Cycle

    Started my fishless cycle before I went on Hols...when I got back Nitrites and Nitrates are through the roof, Ammonia was virtually zero. Added some more ammonia, should I now do a water change to reduce Nitrates or should I leave it until the Nitrites drop. Also, should I keep adding ammonia...
  36. D

    1st Decent Tank

    I looked at those also..but the glass was only half as thick for the same size the glass hardened or something? I may be wrong but I'd imagine the glass bowing on a tank with so much water, plus the internal filter housing takes up quite a lot of room.
  37. D

    1st Decent Tank

    Anyone got any advice comments on the Rena Aqualife 120 x 40 Classic Aquarium as a 1st serious tank? I just compared one with the Juwels and FRFs and the glass seems a lot thicker....and the aquarium better finished. Plus there's no ugly black box taking up room in the tank which means I could...
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    Just for reference and if anyone experiences a similar problem.....the Visitherm 50 did the trick. Correct temp. was achieved in less than 2 hours.
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    Water Test Suddeny Changed

    Just read this from the aquarium superstore site "Ammo lock doesn't remove ammonia. It converts ammonia to a non-toxic form. So test kits will still show positive for ammonia."
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    I was thinking the exact same thing Marcos, just before I went to one from the local LFS on the way back. Cheers