Sick Tetra?


New Member
May 14, 2006
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I have a neon tetra (one of 3) which appears to be sick. I's body is no longer straight...sort of bent 30 degrees and the tail/body is flicking a bit more than normal. It just doesn't look right. It's swimming is a bit abnormally. Could it be swim bladder disease or something else?

Couldn't wait for any response....I've isolated the fish into another small tank and added aquarium salts plus swim bladder medication. I also added some food which she hasn't touched.

Should I also treat the main tank the fish came out of?

bent body doesn't sound good, could be TB :/

also could be neon tetra disease.

depends on the diagnosis weather you should treat the whole tank or not. i'd do a water change on the main tank to make sure it's nice and clean anyway.

can you give us some more details about the size of the tank, filtration, water stats, maintenance routine, when you noticed the problem, how it's developed etc.
Tank is Juwel Rio 125 Litre

Water Stats:

Nitrate 8
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
KH 3
PH 7

No other fish are exhibiting this behaviour and all look fine at the moment, the sick fish is still isolated and alive. If it is Swim Bladder disease how long does it normally take for treatment to take effect? I think the body being bent is due to bump or bloating on one side. Wondered whether it could be constipation but the fish is not touching any food of any kind as far as I can see.
shell some boiled pea's and crush it into the water for the tetra if constipated that might flush it out...It does seem like fish consumption or TB as my mothers tank got this and the fish got quite hollow bellies but also bent spines...I have not seen neon tetra disease so cannot comment... Good idea to isolate and have some aquarium salt though
Hi QR already done that thanks, both the salt and the crushed peas - only time will tell!
oh I didn't phrase that properly I was complimenting you on the adding of salt and isolating, never hurts for a little encouragement especially in a frustrating caper like fish keeping
True....not that easy when things go wrong....but very nice when all is fine!

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