What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

My largest angle , about 4", enjoys picking fights with my clown loach and vise versa lol funny since clown loaches have switch blades but he doesn't seem to use them lol
I have 2 male Guppyies that are constantly looking at their reflections on the side of the tank and my Danios love swimming through the bubbles.
Oh yeah! My male guppies seem to think my male balloon molly is a female guppy and tries to mate with him... I'm sure it happens to a lot of people, since male guppies are such eager little guys! :lol:
my golden barbs do summersaults... they lay there motionless until the current turns them upside down then they do some barrel rolls :hyper:
i have a severum that watches CSI and a ram that follows, like a tennis judge, conversations between me and my gf.
My oscar keeps his side of the tank clean of debris and such
Every week i clean the tank and move the pieces of wood and small rocks around to clean everywhere

the oscar will spend hours moving everything against the glass and scooping up sand and spitting it out away from his side of the tank. Only thing he has trouble with is the 12 inch tube where the pleco hides. he spends hours trying to push it away but he just can't. when he does manage to push it a bit, i just set it back where it usually is and the fish gets mad... lol!

Ha Ha. LMAO..... A fish with OCD! :hyper:
I have a dwarf pleco that buries himself in sand so you can only see the tip of his head and eyes. I fall for it every time and think he's dead but he's just hiding, apparently.
Yeah, I used to have an angelfish that did back flips when it got excited.

They started relating me to food eventually, and would do back flips just because she saw me.

One time I came back from a long trip, and the thing was doing flips like crazy.
My Anamo Shrimp like to make sure there is no algae on my fingers!

My snail mystery snail tries to escape the tank. -_- He has stopped lately though. I think he gave up!
Well My otto's chase my giant Danios even though there much bigger and my young male pearl gourami lets me pet him from time to time. I don't think this is weird but cool that all my fish even loachs come to the surfice when I feed them and even nibble on my fingers " Don't worry I wash my hands before I feed them".

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