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  1. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    My aquarium that they were in got way to hot and all died except for like 20 fry!It was so sad
  2. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I went and put my 79 fry into my old ten gallon tank with a under gravel bubble filter. They seem to like it. I only put gravel where the under gravel filter is and the rest is bare.They seem to like it. There is no heater though! I am goingt o get a heater very soon but for the next couple of...
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  7. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Will the betta only make a bubble nest when he is happy?
  8. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Like I am going to be buying a heater once i get money and i am buying a filter that cannt suck up baby fry.In a week or so!!
  9. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Do you know big als pet store. He has all the diffrent fish from around the world. He has 7f sharks for sale. But he said that if they are in good healf he would give me 5$ each for the males and 4$ for the females.And so i can keep them in cold water!But i was woundering about how many months...
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  13. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    how long can you keep them in cold water? Like until there 3 or 4 months old?(adults)Also do you know a place where i can sell them because my parents say that i can start breeding them and selling them!I have 80-90 babys now.More to come in a week or so!
  14. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    My 2 guppies gave birth to 38 guppie fry. They are right know in a breeding tank. And I think its to small for them. And i don't know can you put them i cold water becuase I hvae a 5.5 gallon tank and it has a pump but not a heater. The pet store says that it is okay but im not sure? Do you...
  15. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    Can i put them in cold water with a pump?
  16. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    I went and looked in my breeding trap and instead of 11 babys there is 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She had more instead it was tiny who had the other 24 and rainbow had the 11!!!
  17. Fish911

    Albino Sharks?

    i have a 23 gallon tank! Is that big enough for a shark?
  18. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    I have acually moved the 19 fish into a 23 gallon tank. and the gold fidh into a 15 gallon. Also i moved my betta into a fish bowl.
  19. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    My breeding trap broke and the babys got out. One of them died so now i have 11. But i don't know what to put them in! Right know they are ina plastic bucket in the tank but its really really small!!
  20. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    I cann't. They wont let me its passed the date. but i put him in a breeding tank that is floating in my tank.
  21. Fish911

    Albino Sharks?

    I was just woundering? I want to get 1-2 albino sharks but im worried it might kill my fish! I was just woundering what fish can you put with them?
  22. Fish911

    How Do You Breed Brime Shrimp?

    I have a big fish tank full of fish and my friend said that i should feed them brime shrimp? Also i have a couple babys in the tank and that they eat brime shrimp. So if anyone knows how to breed brime shrimp please tell me!
  23. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    I put mine ina breeding bucket in my tank. I dont just have straight guppies in the tank i have a male and female betta,2 mollies, 1 neon tetra, 1 pleco, 1 alge eater, 6 white clouds, 2 platties, 2 pristella tetras, 1 pencil fish ,2 danios,and baby fry.I think thats all my fish that i have in my...
  24. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    I dont know! I know for sure that there are guppies but it also looks like there is a cross between one of my mollies and guppies! It toltally looks like it!! I have only founf 12 so far. I might of killed some becuase i didnt know there were baby fish in the tank while i was switching them into...
  25. Fish911

    Baby Fish Appear

    I was switching my fish from a 10 gallon to a 20-25 gallon tank. while i was doing this there was a gunk on the bottom of the 10 gallon tank and when i taped the tank there were lots and lots of baby fish. There wre no eggs. They were swiming around. I think i killed half of them because when i...
  26. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    well i started to notice that there were some rips on my guppies and white clouds tails also please help me on my other topic call baby fish appear its in livebearers
  27. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    the people at the pet stire said they were comets because they were with the adult they are just babys
  28. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    WEll to see one video of my fish go to my website at
  29. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    Well i talked to he lady at the pet store and she said that is they get to big for me to hand she said she would take them and keep them.i also got a new female betta named sugar. Also 2 platties
  30. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    i wont be able to get them a bigger fish tank until i get my pay check and thats not fo 3 months
  31. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    okay! Well right know my betta is with 19 other fish in my ten gallon and my 2 comet golfish are in the 7-8 gallon.
  32. Fish911

    Mixing Goldfish And Betta?

    well my betta is with my tropical fish and he is really hyper. He willmever stop swiming around.
  33. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    well my goldfish are in cold water. So i dont know? Should i try?i think i might! Well do you think that the betta might attack the goldfish?
  34. Fish911

    Mixing Goldfish And Betta?

    i was just woundering if you can mix a betta with 2 goldfish because i have a 10 gallon tank where my betta lives but its to crouded so i want to move it into the 7-8 gallon tank with my 2 goldfish. My friend has done this and it worked out but i just want to know for sure.Help!!
  35. Fish911

    Betta Fish And Goldfish?

    Hi!! I have 1 10 gallon tank that has tropical fish in it and my betta fish. I also have a 7-8 gallon tank with 2 goldfish in it! I was woundering can you mix a betta with goldfish. My friend tryed it and it worked. But i jsut want to be sure! Please tell me!!
  36. Fish911


    the pet store said that i should take the mother out as soon as the female gives birth and that the male betta will take care of them untile they are swiming around. I hd them in cold water thought? I think that my male betta may of hurt my female betta! thankx but i dont really know? Its just...
  37. Fish911


    I've bred bettas for awhile now and i just have them in a 5 gallon tank with no heater orfilter. Last batch i got was 18 survived but the rest died because she starlight my fmale betta got ill. i flushed her because she had it all over her and her head was all white and she had no skin therre!
  38. Fish911


    Well i have a filter whitch is supposto keep ammonia down, but i dont know? Maybe it isnt.
  39. Fish911


    I do have a heater and its at the right temp. and my size of my tank is 10 gallon. I wated 2 weeks for the ph to be right before i put the fish into. im just confused!! :unsure: :huh: -_- :/ My tank temp is at 81f right know! I just dont want them to die. Also i had the bettas together...
  40. Fish911


    Georgia"]Im new to having tropical fish and its sorta hard. I just got tropical fish alittle while ago (A week and ahalf ago). The tank started to get foggie so i put some of that fog stuff in and it went away but before it got foggie i have 2 neon tetras named nelly and jelly.My male neon tetra...