Baby Fish Appear


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
2330 Imperial St,Abbotsford,BC
I was switching my fish from a 10 gallon to a 20-25 gallon tank. while i was doing this there was a gunk on the bottom of the 10 gallon tank and when i taped the tank there were lots and lots of baby fish. There wre no eggs. They were swiming around. I think i killed half of them because when i was scooping out the gravel and i didnt know there were baby fish in the 10 gallon tank. Its just that i am freaking out becuase i dont know how to take care of baby fish. I think they are guppies though! I need to know what you feed them what to do with them when they are old enough to put with the adult fish!! Please help me!!
What else do you have in there? They are easy to take care of. Water changes, warmth, adn crushed fish flake!
What else do you have in there? They are easy to take care of. Water changes, warmth, adn crushed fish flake!
I dont know! I know for sure that there are guppies but it also looks like there is a cross between one of my mollies and guppies! It toltally looks like it!! I have only founf 12 so far. I might of killed some becuase i didnt know there were baby fish in the tank while i was switching them into a diffrent tank!! Just please help me!! Also when do i start feeding them? When can i put them with the adults and also how can i tell if my females are pregnant? Also what do9 i do if some of the babys are bigger then each other. Wont they eat each other?
Feed them straight away crushed flake or special fry food, if you look at the stickys and through the posts you will find the answerers to every question and more.

BTW if you only have guppies, mollys plattys and endlers you won't get eggs they are live bearers not egg layers.

I leave my fry in my main tank, survival of the fittest.
Feed them straight away crushed flake or special fry food, if you look at the stickys and through the posts you will find the answerers to every question and more.

BTW if you only have guppies, mollys plattys and endlers you won't get eggs they are live bearers not egg layers.

I leave my fry in my main tank, survival of the fittest.
I put mine ina breeding bucket in my tank. I dont just have straight guppies in the tank i have a male and female betta,2 mollies, 1 neon tetra, 1 pleco, 1 alge eater, 6 white clouds, 2 platties, 2 pristella tetras, 1 pencil fish ,2 danios,and baby fry.I think thats all my fish that i have in my tank.
okay, after looking at your vid here's what you should do:

Seperate your betta, get him a 2-4 gallon small tank with a nano heater and sponge filter, because he will kill your gups otherwise (peronsally i think you need to take him back to the store...unless that store is wallmart)

make sure you have all of the babies in the trap

you can feed them crushed flakes

DO NOT leave the fry in the breeding trap for more than a week

Get a spare tank, (2-4 gallon again) and raise the fry in these, keep the temp at around 81F and feed twice a day

When they are big enough so that they do nto fit in the largest fish's mouth, add them to the tank, if you said you have a 25 gall then it shouldnt be overstocked

BUT, i would only keep around less than half of the fry because otherwise they will reproduce and overstock

Take most of the fry to a CREDIBLE lfs

okay, after looking at your vid here's what you should do:

Seperate your betta, get him a 2-4 gallon small tank with a nano heater and sponge filter, because he will kill your gups otherwise (peronsally i think you need to take him back to the store...unless that store is wallmart)

make sure you have all of the babies in the trap

you can feed them crushed flakes

DO NOT leave the fry in the breeding trap for more than a week

Get a spare tank, (2-4 gallon again) and raise the fry in these, keep the temp at around 81F and feed twice a day

When they are big enough so that they do nto fit in the largest fish's mouth, add them to the tank, if you said you have a 25 gall then it shouldnt be overstocked

BUT, i would only keep around less than half of the fry because otherwise they will reproduce and overstock

Take most of the fry to a CREDIBLE lfs

My breeding trap broke and the babys got out. One of them died so now i have 11. But i don't know what to put them in! Right know they are ina plastic bucket in the tank but its really really small!!
NO. People have already told you what to do, please take there advice.
okay, after looking at your vid here's what you should do:

Seperate your betta, get him a 2-4 gallon small tank with a nano heater and sponge filter, because he will kill your gups otherwise (peronsally i think you need to take him back to the store...unless that store is wallmart)

make sure you have all of the babies in the trap

you can feed them crushed flakes

DO NOT leave the fry in the breeding trap for more than a week

Get a spare tank, (2-4 gallon again) and raise the fry in these, keep the temp at around 81F and feed twice a day

When they are big enough so that they do nto fit in the largest fish's mouth, add them to the tank, if you said you have a 25 gall then it shouldnt be overstocked

BUT, i would only keep around less than half of the fry because otherwise they will reproduce and overstock

Take most of the fry to a CREDIBLE lfs

I have a male betta in with 3 young guppies they are only half inch, just starting to color. The betta seems fine with them so I think he also will not mind the fry when the guppies grow full size and giv birth.

What I'm dong is just leaving them in the tank, as long as a few survive then its fine for me. If my females dump a load and I dont see ANY at all, then I will use my breeder trap. Otherwise its just survival of the fittest.

Also they need small crushed flakes

How many guppies do you have? 1 male 3-4 female is reccomended but as of now I have 1 male 2 female and they are still young but the 2 females are already pregnant.

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