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  1. P

    Seahorse Tank Size

    Wow thats kinda helpful. Anyone know if they can live with damsels or clowns? Im not too sure about the damsels because the one is somewhat aggressive. Let me know! --Jim C.
  2. P

    Free 39 Gallon High!

    DO NOT USE FOOD BAGS! They leak like I dunno what. They are not strong at all for what you are doing. Just take the time and go to your LFS and get some free bags. Trust me, do it right the first time and there are no problems. Thats good if you already have styrofoam boxes. I love my algae...
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    Free 39 Gallon High!

    Well that sounds certainly like a good deal! Wish I had someone THAT GENEROUS! :unsure: I have had some experiences with transferring fish and I find that the best way to do to follow the exact same way a LFS would send you home with fish. Get some of those bags and fill it with water...
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Can I add the salt DIRECTLY to my tank? I have two crabs in there right now and they arent too affected by it, but I don't want to hurt them. Since I don't have fish, can I directly dissolve the salt? --Jim C.
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Good evening all! Here are the test results for my aquarium! pH: 8.4 Ammo: 0 Trites: 0 Trates: 20 sG: 1.019 **How can I get this up. aka: What is the proper procedure? Thanks again guys! --Jim C.
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Thanks for the tips. I am certainly not impatient when innocent lives and money are at stake. I will continue to do regular water tests and see what comes of them. As of now, it is 635pm on Thursday night. I will do a test sometime later tonight and post the results. I may replace that shrimp...
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Ok guys, maybe I spoke too soon... I restested this morning and everything SEEMED TO BE in check. Nirates are still between 15/20. Everything else at 0. Ill do it again later today and let you know if ANYTHING CHANGES. Crabs are still doing fine, and cleaned that shrimp wayyy faster than I did...
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    No, to my knowledge, there are no pesticides in the water, but here is my bigger problem... Everything prior to last nights water change was at 0, except for my 20ppm nitrates. This morning: My pH dropped to 7.8 from 8.2 - I added pH buffer. My Nitrites are at .25ppm My ammo is around .25ppm...
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Hey guys, here's my params: Tank: Established for 6 weeks. 30 gallons Cycled: Yes, Nitrates at or just under 20ppm Live Rock: About 10/15 pounds. Some is live base rock. Water: I live in the middle of nowhere, so I have well water. No chlorine. Don't have params. Salt: I didn't let it...
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    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    ok guys...Im not very happy since my $28 cleaner shrimp died and Im blaming myself. I had done a water change just prior to him passing on. Maybe I do it incorrectly? Heres what I do: Empty water approx. 50% with gravel vac. Get water at faucet to within 1 or 2 degrees (higher or lower) of...
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    Experts: What Are The Chances Of This?

    Thanks guys, thats pretty awesome. I guess I shouldn't expect too much from him. He receded down into the rock somewhere. Thanks for the info! --Jim C/
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    Experts: What Are The Chances Of This?

    Hey, In the piece of live rock I bought recently, it seems I have what LOOKS TO BE a baby starfish in it. What are the chances of something like this happening? If so, what do they REALLY look like so I can compare? Any pictures? Thanks in advance, --Jim C. Ps: It looks like this...
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    Raising The S.g

    When I started my 29 gallon, I poured fresh into the tank and added the salt. My s.g. was off the map for a day, but you have to let it sit for 24/48hrs for proper distribution of salt. I actually had to remove some water cause I put in too much salt. Never heard that other statement. --Jim C.
  14. P

    My 29 Gallon Marine Tank

    Thanks for the suggestions. My journey for fish begins this weekend! I will go with 2 or 3 clowns and a goby or two to start off. But I will def check to see what else my lfs has to offer. As for the triggers, I really want one :drool: and just remembered something. I am putting a 125gal in my...
  15. P

    Nitrates Still High After A Week!

    My tap water got a reading of about 10/15ppm for Nitrates with the API test kit. Maybe this is the cause? Any way to cure it WITHOUT having to buy water for tank changes? --Jim C.
  16. P

    Nitrates Still High After A Week!

    Well, I have been listening to what you guys have been saying...Water changes, water changes, water changes...Did 3 in the last week and am still getting 20ppm on my API Test Kit. I really wanna get some fish, but dunno what I should do. Are my trates naturally high? IM checking my tap water...
  17. P

    New 29g - Set Up March 24

    nice pics nemo...Love your clowns. Those are the ones I want. Give us some new pics! Its August something already ;) Lets see what it looks like now! --Jim C.
  18. P

    My 29 Gallon Marine Tank

    I am going to start off with a few basic clowns. I also would like to get some sort of triggerfish, but I am not too sure. I can get my fish this week which is really exciting! I am seriously awaiting the day when I can. I will post pictures as soon as I drop my family in there. Keep checking...
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    My New 55g Tank

    Nice setup. The log really makes it look natural. That was my favorite part :#
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    My 29 Gallon Marine Tank

    The tank isn't full to the top because the pictures were taken right after a water change. I usually leave my self some room to play with the salinity 24hrs after a change. If its too high, I add water, if its too low, I add salt. I thought of this as a pretty unique way to make sure my salinity...
  21. P

    Check Out The Pictures Of My Boxing Crab With Eggs

    Dude where did you get one of those? I really have never seen them before and would LOVE to have one. Nice pic of him btw. If you can refer me to where you got him that would be awesome. --Jim C.
  22. P

    Marine Tank In An Outside Establishment

    Ski, I certainly do understand what you are getting at. As long as I have a good heat exchange in the summer and a well insulated building in the winter, I should be alright with my 125 out there. Thanks for that extremely in depth response. Greatly appreciated. --Jim C.
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    Marine Tank In An Outside Establishment

    I am located in Virginia... in the USA(if you didnt' know that :rofl: . We get a very mild winter here so it is never extremely cold. We also get very mild summers, which means it's never TOO hot. The past week it has been near 99* but that isn't normal. Summers usually range between 80 and...
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    Marine Tank In An Outside Establishment

    Yes, I am in the middle of nowhere and the barn already has locks on it so I could essentially lock it up every night to keep unwanted wild animals out and such. I cannot really drywall the barn as it already has wood up for a wall, but the walls ARE insulated. I just believe the problem is the...
  25. P

    My 29 Gallon Marine Tank

    Well here it is! 4 weeks have gone by and Im just finishing up the cycle. Here, you can see some of my blue legged hermits. This is my Emerald Crab. He is a beast Just another picture of the inside. My newest addition. Cleaner Shrimp added today.
  26. P

    Build Your Own Filter...any Ideas?

    Hello, In my other topic, I discussed that I was getting a 125 gallon SW tank. My question is: Is it hard to build your own filter for something like this? Any ideas? Past Experiences? Suggestions? Blue Prints? Websites? Anything would be helpful. Please give me some ideas. --Jim C.
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    Marine Tank In An Outside Establishment

    Hello, Here is what I am trying to do. We live in an old 1890's Farm House with No Basement. I have always wanted a gameroom and large SW tank. My only option is to occupy a large outdoor barn type establishment in order to do this. I have completed most of the work and am almost ready to...
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    Nitrates Are Lower Now, What Else Can I Do?

    Ok guys, will do, and will get the test result back to you! Peace out. --Jim C.
  29. P

    Nitrates Are Lower Now, What Else Can I Do?

    What did you mean "test for copper?" You mean test my tap for copper? If so, I have that covered. --Jim C.
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    Nitrates Are Lower Now, What Else Can I Do?

    My input water source is tap. It is well water, so no chlorine here. and I vacuum. Sorry I forgot that stuff. --Jim C.
  31. P

    Nitrates Are Lower Now, What Else Can I Do?

    Hello, Like I have stated in previous topics, I have a 29 US Gallon Nano. Right now, I have 5 hermits, 4 snails, and 1 emerald crab. I usually feed my crabs once, sometimes twice a day with brine shrimp flakes. I have been doing 50% water changes ever since my levels were off the map. Nothing...
  32. P

    Nitrates High In 2 Week Old Tank!

    Alright, thanks for the stellar info AndyS. I will definitely do my 60% water change today and retest later on this evening. I just thought of another question. Would dead animals, that I can't see, be responsible for high Nitrates? Also, would too much food raise any of them as well? Once...
  33. P

    Nitrates High In 2 Week Old Tank!

    Indeed, I have approx 20 lbs of live TUFA BASE ROCK I bought on eBay...It was 0.99c a pound and I couldn't pass it up. I will see what I can do about the crab, but he seems to be doing fine. Eating every time I feed and such. (2) questions What EXACTLY are Nitrates. Are they good or bad? I...
  34. P

    Nitrates High In 2 Week Old Tank!

    I just set up my Nano...30 gallons...with Blue Hermits and an Emerald Crab. Some of the hermits died and I got my levels checked. The LFS owner said everything was off the chart. I quickly did a 60% water change and bought my own NEW API Test Kit. I just tested and everything but the NitrAtes...
  35. P

    Levels High...i Am Water Changing Later

    Well, my 29G salt has the following levels as of 5 mins ago: Ammo - 1 Nitrate - 10 Nitrite - 2 pH - 8.2 Temp - 80.6 (somewhat low, bumped my heater up a tad) I have no fish yet. I have 8 Blue Legged Hermits, 5 snails, and 1 emerald crab, with approx. 25/30 pounds of live Tufa Rock. Besides a...
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    Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log

    I'm sorry I have been slacking on this post! I will have pictures tonight, I swear I will. I have a bunch of things to do before the tank is photo worthy! See ya tonight! --Jim C.
  37. P

    Need Some Help...water Change Or Not?

    Just established my SW tank a week ago. Chem Readings: Ammo: 1.0 Nitrate: 10 NitrIte: 1 pH: 8.1 SG: 1.023 I have a few hermits and an emerald crab in there. Should I do a Water Change? or let the tank go its course? I also have to add more LR...Should I remove everyone in the tank so I can...
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    Question For All You Live Coral Experts

    I went to my LFS that I hate and asked him if he will be selling corals. He asked if I had the correct coral keeping bulb and I said yes. I have a Coralife 24" Actinic 03 Blue. He told me that wouldn't even to come close to what I need and the bulbs runs at about $800. Luckily, he had one on...
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    Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log

    Hello all, Went out today and purchased the following: - CaribSea Arag-Alive Crushed Coral - Aqua Clear 20 Power Filter - Coralife 24" 50/50 Bulb Pictures to come when the dust settles! One question still remains: - did my water change, about 25%, and added fresh water, but still have a SG...
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    Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log

    Alrighty, thanks littleme! That was quite helpful. I will remember that for when I actually put my fish in there, which is a long time from now. I am off to go purchase my live Fiji rock @ $5.99 a pound. Is it necessary to have a protein skimmer today, cause I am thinking of ordering one off of...