My 29 Gallon Marine Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2007
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Well here it is! 4 weeks have gone by and Im just finishing up the cycle.

Here, you can see some of my blue legged hermits.

This is my Emerald Crab. He is a beast

Just another picture of the inside.

My newest addition. Cleaner Shrimp added today.

Nice tank, I have the same basic set-up lol, a 29gallon Nano saltwater tank :D

Why isn't the tank full to the top?
Nice tank, I have the same basic set-up lol, a 29gallon Nano saltwater tank :D

Why isn't the tank full to the top?

The tank isn't full to the top because the pictures were taken right after a water change. I usually leave my self some room to play with the salinity 24hrs after a change. If its too high, I add water, if its too low, I add salt. I thought of this as a pretty unique way to make sure my salinity was correct.

Update: Added a nice piece of live rock, pics later. Fish will be added really soon!!!

--Jim C.
You don't need to be too brave, I find my saltwater tank to be much more easier to care for than my freshwater :good:

Nice pics, what kind of fish are you planning on getting?
I am going to start off with a few basic clowns. I also would like to get some sort of triggerfish, but I am not too sure.

I can get my fish this week which is really exciting! I am seriously awaiting the day when I can. I will post pictures as soon as I drop my family in there. Keep checking back.

And Futralistic, you don't have to be brave, just extremely dedicated. This tank does cost a lot to start up and all, but its not as hard as some people say it is. Aside from the three a week water changes to get my levels down, I have had no problems whatsoever. My tip is to start asking questions and gathering as much information as you can before you make the dive into marine life. Once you walk into a petshop and see the selection, you will want to start immediately. Another thing I learned is to TAKE YOUR TIME. Dont add stupid chemicals to your tank...just wait out your cycle. ALSO be sure to have enough live rock and a good cleaning crew!

Take it easy guys, check back later for pics of my new fish (mid week!)...

--Jim C.
Sounds great but aren't triggers a bit big for your tank?
there isnt a trigger that will fit into your tank i'm afraid, plus if you do get one you could pretty much say goodbye to your hermits and shrimp

there are a lot more suitable fish out there for you :good:

Shaping up to be a nice tank

Some other good beginners fish are:

Blue/Green Chromis
Neon Goby
Bicolor Blenny
Yellow Watchman Goby
Coral Beauty
Fridmani Pseudochromis
3 water changes a week? :crazy: I'm lucky if i need one once every two weeks right now, and even when my tank was cycling one a week was more than enough. Guess I was lucky.
I agree about the triggers, they are beautiful fish, but they also get very large, despite the small cute ones you always see your lfs selling. Gobies have got to be the cutest fish ever i suggest nearly any kind of them, and also a six line wrasse is interesting to watch, because they show a more predatory behavior. And watching them attack bugs is always fun :shout:
Thanks for the suggestions.

My journey for fish begins this weekend! I will go with 2 or 3 clowns and a goby or two to start off. But I will def check to see what else my lfs has to offer.

As for the triggers, I really want one :drool: and just remembered something. I am putting a 125gal in my gameroom to be. So I will get my trigger when Im ready! woot! :yahoo:

I will update with some pics as soon as I get those fish! Check back this weekend.

--Jim C.
Wow just your luck you can just about fit a clown triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum) in there. :good:

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