Nitrates Still High After A Week!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2007
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I have been listening to what you guys have been saying...Water changes, water changes, water changes...Did 3 in the last week and am still getting 20ppm on my API Test Kit.

I really wanna get some fish, but dunno what I should do. Are my trates naturally high? IM checking my tap water now, will edit the post with results.


--Jim C.
A nitrate level of 20 ppm is easily withstood by nearly all fish. In addition, nitrate test kits (at least the ones I have used) tend to be a little inacurate. Keep testing...
nitrate test kits (at least the ones I have used) tend to be a little inacurate

Agreed, the API one is pretty well-known for its mediocre accuracy. It'll give you a good idea when something's WRONG in your tank, but not so great for true accurate resolution.

Also remember, you need to do at least a 50% waterchange to get nitrates from 20ppm to 10ppm on the API scale...
My tap water got a reading of about 10/15ppm for Nitrates with the API test kit. Maybe this is the cause?

Any way to cure it WITHOUT having to buy water for tank changes?

--Jim C.
without ro water i doubt you will ever get decent results. if its fo you might be ok but anything more than that your snookered really...
I use an insert in a HOB filter I use for extra filtration that claims to remove phosphates and nitrates. I've never had a problem with either so I figure it must be helping keep both very low to unnoticable (but also, I use pure RO/DI water so I have zero to begin with).

Look at your lfs and I would guess they might have something like this, though since your adding roughly 5 to 20 ppm of nitrates (wide range due to API inaccuracy) every water change, it might hamper the effect of this insert.

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