My New 55g Tank


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Here are some pictures of my 55g aquarium and fish.


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This as much of the tank I can get in one picture and still be able to see everything. I dont have the greatest camera :crazy:


  • auq4.JPG
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4 Bosemani rainbow fish
2 corys
4 zebra danios
2 silver dollars
1 leopard fish
1 dwarf puffer
1 red wag platty
1 sunburst platty
and 2 snails
Nice tank and good stocking.

How do you find feeding your Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma acutirostre). I wanted to get one but herd they were fussy eaters
Nice tank and good stocking.

How do you find feeding your Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma acutirostre). I wanted to get one but herd they were fussy eaters
When I first got him he would only eat ghost shrimp, but as he got used to the tank he started eating what my other fish ate. He really loves Hikari Tropical Food Sticks. I break a stick into about three pieces (a good bite size piece, if its too big he has a problem eating it) and toss them in. Only problem is all my other fish have grown to like the taste :huh:
They also have a taste for Neon Tetras, which I learned the hard way. They seem to do a bit of hunting at night, thats when he ate my Tetras.

Other than that he is a great addition to my tank. He gets along with all the other fish and even sleeps and hides with one of my Silver Dollars under the log on the left side of my tank. He will even eat flake food from time to time if if passes in front of him.

I hope this helped :)

Thanks for the kind words guys!!!
Might consider getting a few more silver dollars.. They really prefer being in groups of 4 or more.. I see you have live plants in there.. silver dollars typically will eat plants.
Very nice tank, love the log :good: Could do with a background though

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