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  1. Chris5787

    Show Off Your Bettas Here!

    I have 3 boys Heres Athens, my first betta who is in a 40 litre with 7 pygmy cories and an apple snail. And heres my other two, neither of which have names yet, they are in a divided 60litre.
  2. Chris5787

    Cherry Shrimp

    I wouldnt worry too much yet, cherry shrimps are good at hiding although they should stand out being red.
  3. Chris5787

    Two New Boys

    cool, thanks Thankyou, they have settled in really well.
  4. Chris5787

    Two New Boys

  5. Chris5787

    Two New Boys

    I dont know if this picture will be better, if not i will keep trying to get one. Sorry about the camera lense in the photo. Thankyou both.
  6. Chris5787

    Two New Boys

    Got 2 new bettas today, now up to 3. The pictures arent fantastic, so sorry. Not sure what they are really, so if someone knows, please let me know. This one was labelled as a Plakat Dragon. This one was labelled as a black super delta. He does have a little tail damage. Hopefully i...
  7. Chris5787

    Post Your Betta's.............its Just For Fun Join The Club

    Heres two pics of my betta, athens Old pics, taken when i got him a few months ago, havent got any new ones of him. Also hoping to get two more bettas next week.
  8. Chris5787

    Yoyo Loach And Corys

    well ive got zebra loaches and cories together, and i havent seen any problems.
  9. Chris5787

    Why Don't Lfs Sell Females?

    In my area loads of shops sell females. Have you tried Maidenhead Aquatics? Most of the ones here sell them.
  10. Chris5787

    Well.... I Said I Was Going To Buy A Betta But...

    Sounds nice, pics please.
  11. Chris5787

    Having Second Thoughts About Splash:(

    I would listen to that part more than the food part. If you have the room, then get more of them.
  12. Chris5787


    If you are going to get an otto, i would wait a while as they dont do well in new set ups. I believe though your tank may be too small for an otto, could be wrong though.
  13. Chris5787

    "help Me Mommy, I'm Stuck In A Plant"

    Mine never sleeps in the plants, he likes to sleep on the top of the heater. Nice betta you got there.
  14. Chris5787

    What The Fudge?

    Well if it was the bloodworm that caused this, i would expect the other fish to also show signs of illness, not just the bettas. Have they been fine up until now, or have you noticed anything odd about their behaviour over the last few days/weeks?
  15. Chris5787

    What The Fudge?

    When you say 66-67 do you mean temperature? If so, i can tell you thats too low, if not ignore me.
  16. Chris5787

    Introducing Boris

    I would say the cories are schwartzi. Do they have spots on their sides?
  17. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    The fins havent improved, but havent really deteriorated either.
  18. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    The only thing i can think is that the plants are using up the nitrate. I didnt believe it myself at first, thats why i tested it 3 times, twice using my old test kit and once using a new one (API Master Test Kit). The test was done before the water change, and a week since the last one.
  19. Chris5787

    Hey Ya'll! Here's Miss Dolly Parton!

    Lovely coloured betta, and very cute with the hat on. :lol:
  20. Chris5787

    Fry Pics At 2 Weeks Old

    They wont be babies anymore people, this thread is 7 months old. :lol:
  21. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Tap nitrate reading is 10.
  22. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Ok just tested the water PH - 7.2 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 (Tested 3 times, using 2 different test kits to make sure)
  23. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    I finished one course of a med, then after a water change i tried another med, and so on. No, hes not rubbing on things in the tank. Im not sure if theres carbon in the filter, dont think there is though. I got a feeling i removed it.
  24. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Ok thanks, will post water stats tomorrow, and do a water change after testing. It doesnt look fluffy to me, just like hes knocked the scales off. Could be bacterial though, because as i said the myxazin did seem to improve it. Should i stop using the meds altogether for a while then? Just...
  25. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Got 7 cories. Water change is almost 50% anyway. Although its 60 litres, its actual volume is probably only about 45 litres. Might start doing them twice a week though, to see if there is any improvement.
  26. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    No white to it, and i know its not an ulcer. Yeah will test the water tomorrow, i know the tank is cycled though. Just a question of how high the nitrate is. I used the Myxazin for the full treatment, 5 days.
  27. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Sorry, size of tank is 60 litre, 15 gallons i believe. Hes in with pygmy cories and an apple snail. Havent tested the water for a while, so will do so tomorrow. The mark on his head is missing scales, and is the pink on his head in the second pic. Change water once a week, 20 litres. He's...
  28. Chris5787

    Fin Trouble

    Hey everyone, had my betta for a few months now but ive been having some problems with his fins. When I bought him he looked like this: Now he looks like this: Its been getting worse for a while, ive tried treating him with esha2000, myxazin and Interpet Anti Fungus and Finrot, but so far...
  29. Chris5787

    My New Bettas

    As soon as i saw that picture i thought male pk, and i dont know much about sexing bettas. So i think 100% you have a male pk.
  30. Chris5787

    Afraid Of Losing Second Betta To Similar Problems...

    I didnt think bettafix would help fungal infections, its a weak version of melafix which doesnt help fungal problems from what i remember. Pimafix stops fungal infections i believe, but not sure if its safe for bettas. Also the lack of a heater is probably causing the betta to be lazy as low...
  31. Chris5787

    Help Asap!

    It could just be that you have handled colder water before putting your hands into the tank. I've had a few instances lately where the water seems really warm, when i look at the thermometer, its at normal temperatures.
  32. Chris5787

    Betta Pics

    Lovely Betta.
  33. Chris5787

    Can Any1 Help Me

    Not sure about the ghost knife fish, never hear much about them. I think your biggest problem would be between the angels and discus.
  34. Chris5787

    My Bettas Keep Dieing

    What filter do you have?
  35. Chris5787

    Silly Boy!

    Wow, he looks exactly like my new betta, only bought him on friday. So far hes faring better than the rest did. Well similar anyway, especially from far away.
  36. Chris5787


  37. Chris5787

    I Caught My Clown Loach Eating A Rummynose Tetra!

    I would guess that it was devouring a dead fish. Never heard of loaches eating live fish before, but ive only kept small loaches, not clowns.
  38. Chris5787

    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    Yeah, you should definately rehome current fish. Unfortunately on the shop front, cardiff isnt that good for aquatics shops. MA at radyr is probably the best but is obviously out of your range without a car. Most other shops are in the suburbs, but the ones that i have visited are not brilliant.
  39. Chris5787

    Not Contispated But Dropsy! :(

    wow, looks like it swallowed a golf ball.