Not Contispated But Dropsy! :(


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2007
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hi i have a male thick lipped gourami, he has gotten fatter over the few months but now he is massive!!


he swims around as normal, have i over fed him or has he got a problem,

How can i make him thinner??

Thanks Jodie
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How often do you feed your fish.
What do you feed your fish.
Do you over feed bloodworms.
hi i have a male thick lipped gourami, he has gotten fatter over the few months but now he is massive!!


he swims around as normal, have i over fed him or has he got a problem,

How can i make him thinner??

Thanks Jodie

it seems that your fish has a bloated desease!
this desease is caused by eggs evoliving in the fish.

my harliquin had that desease before i managed to cure her.
i cured her by getting her out for 20 seconds or more on wet tissue papper i slowly and gently stroked her from where the lump started to where it finished.
she bled from her stomach then suddenly stopped.
nothing came out! so i put her back in the next day she had a bit of a lump on her but it is slowly disapearing.

i hope this helps :good:
If the scales are pointing outwards it's dropsy.
hi here are more pictures but it doesnt seem that there are any scales sticking out, and its a male lol but thanks for your help!





its a 15g, set up for about 1 1/2 maybe more, i use test strips and the nitrite is 0 the nitrate is 80 maybe more but it has been like that from day 1.
6 cherry barbs (5 at mo, 1 in QT) 5 serpae and 4 new platys

it feeds normally but i am using new flakes but he cant eat them until they have sunk a bit.

non of the other fish are ill just a little over fed
and he swims around as normal

Hope u can help
Wow the bloating bad.
Epson salt baths to help draw the fluiids out.
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
Don't feed for a few days.
Your tanks overstocked you should only have the goldifsh in that tank size, they are massive waste producers, so the first goldfish alone needs 20 gallons, then
10 gallon for every other goldfish added.
Plus they need double the filter size to the tank.
Goldfish need a varied diet of frozen foods and veg.
You need to get that nitrate reading down, water change and check filter to see if your sponges are really mucked up.
I would definitely try an epsom salt bath and see if it will eat internal bacteria food. Does the bloating look like it's fluid filled or solid? Fluid filled, it's probably some kind of internal infection. Solid, might be a tumor or very, VERY constipated.
hi, its a gourami lol, it hasnt pooped for ages, the lsat time was a small white string, i did feel it's belly and it was soft then hard, with an epson salt bath do i fill up a little tray and put him in for a few mins?/

Thanks for all your help!
If you feel that your fish may be constipated (and it sure sounds that way to me), I would definitely add the epsom salt (1 tsp. per 4 gallons is what I have used). And it wouldn't hurt to give your fish a couple of frozen peas, thawed and de-hulled (I remove the skins by just pinching them between my fingers), to get things 'moving' again. Hope this helps, he certainly LOOKS uncomfortable. :(

[Edit] Could the "small white string" have been internal parasites? You may want to go ahead and treat with some Metronidazole or another anti-parasitic medication.
hi i have jsut noticed this morning that the scales at his back end are starting to sit out :(

with medication will he survive??

Thanks Jode

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