Dont Really Know Much...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
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I'm sort of coming round the idea that i want one of these fish, but i dont know anywhere near me that sells them or how to look after them at all..

Anyone wanna give me a few important tips.

Things i dont know is;
Do they live in cold water?
Do i need a filter?
What type of tank?
I'm sort of coming round the idea that i want one of these fish, but i dont know anywhere near me that sells them or how to look after them at all..

Anyone wanna give me a few important tips.

Things i dont know is;
Do they live in cold water?



Once a week
Do i need a filter?

Yes, unless you do daily water changes
What type of tank?

Minimum 5 gallons IMO
Where you think i could buy one?
And how much are they usually??
Firstly where are you from ????

its not just the cost of the fish you will need a tank, filter, heater, treatments for water(Dechlorinator), food for the fish, then if you want to have gravel or sand plants rocks a net

it can come to quite alot
I bought a 2.5 gallon tank for a male betta, and now I wish I had gone ahead and gotten a 5 gallon.

I had nothing to start with, had to buy everything, it has cost about $100US to properly maintain this $3 fish. Tank (came with filter), heater, decor, water test kit, etc.
Things i dont know is;
Do they live in cold water?
No, bettas are tropical fish and require a temp of at least 76 degrees F, but 78 to 82 degrees is preferred, so you will most likely need a heater in the tank unless you live in a hot environment to begin with

Do i need a filter?
It is preferred and helps maintain the tank a lot easier. If you dont have a filter you'll need to do weekly or twice a week water changes depending on the size of the tank.

What type of tank?
At least 2.5 gallons Imo, but more is always better.

Where you think i could buy one?
Where are you located? Most petstores sell bettas, you can also buy them online at places like ebay, or, but buying a fish online is def more expensive then buying on from the store.

And how much are they usually??
they can run anywhere from $3 to $50 depending on where you get it and what quality you want

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