Search results

  1. N

    King Betta

    well i think they meant the wild betta splendens seeing as how most wilds can be kept in pairs or groups. the domesticated bettas have had aggression bred into them haven't they?
  2. N

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    check the water stats and the temp and post them
  3. N

    Imbellis Betta

    check out anubiasdesign; i think the operator behind it is the head of the ibc
  4. N

    Betta Fans How Many Do You Have

    I've got ~ 10 combtail females, and ~ 50 mahachai
  5. N

    Fry Food... Opinions Please :)

    I've heard people use it with great success, but I haven't had any luck using it with my wild spawn. I would just use infusoria until day 3 and have some backup food (microworms, brine shrimp starting at week 1) just in case
  6. N

    Breeding More Docile Bettas.

    i'm curious as to whether they'll be able to successfully breed when they're totally docile. i always associated the bad temperament with courtship behavior
  7. N

    Red Worms

    those sound a bit like bloodworms which are midge larvae
  8. N

    How To Feed?

    i cut however much i need with a spare utility knife, defrost it and toss it in. i'm feeding fry though so they'll pretty much consume everything on the bare bottomed tank
  9. N

    Live Bloodworms

    i don't think you'd like them to multiply as they are actually midge larvae ^_^ ; just keep them in the fridge to slow their metabolism
  10. N

    Plant Species Good For Bettas

    i use amazon swords and anubias nana...if you can find some java moss, that works great too
  11. N

    Hot Weather

    i just unplugged mine. they might need cooling down tomorrow. it's supposed to hit 97 tomorrow in NYC
  12. N

    I'm Starting To Panic About My Spawn

    just make sure the bottom is clean otherwise the ventrals aren't gonna develop on the bottom dwellers
  13. N


    g'luck and hope all goes well
  14. N

    :o This Looks Cruel

    processing of emotions and emotional events are handled by the amygdala in the brain. humans have quite a developed amygdala, while fish, who have little need for emotions beyond the small bit of parental care, have a primitive one. therefore, i think it'd be safe to assume that a fish's range...
  15. N

    Wierd Growth

    maybe planaria? or some sort of nematode
  16. N

    Ct Question?

    i thought it was only considered ct if there was a 50% fin membrane reduction
  17. N

    Picky Eater

    you can always gut stuff the worms with veggies
  18. N

    Whos Spawning What?

    have a mahachai spawn that's about 6 weeks old now. they seem grow slower than betta splendens. most if not all are less than 1/2 inch at this point
  19. N

    Best Sites Online..

    check the petshops in flushing, elmhurst and chinatown. i've seen some legit hms in chinatown, plakats, dragons and dts in elmhurst and sd in flushing.
  20. N

    Diagnosis Needed - Pic's

    one question, is he pooping at all? looks like extreme constipation to me. maybe a bath in epsom salt or some peas
  21. N

    Halfsun How Much Do The Sell For

    you need at least 2 generations to get the halfsun... hm x ct and then you'll have to breed two of the offspring together and that spawn has a chance. not sure what they go for though :blush:
  22. N

    Female Halfmoons And Halfmoon Plakats For Sale

    oh that's what an hmpk female looks like? no wonder my spawn turned up with super short tails lol...beautiful fishies
  23. N

    Mozzie Larvae

    they eat microorganisms in the water (protozoans and such) better keep them in your fridge to slow them down. they mature very quickly. dispose of any pupae you see. the pupae kinda look like small black curled shrimp with two antennae
  24. N

    Mustard Gas Bettas

    i think the original mustard gas bettas were supposed to have variegated fins as well
  25. N


    for my first time breeding, mortality rate was 80% ish? yeah it's pretty high. not sure what happened. i have a store near me that takes them and gives me store credit (which i do sorely need) and i have some betta addict friends as well
  26. N

    How To Pronounce

    i've always pronounced it as beta (as in the greek letter) but it's supposed to be pronounced like bet-tuh...according to what i know about english and spelling anyways
  27. N

    5 Day Old Spawn

    lol well normally, fry belly's are clear. so if the food is orange, it's pretty safe to assume that they've even if they're stomachs are orange isn't it? :fun:
  28. N

    Whats The Most Anyone Has Payed For A Betta?

    uhhhh i paid $25/pair for mahachai. so $25+shipping (me and my friend ordered 2 pairs, so we split shipping), it came out to be ~ $40. so $20 per fish xD
  29. N

    Got Two For .99

    feeding nice foods (i recommend hikari or atison's), a small sponge filter bubbling away and doing a partial water change every week. maybe some java moss or a nice silk plant too otherwise, you seem like you're doing a great job
  30. N

    Would Love To Try Breeding

    pretty much you have to change water everyday and monitor your fry. in addition, most fry won't take anything except for live foods, so you'll have to have quite a few batches of infusoria/microworms/vinegar eels going for the first month and brine shrimp hatcheries for 2nd week until 2nd month
  31. N

    You Guys Will Never Believe This!

    hope you'll carry wilds also :drool:
  32. N

    Powdered Brine Shrimp?

    i heard that only the actual cysts cause sbd and i think it's true as i made sure not to feed any of my fry any cysts and they turned up fine. they had bbs from day 2 until about 3 months
  33. N

    Any Instructions On Breeding Mahachai?

    lol it really depends on the betta for splendens. i've bred regular betta splendens before, but the mahachai are totally foreign to me. right now, the male is just in his broken clay pot tending the eggs and the female is swimming around. one of the different things about them is that males...
  34. N

    Any Instructions On Breeding Mahachai?

    my pair just mated today. i guess i shouldn't have used ial. so now i have about 50 eggs and the male is currently tending them. any tips on raising the fry? how different are they than raising regular betta splendens? should i take the parents out? i have an infusoria culture and about 40...
  35. N

    Dohc Vtec Photoshoot

    she could be. i don't have enough experience with plakats to be able to distinguish between female plakats and female vts :sad:
  36. N

    New Fish

    count the number of times each primary divides. 2 rays from each primary ray is typical of vts and pks. 4-8 are for hm, hmpk, sd and delta. 8+ is for rose tail.
  37. N

    Dohc Vtec Photoshoot

    VTEC seems to be a cambodian veiltail as you can see from her caudal rays. They only divide once.
  38. N

    Betta With Posible Constipation

    i would give him a little bit of blanched and shelled pea and fast him for a day or two
  39. N

    My Mahachai

    yes they are. haha, they're extremely shy; they run into the clay pots and plants when i turn the hood light on and stay there. so i've resolved to keep it off. don't like the filter that much either so i guess i'll be doing quite a few water changes
  40. N

    My Mahachai

    still pretty shy but i got two ok shots of them. i just got them yesterday. female and male