Picky Eater


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Dunkirk, MD
Hey I have a quick question.... What do you feed a picky eater? Fred won't eat pellets any more. All he wants are worms. Live or dried he doesn't care, he just wants worms. I know feeding him dried food all the time isn't good for him. He still has a healthy appitite, but he just won't eat pellets. Any suggestions.
I've had this problem and I've found the best solution is to not feed them for a day, then offer the pellets the day after. If he doesn't eat then, try a bit of defrosted pea for variety. If he refuses pellets the day after that, try a new variety. What brand are you currently using?

They have us wrapped around their little fingers/fins :rolleyes:
:blush: I am hopelessly wrapped around his fins!!! When I first broung him home he wouldn't eat the Hakari Bio-gold pellets so I went and bought HBH. He seemed to like them, or at least he ate them. Anyway I read here to vary his diet. So I fed him dried worms. He went nuts!!!! He was still eating pellets. Then for a change I fed him live worms. He went really nuts!!!! But he still would eat pellets. Then about a week ago he just refuses to eat the pellet. He does the normal "food dance , then when I put the pellets in the tank, he sucks them down and spits them right back out, and gives me "the fin". I have also tried giving him a pea, mashed seasoned with garlic, and lovingly fed to him. He still gives me "the fin" and swims away. It figures I would have to have a picky betta. :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol: I learned that you have to get them used to a certain diet. Kinda like babys, if ya feed em fruit for the first time or anything else sweet, all they want is sweet things.

once the betta tryed somethin he liked, dats all wants now. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ya kinda gotta show him that pellets are his main diet. HAs he tried flakes yet? :cool: :cool:
try soaking his food in garlic juice

its good for their immune system and it is good for fussy eaters in the fact it entices them to eat it
:p The only thing I have put garlic juice on is mashed peas. As far as flakes go, they don't. :no: Fred won't eat them. Will feeding him only live worm hurt him? I am ready to give in to him as long as it won't make him sick. If he wants worm I don't mind feeding him worms but I don't want him to get constipated or sick from eating them. I still can't believe what lengths I will go to so this little fish will be happy.
I thought about crushing the dried worms into a course powder and mixing that with the pea mush. I wonder if he would eat peas that way. My Hubby laughs, he thinks I take better care of Fred then him. :crazy: I am going to try feeding him live and try some frozen foods till I can sort this out. I am glad my other boy Tweet, a solid yellow vt, is not a picky eater.

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