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  1. C

    Daydreaming About Next Tank

    I had my appendix out last week, and the doctors told me not to lift more than 15 pounds for a month, for fear of hernia. As my job was to deliver pizza, this means a lot of free time (and I have to have a friend help me do water changes :/ ).Thank god I have some savings. Anyway, while I am...
  2. C

    Florida Flagfish Heavy Breathing :(

    Of course, you're still lightyears ahead of us in terms of Brackish knowledge, but I felt it was only fair to johnny5 to point that out. It is also worth noting that in the course of fixing the page you somehow changed the picture to a mudskipper.
  3. C

    Florida Flagfish Heavy Breathing :(

    :hey: 8-)
  4. C

    Florida Flagfish Heavy Breathing :(

    I have not kept this fish, one of the main reasons I chose not to keep it was that it required a significantly lower temp than the other fish I wanted to keep: 66-72F (19-22C) according to Badman's. What temp do you have them at? Other than that, something is obviously interrupting his...
  5. C

    I Want One!

    My guess is the gravel is for the Nitrogen bacteria to hang on to. I almost bought one of those instead of my brackish tank. Edit: The very last paragraph of this page says that the gravel is live rock.
  6. C

    Stocking Question

    I would say to add the chromides as a group because of the cichlid dominance issues you just wrote about in the other thread. The BBGs can probably (up to about 5 or so) all go in at once because they are such a small bioload. So you will probably be fine just adding one species at a time, with...
  7. C

    Stocking Question

    That pet place has wild type chromides and bumblebees at least, and they carry fig 8s but are out of stock. My personal history with that shop is good. They care about their livestock, and the fish came packed very well and both arrived alive. I'm not sure if they still have it, but they had a...
  8. C

    I Think I Got Lucky (Monodactylus Kottelati)

    Mabye this will help? C'mon, pics would rock.
  9. C

    Actual Skull Decor

    I think (just a guess, no degrees or anything) that it would do alright in a higher pH situation, hard water, with good KH. If the water is acidic, the bone would probably dissolve fairly quickly, because the calcium carbonate would rush out and buffer the pH. In a base, it wouldn't need to...
  10. C

    Best Way To Prep Brackish Water For A Big Tank?

    Yeah, if you want to change the salinity, it's best to do that during weekly changes rather than anything massive. I don't remember where I read it but I heard that as long as you don't change the tank as a whole more than .002 SG at a time the good bacteria will adapt. I'm not sure you want to...
  11. C

    New Orange Chromide Not Eatin

    Getting multiples sounds like a good idea, it'd also just help to increase the odds of you getting what you want, which is a breeding pair or two females. A post I made to the Old World Cichlid forum got a response that all Orange Chromides will eventually whittle themselves down to one, but...
  12. C

    Best Way To Prep Brackish Water For A Big Tank?

    Worth adding that (unless you have some fish with very specific SG requirements) brackish tanks don't really need to wait 24 hours and get the temp perfect. As long as you aren't wildly off, most brackish fish enjoy variety in their salinity, temp, pH, etc. Typically you have a fairly wide range...
  13. C

    New Orange Chromide Not Eatin

    It might just be that you have two males, and the loser refuses to eat because he is scared and just wants to leave the stronger male's territory. You would have very bad luck in that case, having consistently gotten males. If you've just been picking the brightest fish available though, those...
  14. C

    Orange Chromide Dominance

    (Edit: never mind, this bears more observation. With the lights off they seem to tolerate if not enjoy each other's presence. Perhaps the "aggression" is just the male being assertive about mating and stressing the female out. There hasn't been much, if any, biting or wrestling. I guess I'm just...
  15. C

    New Orange Chromide Not Eatin

    Thanks for the link, they're just settling in now. A bit scared I might have two males, as there was one dust-up, but for the most part they actually are hanging together, so I'm optimistic. Getting along well with others, eating, and exploring. Pretty good for 12+hours in a dark box...
  16. C

    New Orange Chromide Not Eatin

    Unfortunately, I live in Tucson, so it'd be a heck of a drive for me and the fish. I've seen Fig 8's (Desert Pet) and Dragon Gobies (Tropical Kingdom and wal-mart of all places) around here though. I'd suggest a fish trade if I had any confidence about shipping them, I included the links to...
  17. C

    New Orange Chromide Not Eatin

    Wish I could help you, all I've found in my "research" is that they "Can be fussy at times and refuse to eat dry food or any type of food on occasions." Don't know if that means they're willing to starve themselves or if that means they'll hold out for some particular food or what. I would...
  18. C

    What To Get?

    I've never had either of these species, but I might suggest you look into Monos and Violet Gobies (aka, Dragon Goby). Both are large, peaceful, and will do well in a 55g, perhaps together? I don't know much about them, but mabye a Green Chromide and a few of its Orange Chromide cousins might...
  19. C

    New Api Test Vials?

    Thankfully the cycle phase is over already, but I plan on still checking once or twice a week. Copper might be good as the complex has copper plumbing, but it hasn't been a problem so far. Hardness might be interesting, but my pH has been perfectly steady so far and it's brackish so it'll get...
  20. C

    New Api Test Vials?

    API has singular tests? LFS did not carry them so i had no idea. Any suggestions for 2 tests I don't already have or 2 from the kit that are more likely to run out early?
  21. C

    New Api Test Vials?

    Well, I broke 2 of the vials from my API test kit. Is there any way I can replace them without buying a whole new kit? Would be nice to be able to do more than two tests at a time. Thanks, C-Bull
  22. C

    Some Behavior Questions For A Couple Of Brackish Species.

    So far so good with the tank, but the way a couple of fish are behaving has me wondering if I could be doing better. The larger of my two knight gobies has taken to pacing the front left corner of the tank, up and down and up and down. He'll occasionally do more natural things: hide, perch on...
  23. C

    Dalmatian Molly Is Sick...please Help!

    No. If you get it a sponge filter and small heater it might be able to be a small fry tank but it definately can't hold the ghost cats for longer than an hour. Betta's are peculiar because they are labyrinth fish, which means they can breath air and don't depend as much as most fish on good...
  24. C

    Dalmatian Molly Is Sick...please Help!

    Glad to hear about disco, but a few things. First, I am not an expert, but you are reading the chart right. I hold no fish degrees, have only one tank, but I do know fish can handle way more than .5 ppm in most situations (exposure is still not great for long term health, hence the many fans of...
  25. C

    Dalmatian Molly Is Sick...please Help!

    Hello, I'd like to apologize for hijacking your thread for my own purposes, I have a similar problem with the exact same species of fish so it seemed a waste to start a second thread. I have a female dalmatian molly that is very pregnant. Just a few hours ago I noticed some brown spots on...
  26. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    Quick Question: I just noticed that my tap water tests at somewhere above 1.000. I would guess because of hardness rather than any actual salt. When I adjust for what's in the tap water (I assume I do need to adjust), is it a straight addition (example: 1.004 hydrometer reading - 1.001 tap water...
  27. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    Managed to get it to eat a few bloodworms by dangling them in front of him while the lights were off. Not a resounding victory, but I'll take it where I can get it for now. It sounds like they get more comfortable and assertive food-wise as they go. If I'd read your FAQ earlier I probably would...
  28. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    Well, night 2 hasn't gone terribly well either. I dropped some in after keeping the tank (and the surrounding room) dark for an hour, and the flounder remained anchored to the wall while the gobies gulped everything down. I'll see if I cant find something live and worm-like tomorrow. It's a...
  29. C

    Molly Fight.

    I have 3 "Dalmatian" Mollies, one male and two female. Yesterday I added new fish to the tank. The tank is brackish so I added 2 Knight Gobies, a Freshwater Flounder, and a Nerite Snail. At the moment interspecies relationships are all peaceful. The bacteria are adjusting to the new bioload...
  30. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    Well, a day in with the new fish, the gobies and mollies seem to get along just fine. The Nerite has been grazing contently on the bogwood, and the flounder has been doing a fantastic job at hide and seek with me (it is winning). I'll add the Chromides after I am confident in the water...
  31. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    Thanks much, is there any rule of thumb for lowering my salt content while I change water? Will there be any problem with just not adding any salt to the new water until I get it that low? Come to think of it, I really have no idea why I put it that high in the first place. More brackish is more...
  32. C

    Brackish Stocking Questions

    So it sounds like I am the one who misunderstood. Thanks again, C-Bull
  33. C

    Stocking My 29G Brackish Tank

    This is more or less a rehash of a post I put in the "My First Freshwater Tank" forum by mistake, sort of. I am starting my first tank, but I decided to go brackish. So long as you can stand a neophyte in your presence, I'd like to ask your opinion of my stocking plans. I'll try to condense all...
  34. C

    Brackish Stocking Questions

    That's more or less what I figured. I could have just rephrased much of the post as "can I trust this website," I suppose. Sounds like my LFS guy is still trustworthy. for now... Unfortunately you misread me here. The problem was that several sources claim that the Mollies can't take a pH...
  35. C

    Brackish Stocking Questions

    I've got a 29 gallon brackish tank (SG about 1.008 atm) and the nitrogen cycle is ever so close to being done. Now, I already had a stocking plan that I ran by a well reputed LFS guy, but the more I read aquarist forums the less I am inclined to trust anyone employed by a pet store. The plan...