New Api Test Vials?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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Well, I broke 2 of the vials from my API test kit. Is there any way I can replace them without buying a whole new kit? Would be nice to be able to do more than two tests at a time.


You get a new one in the singula test kits but besides that I don't know. You could try writing to them and asking? You never know, you may get a few for free!
API has singular tests? LFS did not carry them so i had no idea. Any suggestions for 2 tests I don't already have or 2 from the kit that are more likely to run out early?
Ammonia will run out first without a doubt (assuming you're cycling). Nitrite not far behind.

I think API do copper tests and also KH and GH ones. I don't know the KH and GH of my water but a lot of people have those tests. They measure the hardness of the water.
Thankfully the cycle phase is over already, but I plan on still checking once or twice a week. Copper might be good as the complex has copper plumbing, but it hasn't been a problem so far. Hardness might be interesting, but my pH has been perfectly steady so far and it's brackish so it'll get buffered by the marine salt every week anyhow. I'm honestly not likely to do anything about the dH unless it's very, very bad for the fish (pretty confident it won't be). I haven't had any real algae problems so phosphate seems wasteful, and the only thing affected by calcium is a lone nerite snail.

So, ammonia and nitrate perhaps? Assuming they keep.
Oh I've got algae probs but I just put it down to the plants/ferts. Is that linked to phosphate then? You're lucky you've had such a steady PH. Someone said to my KH (I think) might be quite low which is why mine swings down quickly.

Yeah I'd get Ammonia and Nitrite. I'm just about to order my third lot of Ammonia tests :D
if you've still got 2 left then just rinse them and use those. You dont need to stick to one tube per test type.

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