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    Really Really Hacked Off

    I've lost more controllers and mice from that sort of thing than i dare to count.
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    Increasing Oxygen/aeration!

    Only things effected by micro bubbles are sponges and sea horses from what I've read. Other than that your golden.
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    Marine First Aid Kit

    Yeah you can have pretty severe reactions to things like zoas. So it's a good thing to keep around. I shouldn't really take the mic but i wasn't sure if he was joking or was just skimming the comments :)
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    Marine First Aid Kit

    I tried to feed my clown fish a benadryl but she was having none of it :)
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    Aiptasia Cull

    Singly there not really a huge problem the main issues are they can sting fish and coral if they get big enough and also 1 can spray spores into your tank if it feels threatened and you can end up with hundreds. Doesn't happen often but it does happen.
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    Marine First Aid Kit

    Hi Since i can't seem to find any lfs that sells wormer suitable for Marine Fish I will probably have to go online and order something. This got me thinking all the research i've done on parasites and disease in marine fish, suggests that things can go very wrong very quickly. Should I get some...
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    Aquatics Live

    I'm from Wales london is a walk in the park. Might go down depends on the ticket price ect.
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    Salt, Salt, Salt!

    Yeah if your using tap water you will need to declorinate it. Prime is ideal.
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    Cleaning Glass

    + 1 although I also have a squiggy/blade scrapper I use sometimes.
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    Upgrading Tank- Advice Needed

    I'd scrap the noodles then and put LR rubble in the back if it was me. You might also be able to fit some cheato or rowaphos or similar in there if you need/fancy it. Hard to suggest without knowing the specifics of the design.
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    Anybody Fancy A Upgrade!

    Yeah I think if i ever change i'll either go Stupid big like 10 x 2 x 2 min or i'll start filling my haouse with tons of nanos.
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    I'm wondering if it maybe worms a couple of times I have seen stringy poo's and reading on the internet this is not common for marine fish who it is more like a sandy discharge ? Also i saw something in tank earlier thet looked like a worm with a head similar to a feather duster except more...
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    The spot on the dorsal fin looks sort of loose and flaps about like a bit of flake food if it was stuck there if that makes sense. The mark on the face looks like an 0 to me it protrudes above the contour of the face. The little one looks to have something white and flapping just below his...
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    Yeah i did her and the male she went in first and came out last and the male had 5 mins so she would have been nearer to 6mins. I've tried today to get a better picture but my lack of tri-pod, macro lens and also my inability to use a camera properly have just given me a load of images which are...
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    Thinking About Stock

    You could get a yellow neon goby. I really like mandarins but they need corepods to survive so depending on the size of your setup you may need to run copepod cultures to keep him fed. I'm sure given your lust for DIY you can bang together a setup to produce both phytoplankton and copepods. I've...
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    Both spots still remain after giving them a freshwater bath. Should i wait a while for it to work or is there something else I should be doing now.
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    Just Noticed Weez Is Almost No1 Poster Again

    Don't worry once your tank is fully up and running you'll have no time for forums just maintenance and rescaping.
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    A New Start...

    I knew there was a decent excuse out there for my lack of aquascaping ability and now i have it. "It's not my fault I got the wrong shaped rocks". Looks really good and really like the pheonix metaphor.
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    Upgrading Tank- Advice Needed

    Do you have an external filter running with ceramic noodles or similar or are you refering to an internal filter like in the juwel tanks. What sort of media are you running ? Most people don't run standard internal/external filters with ceramic noobles, sponges ect as these tend to start...
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    Oscars need large well filtered tanks. They get very big very fast. The growth in the first year is amazing. That being said they do make amazing pets. I wouldn't worry about ph as trying to alter you tap water ph is going to cause a lot of problems. Better to acclimitize the oscar slowly to...
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    My carbon is small stick like pieces(technical :hyper: ) . Like a few of the others i run a small amount constantly and switch it out when i do my phosphate remover. But my tank hasn't been running long.
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    Just Sourced Some Reasonably Local Lr

    I would probably be tempted to run rowaphos or similar if you think the rock was a bit neglected. Just to reduce future algea issues. or maybe chuck some cheato in the sump. Yeah i felt a bit sorry for the guy I bought my first tank from, then again I felt even more sorry for his fish.
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    Is This A Stupid Idea?

    Arsenic is also 100% natural. I'd check it just to be sure.
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    Hob Skimmers? Are They Trust Worthy?

    Not had any trouble with my mce600 so far. Although i may turn it around so that i can see the back and tune it in a bit better. Getting quite a wet skim at moment and a lot of waste inside the wrong side of the cup.
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    Marine Photo Caption 3

    I know you said the sea food in this place was fresh but this is just ridiculous.
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    Major Tank Death :(

    Sorry for your loss.
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    Mighty Confused

    Regal tang needs a 5-6ft tank really. 55 gallon is what a lot of sites reccomend as the absolute minimum for a yellow tang. It's one of those decisions you kinda have to make yourself as you will get people on both sides of the fence on this one i think.
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    They've been on her since maybe a day or 2 after she was placed in the tank. When i freshwater dip her should i do the male as well. He doesn't have any signs on him but it may be the safest route. I figure that what ever it was took advantage of the lowered immune system due to her stressing...
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    What Paint Do I Need To Get?

    I followed bens and others advise and used ronseal tile paint, "Granted blue but yeah" and was really inpressed. Alot of paint will struggle to adhere and spread properly on glass.
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    White Dots On Clown Fish

    I know i've mentioned this before but i'm pretty sure there's something wrong with 1 of my clown fish. She has 2 white dots one on her dorsal fin and one on her face that she has had for 2-3 weeks now. Below is a picture i have put green boxes around area to make it easier to see. I'm not...
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    Anemone Acclimitisation

    You guys are a bad influence :devil:
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    Anemone Acclimitisation

    £50 for approximately 4inch diameter I would say give or take. One with the neon green tips. Was staring through the glass and :drool: at it. Still haven't figured out the whole coral price thing some stuff I like the look of is £20 and the thing next to it i fancy is £120. Also i really want...
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    Anemone Acclimitisation

    I'm waiting as well liam. Just researching. Seen a hammer coral i really fancy but trying to talk myself out of it as I promised myself frags only.
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    Well Done Salty's

    I didn't even make top 20 :(
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    Live Rock And Light

    nope although without it your coraline algea will die off. ( not always a bad thing.)
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    Anemone Acclimitisation

    I was thinking of a Red/rose or green bubbletip (Entacmaea quadricolor).
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    Anemone Acclimitisation

    Do you guys remove your corals when you first put an anemone in a tank to stop it leaving a trail of destruction as it wanders round looking for it's spot. Or do they naturally move around corals. I realise my tank hasn't been stable long enough for an anemone yet, but it may effect my coral...
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    Woot Quadruple 0

    I was hoping for more like every 3-6 months.
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    D+D Putty

    You could use epo putty similar product without the oxygen removal. Needs 6-12 hours to dry properly though so you need to build with it under water.
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    Warning : Product

    Epo putty is a better alternative to d + d epoxy as it is not supposed to have this effect and it dries slightly harder. As others have said it's the d + d putty pulling oxygen out of the water to dry.