D+D Putty


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I get the last of my rock tomorrow so need to think about securing it really, I don't want to be messing around with it every 5 mins like Woody :p So Im thinking If I secure it I can't move it haha!

I have some of this and some miliput from the guy who I bought my LR from. From reading a few things it appears that it takes the oxygen out of the water or something. I have no fish at the moment so am I safe to just go ahead and secure all my rock in one go or do I need to go bit by bit. How would this effect my CUC and coral frags?

Also any ideas on scapes? At the moment I have 2 sections either side with a gap in the middle, but toying with the idea of a mound one side with a sort of lip then under the lip the LR thinning out towards the right hand side with the smaller pieces I have. Hard to imagine I guess without being in my head (and trust me you dont wanna go there)
Any ideas for scapes are welcome, but I don't want to be taking someone elses idea from a journal if you get my point, rather try and think of something before stealing someone elses design!

love to you all!!! :D
I have used the D+D putty and did not have trouble with corals while following the instructions (which say to not use too much in one go and work it well beforehand, in water).
drill the rock and use acryllic rods available on ebay for a couple of quid weez, i intend never using any of these epoxys in my set up, for simple reason, you never know when you may have to remove a rock from your scape. as for the scape chuck in the rock and let it develop, you will get plenty of ideas as you go along i'd imagine
Im scared to drill anything, knowing me I end up in A+E! How do I know where to drill, how far etc! Scares me as I reckon I will end up breaking the rock, my rock feels quite easy to break :crazy:
just take it slowly and go through fairly centrally, or another way would be to cut the rods up into individual "pegs" and sort of jigsaw the pieces together by drilling half the depth of the peg into two bits of rock and just fit em together you only have to secure the rocks from falling, not make a solid lump, and if a rock breaks then hey.... you got two rocks lol

like this

sorry for the crap drawing just knocked it up in about 30 secs but i'm sure you get the idea
Haha then I drill them and have 4 rocks and end up with rubble... Im not sure I have the patience to do it, I will completely honest! Also no confidence to do it either! Scares the **** outa me :S
I'll have you know weeza that I haven't 'tweaked' my LR for 48hrs now! :lol:

IMO reef putty is crap. If you want unique scapes then drill and rod your LR as you won't get more secure than that.
You could use epo putty similar product without the oxygen removal. Needs 6-12 hours to dry properly though so you need to build with it under water.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Round of applause for Woody :p

It just scares me the whole rod thingy!

I may try that instead! Mind you if I don't have fish it might just be worth doing half tomorrow half saturday, hopefully my CUC and frags will be ok! But at least its not fish I would lose...
i'm gonna stop giving this girl info on diy lol........ always an excuse for not doing it....... women :/

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