Anemone Acclimitisation


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Do you guys remove your corals when you first put an anemone in a tank to stop it leaving a trail of destruction as it wanders round looking for it's spot. Or do they naturally move around corals. I realise my tank hasn't been stable long enough for an anemone yet, but it may effect my coral purchasing choices and also fail to plan, plan to fail ect ect.
no i did not, depends on the anemone, which one were you thinking of?

Depends on the power of the sting, type of base the anemone likes, whether is floats to move or crawls on the rock etc etc!
I was thinking of a Red/rose or green bubbletip (Entacmaea quadricolor).
Not only do they not move around corals, I have a nem (I think Heteractis aurora) that seemed to specifically want to sit on some this past week. It's a small nem in a small tank that had a few softie frags in it temporarily while I figured out where to put them. Bit of Anthelia, some little piece of toadstool, a bit of mushroom, and some sort of tree coral. The nem eventually outgrew a small rocky hole it was living in and then literally chased the frags around the tank no matter where I put them. This went on for a few days and it stopped and anchored down within minutes of me removing the last frag. I have no idea whether it was just desperate to sit where something else was sitting or if it wanted to nuke competitors, but it probably would have killed the frags if I left them be, since it would have smothered if not melted them. I don't know if that some unique strangeness to the species of nem, but you will definitely minimize losses if you let the nem have free range of the tank for a while. It's not just a risk to corals either - somewhere I recall reading about a BTA that got melted while trying to wade through some mushrooms.
Bubbletips - best check with Seffie Queen of BTA! BUT i'd say, that you can plonk them in with corals (obv by plonk i mean acclimitise well and then carefully place them in!!)

Cover your powerheads because they puff up and float to move around! Their sting is strong but i would say not strong enough to kill a coral unless it remained by it or on it for a long period!

I've found the BTA i have has stayed where he was placed unless he got injured in which case he hid in the dark and came out when he'd fixed himself! He barely moved around the tank and rock though, but each are different.
I want a BTA but need to wait for my new tank to mature.
I'm waiting as well liam. Just researching. Seen a hammer coral i really fancy but trying to talk myself out of it as I promised myself frags only.
I'm waiting as well liam. Just researching. Seen a hammer coral i really fancy but trying to talk myself out of it as I promised myself frags only.

It's a torch for me. The Hammer coral's cousin. Great anemone substitute and clown fish can host them. They still pack a sting tho.
£50 for approximately 4inch diameter I would say give or take. One with the neon green tips. Was staring through the glass and :drool: at it. Still haven't figured out the whole coral price thing some stuff I like the look of is £20 and the thing next to it i fancy is £120.

Also i really want an anemone. Just concidering hammer too :)

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