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  1. Chrispixx

    Would This Work?

    i have nothing to add to this because i've never kept piranha nor had the urge to. But i saw this on You Tube and thought id show you. ( if anyone thinks they will be upset or affected buy this clip you should not view it past the 10 or 20 second mark if at all.) But this shows the importance...
  2. Chrispixx


    Hello And Put the light on a timer. Got to your local home center... Home Depot, Lowes, whatever you have where you live, and get a light timer and set it to come on in the afternoon, and go off at bedtime. All my tanks are on timers. This is what i have..... Light Timer Most of them...
  3. Chrispixx

    Trouble Deciding On Gravel

    I'm partial to white i have it in three of my tanks, it looks great with a black background. Whatever you decide just a few suggestions. 1. Make sure the gravel is inert and coated in a colorfast resin. Like this Gravel. 2. Get a small size the bigger sizes trap poop and crud and is hard to...
  4. Chrispixx

    This Is A Good One!

    I ran into a situation this afternoon at an LFS in my area. I went in to get some cardinal tetras to go with the black neons in my 20 gal. (I wanted cardinals because i had read on here that they are hardier than neon tetras.) The guy (which has years and years of experiance) said not to...
  5. Chrispixx

    Just Bought A 5000g Tank

    J4MES...This place will build you a BIG TANK.... not 5,000. It would either be 4,500 or 6,000 and it will have to be Acrylic. The 6,000 is just under $140,000 U.S. Dollars. Go ahead charge it. :lol: And check out the price of the 45,000 Gal.
  6. Chrispixx

    Magic Trick

    That was a magic trick with a fish tank. This is a true Magic Fish Tank How in the world is this done. Wow!
  7. Chrispixx

    Magic Trick

    Amazing.. At first i thought it was going to be a waste of five minutes, but it ended up being pretty cool. It would have been better if it was in english. I remember David Blane did a similar trick in his show street magic, where they were in front of a restauraunt and he threw the cards at...
  8. Chrispixx

    I Just Started

    If you have been keeping fish for three years you should know about fishless cycling and should have gone that route. You should also know that most people on here think that Cycle is a waste of money. The only product that i have known to work is Bio-Spira, it needs to be kept refrigerated so...
  9. Chrispixx

    I Just Started

    I'm Speechless.
  10. Chrispixx

    45,000 Gal. Tank

    I found this site earlyier today. If your interested apparently this guy will build you one for just a tad under Three Million Dollars. Scroll down towards the bottom... thier largest acrylic tank is 240x240x180
  11. Chrispixx

    I Must Be Mad

    See if he will get you this tank instead of learning to drive. Azaezl's New Tank
  12. Chrispixx

    Undergravel Filter

    On my 55 i have dual HOB (hang on back) filters, one on each side and one heater in the middle. This works just fine becuse of the circulation from the HOB filters. I used to have a UGF on this tank but crud and junk building up under the plates led to bad water quality and fish death. At the...
  13. Chrispixx

    Upset Wondering If Anyone Else Gets In Arguments With Fish

    I dont get into arguments... but i yell at my tinfoil barbs all the time. They get excited at feeding time and they like to splash, usually at the exact time when the lid is up and i'm putting food in. The have big tail fins and can move a lot of water, i usually look like i was drinking...
  14. Chrispixx

    Excitited And Confused...

    I definitetly wouldnt add the Bala to the list wendywc provided. They get to big in my opinion. These are two good reasons not to put a Bala in the tank you want to do Poopsy.
  15. Chrispixx

    18x18x18" Equipmentless Cube - Now Planted Tropical

    The tank is great.... But i want that Camera. Nice pics. Does the tank have a lid?? you worried about fish jumping out? And evaporation.
  16. Chrispixx

    Excitited And Confused...

    There it is... it has started for you already.... That's how it starts... 1 tank , 2 tanks, etc. That's how it was for me.. now i have 5 tanks. Wait till your mom gets the electric bill. :lol: J/K. Good Luck hope you end up with a great tank.
  17. Chrispixx

    Undergravel Filter

    If there's a floss cartridge and a bio sponge in the hood (lid) part.. i would see no need for the sponge that's in the box under the gravel, (other than to keep the gravel from getting pulled into the pump) If there is a plastic screen of some sort to keep the gravel from getting pulled into...
  18. Chrispixx

    A Snail Question...any Help Appreciated :-)

    I know clown loaches eat snails not sure about yo-yo loaches.
  19. Chrispixx

    How To Treat Gill Flukes

    That being said if you can isolate them (the fish or the snails) i've had success with a combination of Coppersafe (Mardel ) Maracyn-two (Mardel) and Melafix (API) on flukes but the Coppersafe will nuke the snails. I like mardel products because they dont kill the bio filter. Heres what Mardel...
  20. Chrispixx

    How Do You Get So Many Plugins?

    The outlet on your wall should have two plugs right? use 1 powerstrip per plug. Thats what i did. or using your current powerstrip get a rectangle 3-way plug and plug it in the powerstrip and plug the tank lights and the room light into that, just make sure its not too wide so it dont block...
  21. Chrispixx

    Dyed Fish Retailers

    Lies about what... the tattooing/dying process being harmful/painful? Like i said who really knows if it is. Have there been studies? It's all just a moot point anyway, nothing can be done that will be effective unless a big animal rights group gets involved. And thier too busy saving whales...
  22. Chrispixx

    Foggy Water

    Hello and Welcome. :) It's most likely just a bacterial bloom because your tank is not cycled yet. Dont use any products to clear the water it will clear eventually on its own. You will need test kits for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to tell how the cycle is going and when it's finished...
  23. Chrispixx

    Dyed Fish Retailers

    I sent an e-mail to a LFS store owner in my area disscussing the tattooing or dying of fish as this topic was discussed on another forum.... here is a copy of the e-mail i sent. Dear Steve, I belong to a website called Fish Index. It is a forum type website dedicated to the care and...
  24. Chrispixx

    Eep Forgot Dechlorinator!

    i would think your ok as well.... prime is a great product and it seems like you added it soon enough. myself i would be more concerned about he quote below. I have soft water too that is 100% pure so i dont use declohr, but i also dont need anything for my Ph, my ph is high but it is stable...
  25. Chrispixx

    1 Month Old Tank

    Not maybe.... definitely. If you installed a new filter, and didnt put the filter material from the old filter into the new filter this is why you are having ammonia problems. You have sent your tank back into a cycle. there's two ways around this, keep doing daily water changes and wait it...
  26. Chrispixx

    Lava Rocks For Bbq's

    He did not use tin......."The following materials are required: Brown Vinyl guttering"
  27. Chrispixx

    Your Latest Fish Deaths

    I have not had a fish death in years... what are you people doing wrong?..... Beginners luck?
  28. Chrispixx

    Air Pump

    Maxta.. all air pumps should take the same size tubing. If its proper air line tubing it should fit on any pump. As far as pumps go..I have used the Elite series air pumps for years without any problems. I have four tanks and four Elite pumps and they have been running for years. It helps to...
  29. Chrispixx

    Undergravel Filter

    I had this same problem with my 55 and a UGF.. muck and crud building up under the plates led to bad water quality and ammonia problems. I got rid of the UGF and the tank turned around in a hurry. Reverse flow UGF's are supposed to be better. The water is pumped down the tube by a powerhead...
  30. Chrispixx

    Filter Carbon

    Matrix Is Great! :nod:
  31. Chrispixx

    Im Sick And Tired, Time To Go For Sand.

    If the poop and trash go between and under the gravel it is too big. If the gravel does not lift up in the tube when you vaccum it is too heavy. I had this same problem some time ago, i had gravel that was about the size of a shelled peanut, it was too big and too heavy to clean right, and took...
  32. Chrispixx

    Names Of Your Fish?

    In my 55 gal my two barbs are Moe and Larry bcause thier alway's shovin' each other around. one of my three gouramis is Virginia the other two have no names as of yet. the apollo shark is just called Apollo. and my catfish is Big Sexy.
  33. Chrispixx

    How Big Of A Tank Do You Think This Floor Will Support?

    i have a basement so if i were going with that big of a tank i would support the joists with 4x4 supports under where the tank would go. essentily what tolak said.
  34. Chrispixx

    How To Move A Large Pacu

    That is the same thing i said in my post #16 thanks for backing me up :good: true it holds no benificial bacteria but it is already aged and has no chlorine in it, thats why i suggested using it.
  35. Chrispixx


    hello all.. my name is chris i just wanted to say hi. its a pleasure to be here, this is a great site.