I Just Started


New Member
May 3, 2007
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Hello. I just started up my aquarium
I added decloriantor and i cycled the tank. The tank size is 48 gallons, and I have 3 small red devils in it.
Oh, And I have lots of little caves in the tank :lol: :wub:

Any other things i should do? -_-
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

When you say cycled the tank, what do you mean? Did you add ammonia and test every day until the ammonia and nitrite peaked and dropped back to zero or did you just let you filter run for a few days? If you didn't use ammonia, your tank isn't cycled. Do you have test kits ti measure ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH? What are you readings? If you didn't properly cycle your tank, your ammonia will start to rise quickly and you will start t lose fish.
First off hello and :hi: !!! This is a fun place to be that's for sure.

Check out the site HERE as it has many helpful topics on things such as proper cycling and all those beginner helps.

Best of Luck! :good:
Yes, I did cycle my tank. I didnt let the filter run for a few days, im not a beginner beginner..I've had tanks for about 3 years now.. I used cycle. it releases beneficial bacteria into the aquarium..so yea

well i did let my filter run but you know what i mean
Actually, Cycle is pretty much useless. The bacteria in it aren't the proper kind to process ammonia and nitrite and it is generally considered that no bacteria survives the high temperatures the products encounter while traveling in trucks and sitting in hot warehouses. Their label says it contains nitrsomonas and nitrobacters. Nitrosomonas are generally believed to be the proper bacteria to process ammonia but nitrobacters aren't the right ones for nitrite. Those are nitrspira spp. If you didn't cycle by adding ammonia and testing to see when it dropped, meaning that there are bacteria to process it, then your tank isn't cycled. If you aren't testing for ammonia and nitrite and doing water changes accordingly, you will soon have dead fish.
I've had tanks for about 3 years now.. I used cycle. it releases beneficial bacteria into the aquarium.

If you have been keeping fish for three years you should know about fishless cycling and should have gone that route. You should also know that most people on here think that Cycle is a waste of money. The only product that i have known to work is Bio-Spira, it needs to be kept refrigerated so most pet stores do not stock it.

If you have other tanks you could have taken media from them and did a fishless cycle quickly. Media from another tank plus turning up the temp could have got the job done in less than a week.

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