Search results

  1. Chrispixx

    Aquaclear Killed My Dwarf African Frog!

    Did it ever occur to you that the frog died Then got sucked into the filter? A healthy frog should have been able to swim away from the filter suction. IMO
  2. Chrispixx


    Very sociable...i have two and they are quite the characters,very comical and fun to watch. Mine are a year or so old and are out all the time even with the lights on. My tanks are on timers so they are used to the day night cycle. They keep the gravel really clean, after feeding they search...
  3. Chrispixx

    Bubble Wall

    IMO i never had much luck with the bubble wands either, they clog too fast. I have never used the flexible ones they might be better. Ive had better luck with air stones, they have stones that you can put together Like This and expand as you wish. Put it under the gravel and you will never see...
  4. Chrispixx


    YoYo loaches (Pakistani Loachs) are great bottom feeders and a pair will keep the tank really clean. Aquarium - YoYo Loach Aqua - YoYo Loach - YoYo Loach
  5. Chrispixx

    Stupid Newbie Questions

    Liam and Tolak beat me too it.. some one is always posting as i'm typing ???? heres my 2cents anyway. The media is in the filter, usually a pad or sponge of some sort. you should only have to clean it when water flow reduces. then only swooshing in a bucket of tank water when you do a water...
  6. Chrispixx

    Some V Boring Questions

    #1. Add them whenever it does not matter. #2. This should have never happened. you must have cleaned to much at once. #3. i wouldn't worry about this.. your chances of getting fish to breed are slim to none. It can happen, but i wouldn't let that stop you from getting fish that you will like...
  7. Chrispixx

    New Tank

    I have to disagree with boboboys post #5 If you use the filter from the 10 gallon on the 55 plus a larger filter along with it. Use all the gravel/sand from the 10 in the 55 and add to it so there is enough to cover the bottom, and use all the water from the 10 gallon (only because its aged) it...
  8. Chrispixx

    New 29 Gallon Tank

    It's best to read the ingredients on the back of the ammonia bottle..even if its fragrance free, some ammonia still has "Surfactants" in it. The ingredients should say Purified water + Ammonium Hydroxide, something to that effect and thats all. Surfactant (ser-fāk'tent) "A substance that...
  9. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    You mean a 6 outlet power strip? if thats the case then flipping the switch on that will shut off everything right? I use the power strips too but i plug the Switch Plug into the power strip so i can shut the heater off by itself, eliminating the trouble of unplugging the heater but being able...
  10. Chrispixx


    *blacksnapemoor*: Next time you post..before you click the submit new topic or add reply button, Click the ABC button it will take you to a link where you can download internet explorer spell check. follow the instructions an install it on your computer, Then after its installed every time you...
  11. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    I use these Switch Plugs for my heaters. Plug them in to the outlet or power strip then plug the heater into it. This way when changing water just flip the switch to shut the heater off.
  12. Chrispixx

    Cloudy Eyes On Ctenopoma Acutirostre

    I wouldn't mess with the Ph a stable Ph is better than a changing Ph. Test the Ph of your tap water, if that is high then thats why your tank is high. If that is the case then the only way to change the tank Ph is with peat moss or chemicals and that can be dangerous, and will likely rebound...
  13. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    Thanks n3ont3tra you post 10:05... I post 10:07... i hate it when that happens. Anyway i'm not deleting it, my link has a better price. :P.................:lol:
  14. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    Python is a hose you hook to your faucet. They come in different lengths from 25 to 100 feet. You can get the 25 footer then go to your home center and buy clear hose and add on. Python sells the couplers to make this possible. If you get it you will be happy you did. Just be careful with the...
  15. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    BTT..I would say your right.
  16. Chrispixx

    Official Advice Topic

    Some of you have some lengthy water change procedures...buckets, stress coat, aquarium salt (salt is not needed) unless you're brackish or have a species that requires it. I stopped using buckets along time ago, i have a python now much easier. I hook the python up to the sink start the water...
  17. Chrispixx

    Ice Cubes

    Why the need to cool the tank down in december? are you near the equator? Here are the Google search results for ice cubes for this site. ice cubes
  18. Chrispixx


    :hi: to the site.. there is a lot of great info here.
  19. Chrispixx

    Lower Ph? How?

    Need more info: how long has the tank been set up? is it cycled? how old was the fish, any strange behavior before its death? The general rule is don't mess with the ph...never mess with the ph. A stable ph is better than a changing ph. It could have been... if you just got it and he wasn't...
  20. Chrispixx

    Lighting Schedule For Working People.

    I have timers on all my tanks. They are set to come on at 1pm and go off at 11:30pm. I only feed once a day, I feed my main tank in the morning before work. The fish become active when i wake up after the light in the room comes on, so they get fed without the tank light on just the room light...
  21. Chrispixx

    I Need Help On How To Clean The Tank (especially Gravel)

    If your handy enough you can make your own Python, if you already have a manual gravel vac then you already have the main part. If your LFS sells Python replacement parts they may have the faucet siphon/fill part, hose couplers/switch, then you just go to your local home center and get the clear...
  22. Chrispixx

    Whats The Best Cheep Filter?

    I have five Penguin Bio-Wheel filters currently in use, one of them is close to fifteen years old with only one impeller replacement, so they are well made. I really like them, they are great filters. The last time i was at Wal-Mart they had Regent power filters, which are made buy Marineland...
  23. Chrispixx

    New Tff Aquarium Volume Calculator

    Very :cool: ..nice job STD. :clap:
  24. Chrispixx

    No More Garfish For Me!

    Tin Foils lose scales easily, because they tend to spook easy all it takes is a good whack into something like a decoration, heater, filter intake tube etc. to lose scales. My tins have lost scales many times over the years and never had any ill effects. They should heal up fine, just keep the...
  25. Chrispixx

    Right Way To Clean Your Filter

    See above...Post #5 (the post before yours) i dont know how you missed it.
  26. Chrispixx

    Right Way To Clean Your Filter

    When you do a water change use a clean bucket, preferably one only used for fish stuff. Fill it halfway with aquarium water then swish your filter sponges in the water. I do this once a month, i even squeeze the sponges slightly and haven't had any problems. But i also have filters with bio wheels.
  27. Chrispixx

    Just Got 4 Tropical Fish - Please Read

    This is what i do i run a finer floss sponge type pad in the bottom before the big sponge, to keep it from getting clogged with big debris.
  28. Chrispixx

    Just Got 4 Tropical Fish - Please Read

    ibbledibble: That is a really nice filter.
  29. Chrispixx

    Just Got 4 Tropical Fish - Please Read

    Lamonsas: Which size Aqua Clear did you get?? If you leave the carbon in the filter for a month it will leech everything it originally took out back into the tank. Carbon is only needed for removing medications, leave it in for a week to remove meds then take the carbon out. I have five tanks...
  30. Chrispixx

    Problem With Search

    Yeah.. it works great. But i cant take full credit for it beacuse i learned it from someone else on this site. Edit: it was kev0101 where i learned it. Heres the original thread....Searching Frustration
  31. Chrispixx

    Problem With Search

    That happens with words of three letters. So type it in Google exactly like this - air pumps(space) Don't spell out space though just have it there so it will look like this...air pumps Don't forget the word site with the colon. This is what comes...
  32. Chrispixx

    Silly advice from the lfs

    I here Pets At Home mentioned a lot. It sounds like they are really bad. They actually sound comparable to the bigger LFS stores we have in the states like Pet Co and Petsmart. They have reasonable prices on supplies but you wouldn't want to get advice there. Now where i live in addition to the...
  33. Chrispixx

    I'm So Confused....

    Man I would love to have a chat with this guy... :< I would not go with the undergravel filter as wilder suggested, they are more trouble than they are worth, they collect crud underneath the plates causing poor water quality and fish death. A HOB (hang on back) filter is the better...
  34. Chrispixx

    Looking The New Look Of Tff!

    When i first opened the site it was gray, but same as wilder once i logged on it was back to normal. I don't dislike the new gray.. . but I'm just too used to the normal blue, so thats the way it will stay for me.
  35. Chrispixx

    Leaving Tap Water To Stand For 24 Hrs

    That is exactly the question...why? there is no need for it, especially when using Prime. You remove your fish every time you do a water change? I've always mixed hot and cold to get the temp the same as my tanks, and i never had a problem. but i have pure water maybe that is the key. I feel...
  36. Chrispixx

    Hello Fellow Fish Fanatics!

    Hello Tommy Gun and :hi: to the site.
  37. Chrispixx

    Gravel Vacuuming

    You can gravel vac every time you water change as most of the beneficial bacteria live in the filter not the gravel. So basically its just personal preference, also fish size comes into play as bigger fish produce more waste thus the need for more cleaning. My barbs are big poopers so i have...
  38. Chrispixx


    What size is your hospital tank? It's not that big of a deal to add ammonia every day to a tank. Once you have the correct ammonia, you find a smaller dropper bottle and fill that for daily use. Lots of fish stuff comes in dropper bottles. Dechlorinator, stress coat, stress zyme, API test kit...
  39. Chrispixx

    Cycling This Normal?

    I have never seen a nitrIte test do anything but pale blue for negative and dark purple for positive. but thats just me... if rdd says it can turn green, clear, brown, red, yellow. :lol: then it must be true. I've only seen pale blue/purple. Personally what i would do is crank the ammonia back...