Whats The Best Cheep Filter?

ok so ive seen the Aqueon Aquarium Power Filter at about every single fish store ive been to and ive also seen the
Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filter

which one do you think is better in your opion, there both reasonably priced
ill also tale anyother filter sugestions, thanks




I haven't tried or even seen the Aqueon filter but I have used two Marineland Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 filters for 7 years now. They're fantastic filters, I've never had a bit of trouble with them. They've handled my tanks beautifully, even when they've been overstocked at times. Maintenance is easy. You can substitute plain filter media for the name brand cartridges. It's easy to add any sort of supplements you might need, such as carbon, bio-balls, etc. If you ever need replacement parts, they're easy to find locally (at least for me it is) and they're available on the website.

Yeah, I sound like a commercial or like I work for them, but honestly, I don't, I'm just cery satisfied with these filters!!
Aqueon is the company that used to be All-Glass (US glass tank manufacturer). The company renamed itself and expanded into other aquatic supplies this year. Since that means all the Aqueon stuff is pretty much brand new, it's difficult to comment on its quality. But since it's a new company, there's also a good chance that they've learned from their competitor's past mistakes and are making products of equal or better quality.

I'd just go with whatever you can get a better price on locally. Buying equipment from your local fish store (not Walmart) is a good way of supporting them. I always advocate supporting independent LFS because they're one of the best ways to get more unusual fish for a reasonable cost.
I don't know much about the quality of Aqueon's filters, but the design is very interesting, using a pump submerged in the tank rather than the filter's chambers.

I'd suggest the Penguin though, if you're looking for something that's proven.
ok so ive seen the Aqueon Aquarium Power Filter at about every single fish store ive been to and ive also seen the
Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filter

which one do you think is better in your opion, there both reasonably priced
ill also tale anyother filter sugestions, thanks




I have a Penguin Mini in my daughters 5.5G tank and an Aqeuon in my 10G quarrantine setup (for my 47G display tank that runs on an Eheim 2217 external cannister). The Penguin Mini has offered years of service and is very quiet, it works well and has proven itself thus far. So I'm quite happy with it. In my humble opinion, the Aqueon is a bit noisy in comparison to the Penguin Mini. I was disappointed somewhat by that as I had initially wanted to obtain another Penguin for the 10G QT - but the guy at my LFS suggested to try the Aqeuon as he said it was self priming. So I took it on spec.

Aqueon is self priming, Penquin Mini is not. Not a big deal if you leave enough water in the tank while doing partial water changes. I place more value on it being as quiet as possible versus being self priming. Both pumps were similar in price. Your mileage may vary.

AquaClear, if you are after a hob filter. I used to run these in my breeding setup, which was more of a filter torture than anything else. I extended intakes with tubing, and they would keep running when I did a 50%+ water change on a 20 or 29. These were run on overstocked & overfed growout and heavily fed breeder tanks. I ran them for years without a problem, until I switched to a centralized system.
i'd go with with the penguin or as tolak says...aquaclear. they are both great and quiet
The only filter I've ever used is Aquaclear and never had a problem yet. They make great power heads also.
I love the penguin bio-wheel filters! They are awesome! I have the 200, 150, 350 and a friend of mine also has the 100, however don't reccommend the 100 to highly. I also have the Emperor 400, they are all great filters, and I love the bio-wheel filter!
I really like the Tetra Whisper 30 hang on back filter that came with my all-glass tank. It is quiet, easy to maintain, and very very effective. The biological sponge quickly established the benefical bacteria colony and the combination filter floss/activated carbon pouches are very nice. It keeps my tank crystal clear. Highly recommended and very economical.

I have an Aquaclear 50 on my 20g and an Aquaclear 30 on my 10g. Based on my limited experience, they are great filters. I use Aquaclear 20 sponges as pre-filters on my intake tubes to keep smaller fish or fry from getting sucked in. Just use a knife to cut a slit longways and slip it over the intake. As they say, you can't have too much filtration...
I have five Penguin Bio-Wheel filters currently in use, one of them is close to fifteen years old with only one impeller replacement, so they are well made. I really like them, they are great filters.

The last time i was at Wal-Mart they had Regent power filters, which are made buy Marineland. They don't have the bio wheels they have a bio sponge instead. The Bio-Wheel(s) can be added to these filters but then the lid will not fit.

You can get the proper lid and Bio-Wheel at Marineland's web site, or if your LFS has the replacement Bio-Wheel, bearings and frame you can get the assembly and just not use the lid. I prefer to have lids on my filters, you never know what can get in there.

I also like the Aqua Clear filters and have one on my 30 gal, but I prefer the Penguins.

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