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  1. F

    20 Gallon Tropical Community Tank

    I would go with a trio of small gouramis... either thick-lipped or honey, not dwarf. Then a small group, say 6, of another small fish like black neons or white clouds, then a trio of one kind of cory cat. You'd have all the levels covered, and a nice looking tank. If you plant it heavily and add...
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    Killer So Called "honey Gourami"

    Glad to hear it's working out! Those guppies will fill your tank quickly... such cute little things!
  3. F

    So My Pond Is Finally In...

    Well, I did it, and I must say it looks MUCH better! I can actually see the little guys now! The plants are potted in top soil mixed with peat moss, and there was some pieces of bark mixed in the soil as well, now that I think about it. DUH! I don't know why I didn't think of that! The water...
  4. F

    Anyone Suggest Any....

    I agree... I think a pearl would be great! I would actually do a trio of them (1m, 2fm)... beautiful fish!
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    Can I Squeeze A Few In?

    I honestly think your tank isn't a problem so much as how much of a load it has and that the load is almost all on the bottom. You'd be good to change some things out for some fish that swim around the top portion. Anyway, the otos are fairly fragile little fish. They don't produce much waste...
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    Moved My 4 Leopard Danios.

    Good luck! Seems breeding is in the air again!
  7. F

    Stocking Options

    I would lose the black skirt tetras and gold gourami, and probably the sherbert barbs (not sure what those are). Then I think you'd be fine with heavy maintenance. Good luck!! I hope it all goes well for you! :thumbs:
  8. F

    My New Rosy Tetras Are Breeding!

    I bought 5 Rosy tetras yesterday afternoon, and eggs are flying everywhere! I can't believe it! :hyper: They're in a 20g with a 3-spot gourami, a curvicep (flag cichlid) and a red-tailed shark. (Yes, I know a couple of these will get too large for this tank, but the 3-spot and shark are only...
  9. F

    So My Pond Is Finally In...

    The water is still yucky... not white, not muddy. It's actually clear water, but it looks like a pot of strong tea, so you can't see the bottom of it or even more than a few inches down unless the sun is directly on it. I'm thinking of running the pump so the water goes out on the ground while...
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    Just Curious

    I see plenty have read this, but no one had responded. Is that bc I'm THAT stupid that I should know this, or bc no one else knows either? I tried finding it online, but couldn't. :fun:
  11. F

    Just Curious

    Do paradise gouramis get their stripes as the get older, or should they have them when they're born? I ask bc I was looking at the tanks at PetSmart today while I got some bloodworms and noticed the paradise fish most all looked this powdery blue color. Only a few had any red stripes to speak...
  12. F

    Water Lilies

    Yeah, there are standard ones, and then the miniatures that only get like about 3-4" diameter leaves/flowers. I know depending on the tank size that you've have to cut back the leaves some once they get growing well, I just don't know how long they'd last without an overwintering period.
  13. F

    Water Lilies

    Anyone ever used a mini water lilies in their fish tanks? I was just thinking how great they would be for coverage, and might bloom too. Anyone ever tried this before?
  14. F

    What Would You Do ?

    Choice 1 all the way! It'll look great!
  15. F

    Would You Add...

    Do you think it I removed the kribs I could replace them with a smaller group of something? Thanks, by the way!
  16. F

    Would You Add...

  17. F

    Tank Layout Idea

    If you can make sure the slate won't fall over that would look cool, esp for certain cichlids. I vote for the black sand... I have some in one of my tanks and it looks much better than the white sand.
  18. F

    Would You Add...

    a group of smaller fish to this tank? The tank is 30 gal, houses 1 angelfish, 1 pair blue rams, 1 pair of honey gouramis, 5 cories, 2 juvenile kribs, and bn plec. The angel is about the size of a silver dollar now (she was just about the size of a nickel when I got her a few months ago!), the...
  19. F

    Fish Id Plz

    Looks like a honey to me. Probably a female.
  20. F

    Killer So Called "honey Gourami"

    See if you can return the gourami, or else get him a decent tank with filter/heater. You could try a few cherry barbs with your guppies, or maybe just add to the guppy population. Sometimes if there are only 2-3 males, they'll get picked on by the larger/stronger one, so it's best to have 5-6 of...
  21. F

    Looking @ Adding Gouramis

    How about a pearl gourami? Beautiful fish, usually mild tempered. I don't know about the goby, but I'm sure the tetras you have would work fine with one. Pearls only get about 4", too, so it isn't much larger the the dwarf. Honey gouramis are a bit smaller than the dwarfs, but a trio of them...
  22. F

    So My Pond Is Finally In...

    Oh, sorry! I cloned the filter, the same as I do for my inside tanks. I used start right (ran out of Prime) when I filled it up, thenI put the old and new media in it and ran the pump for a couple of hours while I floated the fish. I haven't checked all the levels yet, but I'll do that when...
  23. F

    So My Pond Is Finally In...

    I got a 125 gal plus 35 gal spillway/waterfall thing for my birthday from my hubby. We got it in this weekend, I added the plants, water, filter, fish... all that jazz. I know we had gotten a little bit of dirt in it, but the water is so murky you can hardly see to the bottom of it. I expected...
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    My Python Sucks!

    My tank is just a few inches taller than the sink, but of course when you put the vac part in the tank, then technically it is lower than the sink. I wonder if they'll take this thing back....
  25. F

    My Python Sucks!

    We have city water, and the pressure is ok. Not great, but not real bad either. It barely pulls any water through... it will a tiny bit at first, then it stops all together. I'll recheck the tightness of the connections... maybe that's the problem. Thanks!
  26. F

    Stocking Question

    Honestly I think it's overstocked now. I think 65l = about 16 gal. The flag cichlids (I'm assuming these are Curviceps) will probably stock that tank alone, possibly with a few of the cories, maybe the oto. I certainly wouldn't add the rams or any tetras to that tank, as they'd probably get very...
  27. F

    My Python Sucks!

    I just broke down and bought a python (figured with a couple of 30-g, a 20-g, a 10-g and a couple of small ones I could use the help). Anyway, I hooked it up and it won't hardly drain the tank at all! What's wrong with this thing??? (I re-checked the hook-up and all 4-5 times before posting to...
  28. F

    Some Alternatives For A Koi Pond

    Not knowing the size makes it harder, but if it's large enough a couple of comets would do fine in there... just get them large enough so the koi won't think they're food!
  29. F

    Easy To Maintain Tank...

    Easy to maintain tank.... hmmmm.... I'd say a 50-gal with 5 neons! LOL
  30. F

    Quick Question

    OK thanks! That's what I figured, but wanted to get other opinions. :thumbs:
  31. F

    Quick Question

    Yeah, it's a normal kitchen counter, it just sticks out from the wall long ways, the way a bar would do (one that you'd have stools around), rather than the back of the cabinets being against the wall.
  32. F

    My Plans Have Changed!

    I know a bit about overwintering here, as I have had a pond in the past, I'm just not sure what minnows what do best in our weather, both the heat and the little cold we get. Thanks for all your help!!
  33. F

    Quick Question

    I can't post a pic right now, but it is about 1 - 1 1/2" thick countertop, with 4 cabinets underneath. All of the sides are make of solid wood (not particle board), straight from under the top to the floor (no decorative carvings, etc.). Hope this helps! But if not, I can add a pic later...
  34. F

    Quick Question

    Say you have a kitchen counter that is attached at one end, then sticks out from the wall like a bar. Say you have had a 10-gal and a 4-gal tank on there for about 2+ years. Do you think it would be safe to replace the 2 tanks with one 20-gal tank? I just want to make sure I won't be...
  35. F

    My Plans Have Changed!

    LOL! LOL! LOL! Ah... yes, the digging! I can imagine it will be quite tough, as we have hard dirt here. Not quite red clay until you get about a foot deep, but still hard as cement when it hasn't rained in a week or more. Good thing we have a few friends willing to help! Although we've only...
  36. F

    My Plans Have Changed!

    The old pond was 18" deep with only about 10-12" being buried, and this one is 22" deep. The pond will be all the way in the ground. I know that the general rule for goldies are 20gal for the first and 10gal for each additional, which would put this pond at being able to hold 11. That seems like...
  37. F

    My Plans Have Changed!

    I used to have a pond with a few fancy-tailed and a few comets in it.... 12-13 total, to be exact. It was quite overloaded though, and I didn't know it at the time. They all did fine as far as our weather is concerned. (I had them about 4-5 years.) I'm just wondering how many I should have to...
  38. F

    My Plans Have Changed!

    I had posted here a month or so ago about putting a 50-gal rubbermaid container outside as a small pond. Well, for my birthday my hubby got me a 125 gal pond kit. (Yipee!) So, now I need some ideas on what to stock it with. I'd like to have fish that will live year round in it, that I won't have...
  39. F

    For Those Who Use Rubbermaid Containers

    Do you think any WCMMs would work in this set-up, or would it get too hot/cold for them here? Highs here are about 95 (with a few 100 degree days) and lows are generally just above freezing with a few nights into the teens. I was thinking of adding 5-6 to the pond, once the goldfish are settled...
  40. F

    For Those Who Use Rubbermaid Containers

    I can't say it's full sun, but it probably gets 4-5 hours a day, then part shade from about 3 pm on. I had a round pond (made out of a bath tub!) a while back that was 5' wide and 18" deep. It sat almost in exactly the same place this one will be sitting, but it was in a raised bed with...