20 Gallon Tropical Community Tank


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Elk Grove, California
Okay so I have this nice 20 gallon tank that I will keep fish in. I was wondering if people can give me some suggestions about what to put in there. Like, 2 xxxxx and 4 xxxxx 1 xxxxx. I seriously need help cuz I am going to a LFS tomorrow to get fish that will live here. This is a freshwater tank and I want fish that will get along with other fish. Please don't just suggest things like "Oh I love betta, get that."

I need help like you should get 3 xxxxx, 4 xxxxx, 1 xxxx.

Oh, and how am I supposed to feed them all. (in this thread, lets not get sidetracked please)

Thanks ahead of time.
i reckon a pair of bolivian rams i would say gold but i guess your a new b and they can be quite sensetive 6 danios zebra or whatever ya want and ummmmm perhaps a 6 cory cats of your choice i rekon thet could be quite nice
Nothing. Cycle the tank first.

There's a thread on fishless cycling in the beginners section.
I agree, unless the tank has already been cycled, then don't get any fish...

If, however, the tank is cycled already, than may I suggest a shoal of 5 black skirt tetras, a pair of Bulivian Rams or Kribs, and about 5 cory catfish for the bottom of the tank...
If the tank has been cycled, I would suggest 10 small tetras (neons, cardinals, black neons, glowlights, black phantoms, rummy noses, et cetera), but they have to be all one kind. I would also add 5 corydoras catfish. There are many kinds. Pandas are one of my favorite.
I would go with a trio of small gouramis... either thick-lipped or honey, not dwarf. Then a small group, say 6, of another small fish like black neons or white clouds, then a trio of one kind of cory cat. You'd have all the levels covered, and a nice looking tank. If you plant it heavily and add a nice rock or cave centerpiece you'll love it.
Of course, cycle it first or buy Bio-Spira from a good dealer to add at the same time you add your fish. If you can't get that, ask the lfs for a piece of their filter media. Keep it wet (in dechlorinated water) until you add it to your filter and add the fish then, too.
Hope this helps!
ONLY if the tank has been cycled I would suggest some Shrimp as the cleanup crew, some guppies, platy, neon tetras, Bloodfin tetras, retailed shark(possibly).... If the tank hasn't been ccled please refer to The Fishless Cycling Thread!...

Then come back for answers on what kind of fish to keep after the cycle is finished.. :good:
If it has been cycled, i say go and get a pair of cockatoo apistogramma's, then a shoal of 6 gold cardinal tetra's
After fishless cycle, my suggestion would be 6 corys or khuulie loaches for the bottom, 6 amano shrimps for cleanup, and 4 female platies.
I would suggest reading up and researching the species already suggested and finding out what their needs are :)

Is this your first tank? What sort of filtration does it have? Have you thought about what substrate you are going to use? Corydora's/Cory's have been suggested, but they prefer sand or fine substrates to "shovel" through, anything bigger can damage their barbels around their mouth.

What sort of decor are you going to use? You need to consider if any of your ornaments are unsuitable for small fish that like to stick their heads into small places, and often get stuck!

Depending on your fish selection you will have a range of ways to feed. Things like cory's feed from the bottom of the tank and you can get sinking wafers for these bottom feeders. They also appreciate somefresh vegetables such as cucumber or a small piece of lettuce. Other fish can be fed on a variety of flake foods that you crumble onto the surface. You can also buy packets of frozen blood woorm which make for a nice treat once a week. Some might advise live foods, but if this is your first tank it might not be worth using those for a while untill you are more comfortable with feeding regimes.

Sorry if you've thought about all of this, but its not clear from your first post :)
now i suggest you go to your LFS with a note book and pen, write down the fish you like then come back and research them and if your tank suits them then you can get them, if unsure then ask here
As everyone's mentioned i'd only add fish if the tank is already cycled and even then i'd add them over a space of time.

A decent stocking that i'd like myself would be 6 Rummy Nose Tetras or Neons, i'd probably stay clear of Cardinals to start with because of their water quality preferences. Maybe a pair of Rams or other small and less aggresive Chiclids, then finish the stocking with 4 -6 Panda Cory cats to keep the base clear of any food. Pandas stay smaller tha most Cory species and are my favourites too.

Hapy fish keeping. :)
Yeah! Thanks for the suggestions, if you have anymore, I would be glad to hear it. This thread has been such a big help.

Edit: How can I feed my bottom fish without the top fish stealing it?

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