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  1. T

    Stocking Questions

    what about a betta? or like...if my lfs ever get some female bettas in, what about them? [i don't mind if they eat ALL the guppies....i don't like guppies anymore ...ahaha i'm mean]
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    Good Combinations?

    My opinion is that you should get some cories, i've got some peppered cory catfish and i just ADORE them...i want more! maybe jsut get a group of 5 or 6 of which ever species of cories you want
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    Overcrowded And What One 1st?

    3 honey gourami =2"X3= 6" 5/6cherry barbs =2"X5/6= 10/12" 7 black neons=1.5"X7= 10.5" a few shrimp =1"X3= 3" =29.5"/31.5" so for what you need at least a 30 gallon tank. i'd recommend get rid of either your barbs or neons. without one of those two's still crowded and...
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    Well i'd be definetly ... well unless if they're out, i'm getting peppered cories. Just the only thing was the size difference of a one year old, and a half of a one year old.
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    wow...i thought for sure i was the youngest on this forum, but there's actually even younger...13 year olds, wow!
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    Alright, but why? because of all the crap and stuff fomr all the guppies?
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    How Much Did Ur Tank Cost U?

    20 gal tank: 60$ Filter: with the tank Heater: with the tank Plant: probably around 20$ [fake] Rock: 5$ Gravel:5$ Stand: None Fish: probably about 50-100$ 60+20+5+5+50-100=140-190$
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    Minimum Tank Size For An Oscar

    Here are a few suggested tank mates from this site: A few suitable tankmates Synodontis Catfish - 7" Black Lancer Catfish - 8" Clown Loach - 12" Tinfoil Barb - 12" Silver Dollars - 6" Severum - 12" Jade Eyed Cichlid - 6" Chocolate Cichlid - 12"...
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    Saturday [not tomorrow but the next day] three of my friends are taking all the fish that i don't that's pretty much 40 guppies. So i'd probably wait a week then i'll be going to my lfs to get fish
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    Two Questions

    To test whether the rocks are safe for your aquarium, you pour some vinegar on it, if it starts to fizz and is not good for the aquarium.
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    Stocking Questions

    So i've already had my tank for quite a while and everything, but i'm INCREDIBLY bored of guppies... When i finish getting rid of some of my guppies, i'll have the right amount and everything, i'd say i'll probably have 7guppies [4/5females + 2/3males] 4/5 peppered cory catfish that is what i'm...
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    Alright, so i should buy 3 more then probably? or 2 more?
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    I have two peppered cory catfish, and i know they need to be in groups and my third one...disapeared? i tore the tank down looking for him But my question is since i got the cories about two months ago and i think they're a little bigger than the ones at my lfs will they still group together if...
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    Has Anyone Ever Caught Anything From There Tank

    I got sick from my fish when they were in my room...but i'm pretty sure it was from the smell because it had bad algae and everything... but i didn't get rashes, i was barfing and stuff, since i moved it out of my room i'm fine hope everything goes well!
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 19 2007, 07:21 AM) 1697127 Please don't ever put fish down a drain. It's really bad for the eco-system. what else am i supposed to do with them??? :blink:
  16. T

    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    Hmm no i haven't, if the green water comes back after my grand cleaning i will try that I moved the tank out of sunlight...and it still didn't work, but i'm keeping it out of sunlight just in case if it decides to one day work i'm thinking about getting the angel....will an angel work? and i...
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    yeah...i kept it on in a bucket running, but i rinsed it in dechlorinated water [not tank water]
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    Just wanted to tell you, i cleaned everything off and boiled gravel etc. [no bleach] and it's sparkling clean, i just hope it stays that way...and hope that it doesn't start a new cycle, which actually..i'm pretty sure it will start a new cycle :(
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    My Friend Got A Tank, Can I Give Her Filter Media For Cycling

    you probably know more than me because i'm only 15
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    My Friend Got A Tank, Can I Give Her Filter Media For Cycling

    Kay just making sure...i tried doing it, but i left it out of water for too long i think and killed most the good bacteria, as long as it's in her tank within like an hour it'll be fine?
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    My Friend Got A Tank, Can I Give Her Filter Media For Cycling

    I just gave my friend one of my old 10 gallon tanks, and she's got 3 guppies already [in a vase...i said that's bad so i gave her a 10 gallon tank] So i was wondering since she doesn't ahve a filter or anything, and i have two extras can i just run one of the side of my tank for a week or two...
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    Well we did full out water changes every week, and geave him lots of love! but they were only in those like... 0.75gallon or 1 gallon tanks their whole life. i feel bad now!
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    Okay, but won't that make me have to restart the cycle again? also i'm going through and have found about 30 ttiny baby fry....byebye fishies, they're gone down the drain. I just took out the ones that are big enough to be seen without squinting. Also one of my cory catfish have i guess...
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    i tried the blackout for 4 days actually, didn't change a single bit, i've done 80% water changes, within 2 days it's back to green and etc. So i think i'm going to clean everything in my tank...but i'm not going to do the bleaching, and i'm only going to rinse my filters in tank water.
  25. T

    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    I'm 15 :) been keeping fish since i was probably 4... started out stupid, with a siamese fighting fish in a little fish bowl got a new one pretty much every 2 years, till last year i started on tropical fish and larger tanks and with good information :)
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    hmm well i've got quite a large pot with most of the guppies in there and a seperate bowl for th epleco and cories, and i'm going to i think put the filters in there while i clean to tank
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    i was thinking of buying an angel fish too...the guy at the lfs said it'll just add more fish to my problem..he knew some things, but i definetly knew more than him so i don't think i should trust him. I've tried blackouts and not feeding them for 24 hours and all that's not working.
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    Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

    I've had non stop algea for the past 3-4 months, i've used chemicals blahblahblah...everything, and the guy at the petstore told me to first try scrubbing everything before i spend $100+ on a UV sterilizer.. he said to use 1 part bleach, to 10parts water, and to soak the gravel and the plants...
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    Best Way To "kill" A Fish?

    I need to put my pleco down, what's the best way to do it to a bristle nose pleco?
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    Moving Baby Fry From Breeding Tank To A Grow Out Tank

    use a net....? if there's lots of decorations in the fry tank then take out the decorations and then they should all be there in front of you ... just use a large net sweep the bottom of the tank with the large net and most should be in there...
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    Ultimate Stupidity

    clean it with vinegar i think it was, make sure you do it thoroughly and rinse it super well stupid people....the person probably just wanted to make it look cleaner.
  32. T

    29 Gal Tank

    Well if you like that perhaps get the following: 1XAngel fish=6" 8Xharlequin rasboras=16" 4Xpanda cories=8" =30"=30gallons worth of fish(it's one inch over but that's okay) That is probably the max amount of fisht aht you should get with 29gallons.. i knwo you wanted the german blue rams... but...
  33. T

    Help Needed

    If you don't care much for your firemouth just get rid of it,give it one good bash because if it's that ill it's probably suffering. Aswell it may infect the rest of the fish also. 30 gallon+40 gallon=70gallons so you've got room for 70" of fish. senegal bichiir=20" leopard climbing perch=6"...
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    29 Gal Tank

    I'd say get maybe: 6cories [bronze, peppered, albino..whichever you want] 2angel fish and maybe a few smaller fish? maybe something like tetras or something?
  35. T

    Stocking Ideas Please

    So 90liters is about 20gallons? [i think] 2BNcatfish=10" 3guppies=6" 1molly=4.75" 1angel=3"[half grown,full grown=6"] 3Kuhli (Coolie) Loaches=12" 1dwarf gourami=2" =47.75" you should actually have double the size of tank that you have to keep the fish that you currently have in your tank...
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    Which Uv Steriliizer Will Work Best In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    Oh wait sorry! I meant superPet.... not petsmart...
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    Which Uv Steriliizer Will Work Best In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    I don't have a credit card to pay for the online UV sterilizers...that's why i can't buy online. But clsoe to me there is PetSmart, PetCetera, and Big Als......the only one that has actual stuff online for me to look at before i go into the store to buy frmo is big i have no clue if...
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    Which Uv Steriliizer Will Work Best In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    Oh and by the way, it's for my 20 gallon tank [at the moment it has 60 fish--but by the end of the week about 30-40 of them will be gone to my friends--yes i definetly know its way over stocked but the guppies re-produced.] I've had green water [PERSISTENT] green water for the past about 2...
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    Which Uv Steriliizer Will Work Best In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    Here's the only ones that i can buy [the store is a few blocks away from me--i'm not buying online] Please don't just tell me to buy the most expensive one, that is what they mostly all do in pet stores and so that's is why i'm asking...