Moving Baby Fry From Breeding Tank To A Grow Out Tank

use a net....?
if there's lots of decorations in the fry tank then take out the decorations and then they should all be there in front of you ...
just use a large net sweep the bottom of the tank with the large net and most should be in there...
If they are small enough, i use a thick airhose. Just get a stream moveing through there and chase the little buggars down. This has worked well for my guppy fry, completely safe too.
Do you have your fry in a breeding trap (net)? If so, what I did was get a plastic bag big enough to contain the breeding trap.. Scoop the net in the bag along with some water then lift it all out together and lower it into your grow out tank. Acclimatise the fry in the same way you would any new stock :good:
Breeding traps utilize a small space with different escape sections and compartments for smaller fry to escape their parents. This is only useful for live bearers and is almost becoming outdated because it can cause major stress on the mother during a time where she's stressed enough getting ready to push about 50 babies the size of her face through her butt. So that be why i am not a fan. ;)
Be sure the water is the same temperature and condition. I once moved fry into a cooler tank and they all didn't last long at all... :(

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