Ages.... Who And What Age....

I'm 45 yrs. old live in Pennsylvania---work as a radiology technician. I have 1 5 gallon Aquascene tank setup at the moment with a male betta since last Saturday. I have 1 29 gallon, 1 other 5 gallon Aquascene setup, 1 old 5 gallon glass tank, 2 10 gallon tank setups and 2 metal/iron stands for 29 gallons, all are not in use at present time. I recieve or have recieved all my setups for either 1.00 each, given to me or found cheap at yardsale.
As a child in 1975 I had a 29 gallon setup with a undergravel filter (norm at that time), the inhabitance was 2 albino channel catfish, pair of sailfin mollies, coolie loach, bumblebee cat, 3 spot gourami, angelfish and 1 or 2 other fish. To say the least I was a good 100 times over stocked or close to it with the channel cat.
Oh ya, forgot I've only been keeping fish for about 2 yrs. since the mid 70's mainly bettas. Have had aprox. 14 bettas in that time, love to keep fish and one day my desire is to work my way up to a 150 or 180 gallon tank in the next 2-3 yrs., so far got my wife to let me get a 55 gallon next year with income tax. So hopefully by this time next year I will have at least a 55 and hopefully 2 29 gallons set up with community fish. My favorite fish being the clown loach and wanting them to be very pleased with their home is one reason I want a nice large large tank.
I'm a mere 15 years of age and have been keeping fish for precisely 7 years, 9 months and 9 days.

Although the early stages were wasted with trying in vain to keep goldfish in a 5 gallon and following (bad) lfs advice.

It wasn't until 2 years later when I got my 2.5 foot tank that I realised neither my fish keeping books or the lfs were a good source of information.
I switched lfs and bought new more reliable books, and used the 2.5' as a subtropical community tank with my remaining 3 goldfish (plus 2 new ones), danios and Corydoras paleatus.

The goldfish never lasted long in such a small tank, and after a year they were pretty much all gone. At this point I rehomed the last goldfish, turned up the heater and ventured into keeping tropicals.

Another year went past with everything going swimmingly ( :shifty: ), until the water companies changed the pipes. All of my fish bar a plec and synodontis died.

Since then, everything has gone pretty well for me, with no major incidents. I just set up a 50 gallon corner tank to replace my 2.5 footer about 2 months ago.

So while I've had fish since I was 8, I've only really been keeping them properly for about 4 years (and 9 months :p ). I just have the one main tank right now, but have had others set up at various points. I now also have a Saturday job at one of only the two lfs' that I consider good in Edinburgh.

Woah...I got a bit carried away there didn't I? :crazy:
I'm 15 :)
been keeping fish since i was probably 4...
started out stupid, with a siamese fighting fish in a little fish bowl
got a new one pretty much every 2 years,
till last year i started on tropical fish and larger tanks
and with good information :)
started out stupid, with a siamese fighting fish in a little fish bowlgot a new one pretty much every 2 years,
Actually, if you kept them alinve in a bowl for 2 years, you were doing pretty good. Most store bought bettas seem to onlylive about 2 years anyway.
hay all just curious as to how old everyone is. i am 16. and have about 60 fish. and ive been keeping tropical about 5 years now.

also how long have you been keeping fish and how many do you have??

regards, community

I'm 17, and have been keeping fish without intervention from my parants for arround 10 years. I spawned my first fish aged 10, and things have moved on from there....... I now have two tropical tanks running. One tank with a group of 10 "galaxy rasbora", which are currently spawning, and a community tank with arround 40 fish. Having trouble with the galaxy's eggs at the moment, if anybody has any tips.... they last two days, before getting fungus. Have tryed all the usual tricks (anti-fungral meds, extra oxgenated water circulation, total darkness, left to be in the spawning ank e.c.t), with no joy. Ideas welcome by PM (sorri for the hijak)
started out stupid, with a siamese fighting fish in a little fish bowlgot a new one pretty much every 2 years,
Actually, if you kept them alinve in a bowl for 2 years, you were doing pretty good. Most store bought bettas seem to onlylive about 2 years anyway.
Well we did full out water changes every week, and geave him lots of love!
but they were only in those like... 0.75gallon or 1 gallon tanks their whole life.
i feel bad now!
im 18. my name is becky, and ive been in the hobby about 8 months but i really have no clue what im doing lol

right now i have 7 fish . i plan on getting bigger tank and lots more fish when i can :D
I'm 47, been keeping fish since '92, more seriously since '01. My tanks are in my profile.
Well, I'll make you all feel very young and take the age lead at 55. I have 3 tanks running with 29 total fish right now. Will be adding a new school of neons to the 29 gallon soon.

This is off topic a bit but I would like to add that I think it is wonderful that so many young people get involved with fishkeeping. Taking care of a fish tank and proply maintaining it (not to mention being on a forum like this to learn as much as you can about your fish) helps teach responsibility which will go a long way later in life. Unfortunately, so many young people today don't know what responsibility is and it shows.

if i was anyone else i would take offense to that. but no i fully agree with you and yes some if not most teenagers these days do have a certain lack of respronsability. it is great that we young ones are showing a great deal of enthusiasm towards such a great hobby and i only hope we continue to do so. it is also a real PLUS to have a great forum such as this to aid in our fish keeping endevours and to be able to share opinions with adults alike and help one another.
regards, community
I'm 54 in 2 weeks time. Thanks rdd1952 for coming in at 1yr older, makes me feel so much better. :good:

I'm new to fishkeeping, one 125ltr community tank set up in the last 3 months.
I know there has got to be someone on here that's older than me. They just won't admit it. Its probably a lady. :lol:

On a side note to ladies and age. Someone at our golf course complained the other year because there was a men's senior championship but not a ladies. Someone told them it wouldn't do any good to try to have one because none of the women would ever admit to being 50 years old.
I know there has got to be someone on here that's older than me. They just won't admit it. Its probably a lady. :lol:

On a side note to ladies and age. Someone at our golf course complained the other year because there was a men's senior championship but not a ladies. Someone told them it wouldn't do any good to try to have one because none of the women would ever admit to being 50 years old.

I've just admitted to being 54yrs old in 2wks time but still not as old as you!!

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