29 Gal Tank


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I am getting ready to buy a 29 gal tank, and I want to know what type of fish would go well in that size tank.
You could add shoaling fish, singular fish. In my 29 gallon which I am cycling now I am going to have:

2 BN Plecos
3 Sterbai Cory
3 Guppies
6 Black Widdow Tetras
and maybe some neon tetras if I can fit them in.

There are endless possibilities! (Well maybe not endless but you get my drift! :good:

orange shark
I have a 30 gallon with:

6 red eye tetras
4 serpae tetras
3 black phantom tetras
6 zebra danios
3 black mollies

The tetras all shoal together and it's really beautiful.... the mollies add constant movement and are a great clean-up crew and the danios add constant bouncing off the walls.... :lol:
I'd say get maybe:
6cories [bronze, peppered, albino..whichever you want]
2angel fish
and maybe a few smaller fish?
maybe something like tetras or something?
Our 28gal currently has
1 female betta
6 julii cory
6 porkchop rasbora
4 harlequin rasbora
1 hillstream loach

I also want to get a blue ram as well for the tank :D

As others have said, it just depends on what sort of tank you want.
Well if you like that perhaps get the following:
1XAngel fish=6"
8Xharlequin rasboras=16"
4Xpanda cories=8"
=30"=30gallons worth of fish(it's one inch over but that's okay)
That is probably the max amount of fisht aht you should get with 29gallons..
i knwo you wanted the german blue rams...
but they're very delicate fish and do not have a large life span,
they also require perfect, crystal clear water.
So i do not recommend them

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