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  1. T

    Dwarf Puffer Question

    i currently have DPs in coral sand and coral pieces, my other tank which is STILL cycling has got sand, which IMO looks a lot nicer when coupled with bogwood and greenery
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    Fat Puffer!

    LOL@this i was taking a pic of my oto showing off, and a puffer just after feed time got in on the action
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    New Otos

    one of them has now got a party piece that it does every few days
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    My Dwarf Puffers..and Me On Holiday

    nah, i think its gonner the only place it could be hiding is in my filter, and when the last fish got stuck in there the filter made a horrific sound, so i doubt its there i do have a pic of one of my otos showing off big time though
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    Fat Puffer!

    yeah, they are only little tiny things remember, and when they eat even 2 bloodworms they bloat up a bit, i dont think this does them any harm TBH, but i try and feed mine small feeds twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon
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    New Camera

    not sure your heater is big enough for the tank mate :rolleyes:
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    My Dwarf Puffers..and Me On Holiday

    TBH mate, it was all over the place and you always saw it, and i thought that my water change today may have unearthed it, but nothing.... no sign of even the slight remains of a carcus(sp?) and it wasnt small, it was easily double the size of the puffers
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    Translucent "growth" In Tank

    cheers for that tip mate, ive had this piece of wood for approx 2 months now and the amount of fungus it gets in a week is crazy
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    My Dwarf Puffers..and Me On Holiday

    so, had a short break planned from monday to friday, my dwarf puffers have been living happily in there tank for a few months now, they have had one oto living with them for about a month and all is calm and peaceful in the tank, noone bothers the oto and its a very placid fish and just stays...
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    Having A Go At Macro

    you should only be using macro for very up close shots mate, it wont benefit the long distance pictures at all
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    New Otos

    cheers coupled with my dwarf puffers, i reckon ive got a great little tank set up now ill post pics of my full tank once ive finally settled on a design
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    New Otos

  13. T

    Translucent "growth" In Tank

    sounds like a fungus i get the same on my mopani wood that i have and have now remoed said piece of wood from my tank
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    Puffer Show Offs Please Check This Out!

    i'll try and keep this real simple you have posted a link to a topic, that is posted in the pictures forum, yet it doesnt contain a single picture you have also posted in this forum telling people to check it out, yet all your doing is asking questions, your not actually giving any information...
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    Puffer Show Offs Please Check This Out!

    having a picture in the link you posted may help i would suggest using a more secure picture hosting site because both of your posts contain a lot of text and no actual pictures
  16. T

    Buying Online

    then why not shop around and see how they compare? i was going to order from them but found the specific fish i was looking for on an off-chance at a not so local fish store
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    Few Questions About Planted Tanks

    right, just ordered a few plants this week from someone and they have arrived today and are currently floating in my tank until i can sort them out tomorow now ive been looking at a lot of the planted tanks and reading up a bit and have seen some great planted tanks that have used Seachem...
  18. T

    10 Gallon Tank

    yeah, im a week into a fishless cycle but cant get hold of ammonia at all see this thread though for what other fish i could keep with the DPs the otos and shrimp arent being bothered at all by the DPs, which is great
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    10 Gallon Tank

    not yet mate, its currently being cycled but they will be moved ASAP but by saying i have 6 in a 15G people jump on me about overstocking, i know its overstocked and that is the reason i now have another tank, but i cant stick them in it until its cycled, which hopefully wont take too long
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    10 Gallon Tank

    also, my dwarf puffers also live happily with otocinclus i only currently have one living with 4 DPs, but i will be adding at least one more hopefully
  21. T

    Stocking Levels...opinions Please

    hi all, after purchasing a tank for dwarf puffers, i then overstocked so i will give you the stocking levels of the tanks after i have moved a few over 15G 4 dwarf Puffers (1 male, 3 female) 1 Oto 1 Amano Shrimp 10G 2 Dwarf Puffers (2 female) can anyone give me a reasonable idea on how...
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    To Plant Or Not To Plant...

    dwarf puffers are freshwater, not brackish
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    cheers mate i use a very small store that is based in wavertree nook road about 5 mins drive away from the end of the m62
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    hi, i was just wondering what aquariums/LFS you could all reccomend in the NW of England i live in Liverpool and we dont really have any real big LFS but there are a few i visit that look after there fish i have also been to the BAS in Bolton, which has a huge selection of fish, but can you...
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    To Plant Or Not To Plant...

    why did you try and look after puffers if you didnt have the first idea of how to look after them? for a start you are way overstocked, and if you actually red up on puffers you would know that they love plants
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    Java Fern

    yeah, the actual mother plant is brown though, and dying i have removed several of them today to plant in another tank and will let you know how they get on ive left as little of the mother leaf on them as possible as they were dying
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    ive got an otto in with my DPs and its doing great, its on its own and loves feeding off all the muck that is left over from feeding time really cant imagine them being in a group TBH
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    Java Fern

    bear in mind that this is growing in normal substrate and that the actual new plants are growing from near dead leaves at a quite alarming rate as well
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    Dwarf Puffers And Salt

    neale, most puffers are slat water, but dwarf puffers are known fresh water fish, it 'may' not harm them, but as they have been kept in captivity for so long in freshwater and im guessing that the topic starter has them in freshwater, it may not be beneficial to the fish to suddenly introduce...
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    Dwarf Puffers And Salt

    if you add salt water with your dwarf puffers they just wont live as long or be as happy as they should be
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    Algea Problem

    and thats why you have a bad algae problem cut it down to about 5 hours a day and it will solve the problem, but you will need to get shut of all the current algae in the meantime
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    Java Fern

    how would i remove newly grown fern rom its parents? is it a case of just leaving the old brown leaves to rot away leaving the new plant, or is ther another way to remove them?
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    Mopani Wood

    i would advise against mopani wood in a tropical tank i have a tank with bogwood in and i have no troubles at all, but mopani seems to attract fungus and my piece is near covered in it
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    Algea Problem

    is your tank in direct sunlight? i dont think ive had a problem with algae unless its in sunlight
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    Anyone Id This Plant For Me

    the actual plant i first got was a large leafed plant with a brown underside, the whole of the plant has now gone brown, but i have exactly the same type in another part of the tank that hasnt yet gone completely brown yet there are roots coming from about half way up the leaf i do actually...
  36. T

    Anyone Id This Plant For Me

    excuse my ignorance, it looks to me like java fern, but i was sold this by a LFS and planted it in my substrate and the original plant has now gone completely brown but the offshoots are growing at a superb rate here are a few pics anyhows i only had one fairly large plant, and have now split...
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    Cycling And Plants?

    yeah, im more worried about shelling on the plants i want to find them all dead in a few weeks
  38. T

    Cycling And Plants?

    im currently cycling a tank i want to be planted, is it ok to put the plants in during the cycling process or am i better to wait until after it has finished? i have only just started cycling on sunday so its at a very basic stage right now
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    Moving House

    yeah deffo, still unpacking a lot of stuff and deciding where the new tank is going to go, and i also dont like where the old tank is situated but there will be a pictoral diary for sure, ill send a PM on when ive got enough pics and that
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    Moving House

    well folks, nearly 24 hours alater and the fish are finally starting to settle down again and are acting perfectly normal