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    Zebra Plecs

    because they like the look of them maybe? not everyones buys to breed
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    Chester And Randall

    hey, not been here for a long while now, now have 2 dogs, here is my youngest, Chester, who is a patterdale terrier and is 5 months old my other dog is the same breed but is a short haired version and is the skinniest dog ive ever seen, he doesnt put on the slightest bit of weight...
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    Lampeye Killie, Aplocheilichthys Sp.

    i actually still have 3 of 5 lampeyes left from about a year ago, i was told at the time they are very hard to keep but they have seemed very hardy to me considering the tank they were kept in had a total nosedive and near everything was wiped out apart from them and my shrimps
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    Dwarf Puffer Question

    can dwarf puffers tolerate salinity?
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    Shrimp With Dark Underbelly

    i think im gonna try and scoop them out and leave them unfiltered in the tiny tank i feel i should at least have some sort of effort at growing them very small water changes a few times a week and a bit of salt, ill see how they go got nothing to lose really
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    I Bought Some "spider Wood" Today..

    ive got a piece of this wood and can confirm it doesnt leak like bogwood however, the prices you are being quoted are crazy, in a store by me(Liverpool) they sell all sized pieces for £5.50
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    Shrimp With Dark Underbelly

    after reading them articles it kind of sucks that i cant try and raise the shrimp as i dont have the resources i have a really small tank(maybe only 3l) and was wondering whether that could be filtered with an air pump box filter
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    Shrimp With Dark Underbelly

    make that 2 pregnant shrimp :blink:
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    Shrimp With Dark Underbelly

    thats exactly what it looks like how many eggs do they normally lay? i only have snails, amanos and ottos in the tank, will they be ok to just grow? and WTF am i gonna do with a pile of baby amanos?
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    Shrimp With Dark Underbelly

    anyone know what this is? one of my amano shrimp has had a black underbelly now as if its stomach is full for about 3 or 4 days, the other shrimp are all normal and clear and im getting a bit concerned
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    What Do Shrimps Do?

    amanos = ghost shrimp ive got 3 in one of my tanks and they are great to watch
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    have you added any wood recently? that often causes the ph to rise
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    Snails Swimming?

    yeah, im curious to find out how they are going both up and down the tank myself they near come out of there shells while doing it, as if to try and help there downward and upward manouver
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    Snails Swimming?

    right, i did as was advised, i turned the filter off for about 10 mins, came back into the room to find a snail making its way down the tank, so filmed it with my camera to the best quality i could, i also switch to a smaller baby snail doing the same from the top of the tank right at the end...
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    Snails Swimming?

    i understand what your saying, its just the snails move both upwards and downwards in the tank i can fathom out the air thing going upwards, its the going down that im puzzled at
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    Snails Swimming?

    they do that down the tank as well
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    Snails Swimming?

    right peeps, here are the photos of some of them swimming, ill try and get a vid of them as well in the next week or so but i dont think my camera has good vid qaulity on it
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    Snails Swimming?

    no, these are just common snails and ill take a photo next time one of them decides to go on a swim
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    Snails Swimming?

    is this a normal practice for snails? my larger snails now make there way to the top of the tank and them swim down to the bottom before repeating the process, which makes my tank look a bit strange with snails swimming all over the tank
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    New Betta Home

    is it just me, or is the fish not actually in there? i cant see it on any of the pics, but it is a cracking tank for a beta but this comment near made me gozzy trying to find the fish that doesnt appear to be there
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    Amano Shrimp

    then i guess me throwing in 2 male shrimps has got him a bit hot under the collar then fish rape in my tank i nearly scooped botht he new ones out it was that violent
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    My New Shrimp(amano)

    i thought the pictures were actually very poor TBH there is a light in the tank but due to the substrate and lighting in the room its hard for me to get clearer photos they are very much in the open right now as they have only just recently been introduced
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    Does The Loch-ness Monster Exist?

    i thought that lochs all had channels out into the ocean as well im sure ive read that(not in this thread) so that would mean if there was something it could basically disappear for large periods of time i will however go with the legend that something was once in there, and it has now...
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    Amano Shrimp

    nah, its deffo an amano the same as the new ones see this link to confirm that for me please: it is however a lot smaller than the new ones, maybe half the size and i was quite shocked to see it actually jump ontop of one of the new...
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    My New Shrimp(amano)

    if it isnt amano, please correct me
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    Amano Shrimp

    is it normal for these to fight with each other? i had one in a tank of mine and it is only fairly small, and have just tonight introduced 2 slightly larger ones and the smaller shrimp is laying the smack pretty bad to the point that after only an hour in the tank im thinking about moving the 2...
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    ive got 6 of them, and the tank is way over filtered with a good flow, but they are still fighting amongst themselves when i turn the lights on doesnt seem nowhere near a problem when the lights are off
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    bought a few of these yesterday, and they were sold as community fish they swam about in a nice shoal for about 3 hours and today they have basically turned round and are attacking each other, but leaving all other tankmate alone
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    Crocodile Fish

    someone must have kept one or at least know more info on them i was ready to buy a new tank to house it if it was freshwater
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    Can Anyone Id My Fish Please

    they are ace little fish, they have been in there new tank only a few hours and are already roaming the place like they own it makes me wish i had a bigger tank so i could have a large group of them rather than just 6
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    Crocodile Fish
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    Few Plec Questions

    TBH, the peppermint is out of the question if it grows as big as ive read, regardless of species, it was for the tank above any new tank that i may purchase will have a few L200 right in there unless i go superbig and then its stingrays
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    Crocodile Fish

    saw one of these today at my LFS and it was pretty small are these able to be kept in tanks? i did a little search and have found nothing about them being kept in captivity and was wondering if any of you guys had come across them
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    Few Plec Questions

    cheers mate i have a 24x12x12 and was debating whether to get a bristlenose or not, but decided against it until id taken more advice on the matter as for the L200, i may need a bigger tank so i can house this fish as it was superb as for the peppermint, it didnt have the white line on its fins
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    Green Algae Emergency

    can i just add to this again i did as a few had advised and did a water change and then complete darkness for 3 days with my tank covered, today was the day the tank became uncovered and there is not a jot of the algae anywhere methinks that my tank may need moving, even though it is not in...
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    Few Plec Questions

    hello there, after finding a home for my common plec which i knew i wouldnt be able to keep forever, i have been in search of a smaller breed of plec that i can keep in my 15G anyway, regardless of what i cant and can keep, i went looking today and have a few questions: 1. One store had what...
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    Can Anyone Id My Fish Please

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin one cheers mate
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    Can Anyone Id My Fish Please

    ive just been to a LFS and purchased 5 very small community fish but cant for the life of my remember what they are called the name ends in 'eye' and they are mostly see through, but with a bright eye that sort of lights up they are the same shape as a neon but are a lot lot smaller than even...
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    My Celtic Aquarium

    i NEED one of those trees
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    Green Algae Emergency

    i do still have 7 java fern and an absolute shedload of java moss in the tank still as for the lights, the tank is only about 6 months old and while ive had this algae problem i havent been lighting the tank in fear of further spreadage