Few Plec Questions


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2007
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hello there, after finding a home for my common plec which i knew i wouldnt be able to keep forever, i have been in search of a smaller breed of plec that i can keep in my 15G

anyway, regardless of what i cant and can keep, i went looking today and have a few questions:

1. One store had what they described as 'dwarf plecs', they had them in with otto's which he was also trying to tell me was a 'random dwarf species'. Is there such thing as a dwarf plec, or does the shop merely not have a clue about what they are selling. to me they looked like baby bristlenoses.

2. I found a L200 which was approx 3 1/2 inches. absolutely goergous but at £35 would that be a good price?(PS. i do know i would need to purchase a new tank to keep this fish)

3. How big do bristlenoses get before you see the 'bristles'?. I have come across a lot of very small ones today in a different LFS and none of them have noticeable bristles, and what is the smallest sized tank i could keep them in?

4. Peppermint plecs, is this a common name, and are there variations or different types?
1) See LDA25 and the rest of that genus for pretty much the smallest sp. of pleco

2) £35 is a pretty fair price for that size, especially if its a 'hi-fin'

3) About 1-1.5 inch ime, absolute smallest imo would be 24x12x12 (inches) but a bit bigger would be preferable

4) Yes a typically a common name for Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 another sp. of bristlenose, did they have the white seam? If L182 which is another possibility then these reach a larger adult size.


edit peppermint pleco could also be L176 according to PC but i think its more commonly applied to L183.
cheers mate

i have a 24x12x12 and was debating whether to get a bristlenose or not, but decided against it until id taken more advice on the matter

as for the L200, i may need a bigger tank so i can house this fish as it was superb

as for the peppermint, it didnt have the white line on its fins
Agreed, L200 was one of my favourite species that i have ever kept, stunning fish.

see if they will let you take a photo of the peppermint or study them on PC, you may be able to tell them apart as Parancistrus have a flatter more squashed appearance then Ancistrus although its less noticeable in juvis.

No probs.
TBH, the peppermint is out of the question if it grows as big as ive read, regardless of species, it was for the tank above

any new tank that i may purchase will have a few L200 right in there unless i go superbig and then its stingrays

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