Search results

  1. tropicalgirl2007

    Black Sand

    Hi I have 'black' sand, however is looks dark grey, however is called black and I havent seen anything darker then that, I got mine from pets at home
  2. tropicalgirl2007


    Hi Im about to set up my betta tanks. Please can someone advise what plants are the best for bettas. Tomorrow I'm getting... 1 HM Male 1 HM Female 1 SD Male 1 CT Female Thanks Amerce On Saturday Im getting... A breeding pair of CT's I cant wait for them.
  3. tropicalgirl2007

    My Community Planted

    I love it, all the activity, Great.
  4. tropicalgirl2007

    My Fish

    pretty betta
  5. tropicalgirl2007

    Jakets Tank's Journal (loads Of Pics!)

    Love the bog wood in the first tank. nice pics
  6. tropicalgirl2007

    My 2 Betta

    Love them both
  7. tropicalgirl2007

    What Do You Think About Adding Ghost Shrimp

    AMERCE What a great tip.
  8. tropicalgirl2007

    Woman Jailed Over Tail Dockings

    nice!!! not, How anyone could cut a tail off with sissors!!! I dont like docking full stop really. humane or otherwise. Sorry , But i just dont think its necessary anymore. Becky
  9. tropicalgirl2007

    Apple Snail

    hi, thanks for that, i will move them tonight then, thanks
  10. tropicalgirl2007

    Anyone Watching Dexter?

    Yep, and I LOVE IT.
  11. tropicalgirl2007


    Humm a lot of hard work i think!! Since Im new to all the. Thanks
  12. tropicalgirl2007


    The White betta in your banner, what kind is that?
  13. tropicalgirl2007


    Has anyone from the UK bought Bettas on aquabid?
  14. tropicalgirl2007

    Apple Snail

    My apple snail eggs have hatched, can I put them in a small jar so that they dont get eaten? Becky
  15. tropicalgirl2007

    My New Bettas

    lovely pictures you females red/blue what type are they please, as i have a female that looks just like them
  16. tropicalgirl2007

    African Dwarf Frog Feedings

    mine will eat catfish pellets.
  17. tropicalgirl2007

    Never Been In To Bettas Much..

    I saw the perfect red boy!!! he is gorgeous. I haven't named him yet. I have also got 2 females which are so pretty. I will post pics as soon as I have them
  18. tropicalgirl2007

    Subtracting A Percentage

  19. tropicalgirl2007

    Subtracting A Percentage

    Hi Im doing a course and I have completely forgotten how to subtract a percentage, I would be gratefull if anyone knows how. £5500 - 2.5% £3400 - 2.5% £1800 - 2.5%
  20. tropicalgirl2007

    Clown Fish

    Hi Im new to marine, but my hubby wants a marine tank, Please can you advise on what we would need for a clown fish. Tank, size. I have tried looking but getting quite confused. Becky
  21. tropicalgirl2007

    Tank Temp... How Can I Lower It?

    Someone got it!!! LOL
  22. tropicalgirl2007

    Tank Temp... How Can I Lower It?

    hi, thanks guys, i have two airstones in there now. so thats cool.
  23. tropicalgirl2007

    Tank Temp... How Can I Lower It?

    i thought that it was suppose to sit between 24-26. If people think that temp is ok i will be happy!!. :)
  24. tropicalgirl2007

    Tank Temp... How Can I Lower It?

    are we talking about a normal fan? what are the long term choices?
  25. tropicalgirl2007

    Tank Temp... How Can I Lower It?

    Hi How can I lower my tank temp? its sitting at about 26.4 - 27.0. Which is to high. Any ideas? Rena aqualife corner - living room
  26. tropicalgirl2007

    Selling Snails On Ebay?

    when listing put them under the following Listed in category: Home & Garden > Pet Supplies > Fish > Crabs/ Snails/ Algae Eaters that should help you
  27. tropicalgirl2007

    My German Blue Rams Go Hiding And Won't Come Out

    Hiya When did you buy the rams? I have blue rams and golden rams and when I first bought them they hid, but after a few days they started venturing out.
  28. tropicalgirl2007

    My New Tank

    We had a background on our last one and it made the tank look really dark, so currently we have decided not to put one on. Thanks for all the nice comments.
  29. tank1.jpg


  30. tropicalgirl2007

    My New Tank

    Here is a quick picture taken with my mobile. I really must charge my camera!!!!
  31. tropicalgirl2007


    Do all Angelfish grow large? Can you keep an Angelfish with Neons/Cardinals and Galaxy Rasboras? Is there a small breed?
  32. tropicalgirl2007

    What Can I Keep In A Small 8g Thats Stays At 30c?

    because the tank is that temp, without heater
  33. tropicalgirl2007

    What Can I Keep In A Small 8g Thats Stays At 30c?

    I was thinking about anything.
  34. tropicalgirl2007

    What Can I Keep In A Small 8g Thats Stays At 30c?

    As the title.... What can I keep in a small 8G thats stays at 30c?
  35. tropicalgirl2007

    L018 & L200

    Hi Over the weekend it was my birthday and I bought.. L018 Golden Nugget £17.50 (got a discount though) And L200 Green Phantom £28.50 They are both lush, I will get some piccys up shortly
  36. tropicalgirl2007

    What Fish?

    Hi I have the above tank. In it I have.. 2 Kribs 5 Panda Cories 2 Killifish Snails Im looking for something to go in the middle.. any suggestions?
  37. tropicalgirl2007

    Puffers And Other Fish?

    Can I add my two dwarf puffers to this tank? 2 kribs 2 killifish 5 cories