African Dwarf Frog Feedings


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2007
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I've got two dwarf frogs that i'm going to be putting into my 10 gallon that is cycling currently. Until them i'm trying to get them to eat and the flakes the LFS told me to give them don't seem to be doing the job. Should i feed them my betta pellets? i dont want the buggers to starve
try freeze dried/frozen bloodworms and tubifex cubes. my sister's doesn't seem to like pellets at all
mine only seem to take meaty food. I've never fed them live and have had no problems feeding them frozen bloodworm and daphnia. I have heard that they can be awkward and prefer live so if that's the case maybe try live worms or alternatively, and easier to find IME, live brineshrimp!
Mine just ate any old flake. Except, they wouldn't scavenge, so I had to reach my hand into the tank with a bit of flake on my finger and let them bite me :|
from what i hear, ADFs are slow to eat and often need to be fed by hand or some other direct feeding method. They don't see well, but this question really should be on the invertebrates/aquatic reptiles forum, not the betta forum...
from what i hear, ADFs are slow to eat and often need to be fed by hand or some other direct feeding method. They don't see well, but this question really should be on the invertebrates/aquatic reptiles forum, not the betta forum...

ADF's are popular betta tank mates so i figured someone here would have them. Also, ADF's search for food by scent not sight
from what i hear, ADFs are slow to eat and often need to be fed by hand or some other direct feeding method. They don't see well, but this question really should be on the invertebrates/aquatic reptiles forum, not the betta forum...

humm ADF's hunt by sight, not smell. converse to your comments my research says they have very good vision. but as i have had mine only days, i can make no comment from personal experience. there is quite a good thread started by "inchworm" on these critters so a forum search may well help.

as for direct feeding, i think i have that sorted. using a 50ml syringe and a length of tube, i can direct the bloodworm, direct to the frogs. i use a 50ml to reduce the pressure the stuff is pumped at, but smaller may do. i do have a stock of these things, my daughter is a special needs kid, so i am lucky, but they are available if you look.

on this point if anyone in the Leicester area needs some pop me a pm and they are welcome to them.
Also, ADF's search for food by scent not sight

i'm aware :good:

humm ADF's hunt by sight, not smell. converse to your comments my research says they have very good vision. but as i have had mine only days, i can make no comment from personal experience. there is quite a good thread started by "inchworm" on these critters so a forum search may well help.

hmm... well i'm only repeating the things that i've read about them, having never had any particular interest in them myself. Most of the comments i've read are people saying that the only time they take food directly out of the water is if it hits them on the nose.
Mine will eat anything and everything put in but they do like the frozen bloodworm! and by god they dont half shift when i feed them

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