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  1. N

    My New Cories!

    Hey lotsoffishies, Very nice. It is always nice to hear the cory become happier with addition of more corys. The fins and tails unlike the wiskers(barbles)is suppose to be able to regenerate with nutritional food and good quality water. If you give them some time unless the damage is too...
  2. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    My hard working male Panda strikes again! :shifty: Last night before I went bed, I notice the female is frantically swimming up and down. And I see her holding egg in her fins. And I knew they are making eggs. That is not anything special. But while I saw her looking for the right place...
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    Bn Pleco And Plants

    Humm, that maybe a problem. I don't have many Amazon Swords. I got pretty big one in the community tank about 12~14" with like 30 leaves although like half has some algae on it. I probably should take few dirty leaves off little by little. But I hope the new leaf in the middle is safe...
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    Bn Pleco And Plants

    Humm, I guess I better look close eyes on them. I got 3 baby(2 ABN and 1BN) in the community tank. And there is a nice size Amazon Sword( it got moved many tanks with different lighting ondition) but I think the half the leaves are protected by algae. The new leaves are pretty clean. But so...
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    Can It Happen?

    I didn't bet on 50/50 chance. :lol: I covered my behind for just in case. :shifty: You can never guess by looking the nickname/user name.
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    Can It Happen?

    You are absolutely right dwarfgourami, I forgot to mention about the tank size. After writing about the compatability, my brain forgot.(not crazy about getting old) :blush: I guess, s/he just have to get bigger tank or more tanks. :shifty:
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    You know since I am not big fish breeder, I don't think fish=$. I can live with 50% survival rate as long as I get strong healthy juvis that can pass/trade to the other hobbists. And it may improve if I raise them in sterile lab like condition with bare tank but I just prefer to raise in...
  8. N

    Are There Any Fish That Realy Do Glow In The Dark?

    Or become good friend(really good friend) with some fish scientist. Then s/he may know how to get some GM fish. I read some article few or several years ago when they introduced this fish. And I believe they are created in lab.(franken fish) And like year after that I saw them in local fish...
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    Can It Happen?

    Like previous person posted , it can be. However I see few concerns of the combination you are considering. I think the danios can be too active for the Betta. Also they can be fin nipper to slow moving fish like Betta may become target. Also their preference of tank condition may not much...
  10. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    When I went to take some water out, I noticed there are some eggs on the leaf of Java Fern. I thought it was earlier than usual but I guess they did it this morning. I found 10 on the leaves of Java Ferns and 55 more in the spawning mop. I guess I collect not long after they made them, they...
  11. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Found 16 more eggs in the Java Moss today. I guess I need to collect as many eggs as possible since I didn't do as well as I hope I did with all the frys. And try to improve the way to raise them.
  12. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    So I collect 140 or so eggs. And almost all of them were on the front glass, only like 10 on the glass behind the sponge. Now I am off to check the hatching container and change the water for the fry tanks.
  13. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Well what you know, they are sticking eggs as I am writing this. Since they come to front glass to stick the eggs, well about half the time. I decide to watch. And once again I was stunned to see the number of eggs the female carry in her fins. One time I saw her sticked 23 eggs in one...
  14. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess I forgot to list but I did collect 230+ eggs on 28th Monday. After that I had to think about what I should do about all the spawns after that. That put the total of eggs to over 550+ in 8 days. This is just simply amazing. And make me wonder that is it really that tough to survive in...
  15. N

    Big Boisterous Cories?

    Hi Miss Wiggle, I can't say for sure since I never had any Brochis so I haven't done much of homework/research. Not to mention, I never kept other fish you mentioned(I just got few ABN recently) aand they are suppose to close to Ple*o. But they are still babies and still few months away from...
  16. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    More eggs, I collected 37 eggs(8 on the glass, 4 on the skull deco, 8 on the leaves of Java Fern and 17 in the spawning mop).
  17. N

    My Sterbai Has 9 Lives -- Catfish

    I don't know which Corys you have beside the Sterbai but I hear the sterbai is indeed one of the few Corys can live in the higher temperature of Discus tank. If I remember correctly, C.Gossi(sp) is also mentioned. And this does not happen often but I hear the sucker mouth type fish may...
  18. N

    The Parts That Make A Corydoras A Corydoras

    Humm, I thought he is she. Then again if you have for 2 years, it is big happy he. :lol: Too bad if you live near me, we could made some kind of deal that I have many wee ones from eggs to few month old. Although biggest are about 1/2" or so but they do look like parents now. I see them...
  19. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey Xebadir, Yes, it is getting like hobby become part time job. :rolleyes: I don't think I didn't do anything special but regular stuff like keeping in their prefered water and feed them well and do the regular water change. Beside that, keep them in species tank if possible. Pandas and...
  20. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks dane261, I do have little fish notebook I write like egg count, water change volume and date(since I have more than few tanks and getting old to remember all) and other fish related change I make. So this forum is like backup for my notebook. And I am glad someone find it somewhat...
  21. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    So this morning after I handpicked the eggs from the Panda tank and just about to leave, I notice some eggs in the spawning mop. So I picked eggs from Sterbais. Found 63 eggs in the spawning mop. The unusual thing is I never see eggs from them this early in the day. They almost lay eggs in...
  22. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I knew I have some eggs this morning since I saw a egg last night before went to bed. So took out some water(for changing water for the frys as usual) and took all the Java Moss and look through in the Moss. And found 6 eggs. It seems not as many as I thought I would find. Make me wonder...
  23. N

    You Probablly Wouldn't Believe This But....

    Yes, it was a surprise. :hyper: And I must say it was a good surprise. Not the bad kind like you find the heater stuck and cook your fish or found dried up fish on the floor kind. :blink: :shout:
  24. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I found 13 more eggs all in the Java Moss this morning. Although a couple of them look older previous eggs I missed. And it really make me think that how big and few they are after the series of big spawn from my Melanotanias.
  25. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I did find more eggs yesterday. 12 on the leaves of Java Fern, 12 more on the glass and 55 in the spawning mop.
  26. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    OK. I will have more wigglers and frys from Melanotanias than I know what to do with. Like what I said, they are still wigglers and only week old and maybe some few weeks old if I have some survived from earlier spawn(when I had tough time hatching them). But I see more eggs on the flont...
  27. N

    You Probablly Wouldn't Believe This But....

    No I don't think so because I don't watch that show. Unless....s/he can come out of the water totally and find the remote and push the bottons. :shifty: Nahh
  28. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    And I found more of nice little pearls. 25 on the leaves of Java Fern and 57 in the spawning mop. And not on the glass. And make me wonder that some of them got recycled already like the one stuck at the place pretty easy to find. I know they do recycle eggs sometime. The other day I saw...
  29. N

    You Probablly Wouldn't Believe This But....

    What, you don't think the wild bristlenoses growing on the stones in the Nature? Like cherries grow on the tree. Humm, I was hoping someday I can go hand pick the wild bristlenoses off the stone. :shifty:
  30. N

    Spawning Madness

    I'm sorry if I may sound sarcastic but that is not my intention. I did and am appreciate your effort to answer my not so easy to answer question. And the time you took to answer as best as you can. I appologize if I gave you any impression of me being unappreciative but that is not my...
  31. N

    Spawning Madness

    Thanks for taking your time try to answer the question with unclear answer Coryologist, I appreciate. I guess I'll try and see how they do with the space I got. Yes, all my fry tanks are mixed up also although I did try to seperate them at first but lack of space and frequency of spawns...
  32. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Oh found 22 more eggs this morning. It is kind of funny that this female prefered the eggs to be near the water flow. Most of them were at the vicinity of the one corner water from the powerhead outlet hit. I found 8 on the glass and rest in the Java Moss but near the corner.
  33. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I see. It is interesting to see that they retained the red color unlike gold Neon(Lutino Neon). No, I don't think I need to buy Melanotanias. Even if the half of the wigglers make to the decent size, I need to find many new home for them. Since I do not like to grow the sons and...
  34. N

    Spawning Madness

    Hi Coryologist, Good to hear you have lots of success with corys. And you just maybe the person I am looking for to get some advice from. I don't mean to sidetrack your thread but in a way it kind of relate to it. Ok Here is the question. How many cory frys in what size of tank can I...
  35. N

    You Probablly Wouldn't Believe This But....

    But out of water? Granted the water run over and around him/her but I could clearly see his/her shape/form of the fish. Think of it, if they do this in the Nature, you could hand pick them off the stone where the water run. :hyper: Good, someone can imagine. But I was pretty amaze...
  36. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes jollysue, it seems that way. After the potential problem with the infestation of Melanotanias on my mind, I went to my room. And there it was, more eggs in the Sterbai tank. And so the mocking comtinue. :rolleyes: They know I can't help but go pick them up even the eggs are placed on all...
  37. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Oh I did collect 9 more eggs this morning, all in the Java Moss.
  38. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I am now start to worry that I will have too many frys than I can handle. I just collected 104 eggs from Melanotanias. I just look back the record of this week and I see I got 117 on Monday, 147 on Wednesday and 104 on Friday(today). And I think more than 100 from Monday hatched already. And...
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    Galaxy Rasboras

    Hey K.J, I don't know what quantity of Java Moss you are looking for but you might be able to pick them up from the aquarium society member. You can get to the GSAS web and ask, they might have some to part with cheap since I see the bag of extra plants at the meeting. We usually have mini...
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    You Probablly Wouldn't Believe This But....

    You probablly wouldn't believe this but my young Albino Bristlenose had out of body, I mean out of water experience. Ok not quite out of water either but here is what happened and I saw. I appologize for the lack of pictures. First, here is the background. S/he is still quite young, about...