How Can You Discourage.........

Still reading...just wanted to let you know still an interesting post, keep me updated please :good:

Thanks. I'm glad that someone find it interesting.

yes .. this is awesome .. im following too !

OK That's good, someone else spend the time to read also. It makes it worth typing, then.

This morning I saw a egg in the moss. So I know I have to look for the eggs. I found 17 eggs(4 on the back glass and 13 more in the Java Moss.)
It makes me wonder how it like to be the male of Panda Cory. :shifty:
Sex, sex and more sex. Day in day out. Think of it, they usually lay 1 egg at a time. Ok once in a while, they have twin eggs but they have like 13~14 sex for 17 eggs. And they do it quite often. Ok so he won't cuddle after the sex but he does forplay. :rolleyes:
I know my stud male have no competition and about 5 females to please. He might not approve but I have been working on to get another male or 2 but so far every new Panda I get end up to be another female. And I am not crazy about the idea of raising the son to be in the breeding group because of the inbreeding issue.
I did collect 9 more eggs yesterday morning(2 on the glass and 7 in the Java Moss). And this morning I wasn't sure if any eggs were layed but I saw the male going around every Pandas in the tank including the half size young. :crazy: And sure enough, there are 16 more eggs this morning. 2 on the glass near the outlet from the powerhead, 1 on the leaf of Java Fern and 13 in the Java Moss.
So I went to collect the eggs from Sterbais this afternoon. They live upper level of Pandas. And I noticed there is an egg in the same front corner of glass I collected the eggs this morning. I know there is no way I missed that egg this morning. So only the explaination is the "SEX MANIAC" must done the deed between this morning to this afternoon. I didn't pull out all the Java Moss but I found 1 more eggs on the glass little further back.
It just amazing that fish produce so many eggs in such a short span. If all the eggs hatch and survive to be adults, they must rule the world.
So I went to collect the eggs from Sterbais this afternoon. They live upper level of Pandas. And I noticed there is an egg in the same front corner of glass I collected the eggs this morning. I know there is no way I missed that egg this morning. So only the explaination is the "SEX MANIAC" must done the dead between this morning to this afternoon. I didn't pull out all the Java Moss but I found 1 more eggs on the glass little further back.
It just amazing that fish produce so many eggs in such a short span. If all the eggs hatch and survive to be adults, they must rule the world.
lol, more eggs??!!! :hyper: I am sure you have already mentioned this but where are you putting all these eggs lol??

I usually keep them in the little container with airtube until they hatch but I am trying to make more egg tumbler thingy.

And I couldn't believe I saw eggs this morning when I was siphoning out the water for change water for fry tanks. Yes, there are 11 eggs I collected. All in the Java Moss, there were 2 sets of twins but rest are single egg. So I guess they had sex 9 times at least. :shifty: Could be more if I missed some egg. And this was the 3rd days in a row. :blink: Amazing. Simply the stud he is.
this is great ... gives you self satisfaction that your fish are happy ... and that the conditions are right ..

I have a pair of Paradise Fish which produce a batch of 100's of eggs every 10 days ......

she just dosent stop ... and the male has a tired look on his face sometimes hehehe .... need to seperate them this week to give him a break for a few days ...
Thanks eggbert_99,

I guess they are happy enough or just the nature of their way to sustain the species. I don't know.
And I don't cull as strict as the Mother Nature but I don't pumper them too much. I mean, I feed them well and do daily water change in the fry tanks but I'm sure only the strong enough frys survive. I usually put about 100 frys in the small fry tanks and those tanks are not bare tank actually almost totally opposite of decorated plant nano tanks. Not to mention, I have 3 kind of Cory frys and they end up mixed in the same tank although I tried to seperate them at first, just didn't happen because of the frequency of eggs production and lack of space. So I never really know how many in there of which until I decide to take out the most of the water and decorations. Which I should do in few weeks since I need to find 10 young Pandas for another aquarium society member.
I know I can improve the survival rate if I organize better and I should but haven't find the time to do it. I'll see how I did in few months when I strip the fry tank and mmove them to bigger tank. First few months, they are just to small for me to catch and move.
I know at least I have and I will have more young corys than leave the eggs in the tank.
Oh found 22 more eggs this morning. It is kind of funny that this female prefered the eggs to be near the water flow. Most of them were at the vicinity of the one corner water from the powerhead outlet hit. I found 8 on the glass and rest in the Java Moss but near the corner.
I found 13 more eggs all in the Java Moss this morning. Although a couple of them look older previous eggs I missed.
And it really make me think that how big and few they are after the series of big spawn from my Melanotanias.
I knew I have some eggs this morning since I saw a egg last night before went to bed. So took out some water(for changing water for the frys as usual) and took all the Java Moss and look through in the Moss. And found 6 eggs. It seems not as many as I thought I would find. Make me wonder some got eaten. :unsure:
neoncory what a fantastic thread have you been keeping a diary or sumit other than posting on here as i find it would be usful in a newbie like me and others in sucsesful breeding of corries i have had them spawn before but eggs get eating by my bn aint got the money to do a breeding tank yet
keep up the good work and one day i might just mange to read it all :hyper: :hyper:

cheers dane
neoncory what a fantastic thread have you been keeping a diary or sumit other than posting on here as i find it would be usful in a newbie like me and others in sucsesful breeding of corries i have had them spawn before but eggs get eating by my bn aint got the money to do a breeding tank yet
keep up the good work and one day i might just mange to read it all :hyper: :hyper:

cheers dane

Thanks dane261,

I do have little fish notebook I write like egg count, water change volume and date(since I have more than few tanks and getting old to remember all) and other fish related change I make. So this forum is like backup for my notebook. And I am glad someone find it somewhat useful or worth spend time to read.
It is my hobby but it start to become a part time job. Collecting eggs, changing water, feeding .,etc. It is a good thing I like them fish. However, I am start to worry a little because of the big spawn from the Melanotanias. Although not collect eggs is really tough for me. But in their case, I may have to tie my hands and not to collect. Otherwise, I don't think I would ever have enough tanks to support all the frys from them.

I don't think it takes much money to do the breeding tank unless you buy the group of expensive Corys but it is more of time consuming I think. If I wanted, I probably could got 10~20G set up(light, filter and heater and all) for less than $10 at the aquarium auction. But you need to have time and some commitment since the frys need good condition to grow just like any other babies. But go through the raising of frys is satisfactory experience in my mind. :hyper:

I hope people have time and some money to do it.
Found 16 more eggs in the Java Moss today. I guess I need to collect as many eggs as possible since I didn't do as well as I hope I did with all the frys. And try to improve the way to raise them.
My hard working male Panda strikes again! :shifty:
Last night before I went bed, I notice the female is frantically swimming up and down. And I see her holding egg in her fins. And I knew they are making eggs. That is not anything special. But while I saw her looking for the right place to stick the egg. I notice there is another female that holding egg with her fin. So the male didn't wait the first female to finish placing the egg to do it all over again. Instead he went another female to make egg.
Because as you know I only have 1 male. 1 hard working male. The poor lonely male who try so hard to make sure the survival of the species. :rolleyes:
And I knew I will have pretty good number of eggs this morning.
I did collect 37 eggs. And funny thing was most (25 of them) was on the glass at the front corner where the current hit. And only 12 was in the thicket of Java Moss.

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