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  1. JHR

    Albino Cory Odd Behaviour And Damage

    Hey guys just an update. I've put him in quarantine and he's already acting more normal by feeding off the bottom and generally going for air a lot less. Maybe he's less stressed now and hopefully he will recover quicker in this environment
  2. JHR

    Albino Cory Odd Behaviour And Damage

    Ok I'll give it a shot. See if he's any better. Youre right, I have never had any problems with aggression, the worst aggression I have ever seen is at feeding time and that's only like boisterous behaviour to get some food etc.
  3. JHR

    Albino Cory Odd Behaviour And Damage

    Yeah that's what i had thought... I have no idea what the sex are for any of them I'm afraid I bought them as a 4 because it was 4 for £10 and 3 for £21 for my albinos and pandas respectively that is the only reasoning to the numbers I have a small shrimp tank I could put him in but the shrimps...
  4. JHR

    Albino Cory Odd Behaviour And Damage

    Hey guys please can you give me some help identifying the problem, cause and solution for one of my corys. Tank size: 100 litres pH:7.8 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:~30ppm kH:n/a gH:n/a tank temp:25 degrees Fish Symptoms: Apparent loss of one eye Damage to tail only-not fins Instead of acting...
  5. JHR

    Stocking 100l

    2 inches adult size for cardinal tetra? Adult size they're like 3cm which is about 1.25 inches? Also I thought when considering fish size you only count their actual body size not fins/tails etc. Oh and yes according to LFS it is a clown plec
  6. JHR

    My Small Setup

    Then don't say anything at all? Welcome to TFF buddy. It may or may not be obvious to you that your small set up requires no large fish and I'm talking adult size. Personally I would stock it with shrimp (I love shrimp) and small fish species like cardinal/neon tetra which only grow to around...
  7. JHR

    Stocking 100l

    So there's no way of keeping my loach? He's my favourite Darn fish!
  8. JHR

    Stocking 100l

    If I have 30 gallons then according to the gallon rule I can have 30 inches of fish? So my 5 ember tetra combined is a maximum of 3 inches, My 4 cardinal tetra combined is a maximum of 2 inches, My 3 pandas combined in a maximum of 4 inches. 2+3+4= 9 This leaves me with 21 inches of fish to...
  9. JHR

    Stocking 100l

    Oh I see :/ Would it be possible to keep the loach and Pleco if I over filter? Or is there a method in which I can keep my tank and the fish but maybe increase the water volume? Is that what external filters can do with a separate tank?
  10. JHR

    Stocking 100l

    Anyone else able to pitch in a bit?
  11. JHR

    Tattoo's Whos Got What

    Full sleeve
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  13. JHR

    Tattoo's Whos Got What

    Wow. LOVE the NY theme tat it looks sick! My pic is just the top half of my religious sleeve. Got it finished off today sorry for small pic!
  14. image.jpg


  15. JHR

    Adding Fish Into My Discus Tank

    I may have struck lucky with my loach he's very docile
  16. JHR

    Adding Fish Into My Discus Tank

    That would mean its 150 us gallons? So as long as you have no more than 150 inches of solid fish (not including tails etc) then you should be fine... Am I right in saying that? Although I have read before a few times that its recommended to keep discus fish in same species tanks... But...
  17. JHR

    Tattoo's Whos Got What

    Hey guys some nice tattoos! I've been doing a black and grey sleeve over the past couple of months and am nearly finished... I'll get some pics up when possible
  18. JHR

    New Tank Being Delivered

    Sweet, good luck with persuading your other half to set up early. Just say that it will take a few weeks to cycle anyway so you'll be able to add fish by Christmas and not have to wait til new year! Be sure to post pics
  19. JHR

    Adding Fish Into My Discus Tank

    Hey buddy how big is your aquarium?
  20. JHR

    Clip-on Water Polisher

    So no....
  21. JHR

    Cory Changed Colour?

    It's highly unlikely they are breeding but if they were that wouldn't be a bad thing buddy! As for your concerns, give it s few days and see what happens. Have you any other fish in your tank?
  22. JHR

    Cory Changed Colour?

    Probably just feeling more confident and less stressed out after their move so you may find the other one follows suit soon
  23. JHR

    Cory Changed Colour?

    How long have you had them?
  24. JHR

    Why Sand? How Sand? Sand?!

    If you use sand then as long as you rinse it through until the water runs clear, you won't get cloudy water! Also, when in tank and filled with water the sand compresses which means that as any dirt/poo etc. hits the floor it will sit on the top so when you come along with your syphon it just...
  25. JHR

    Clip-on Water Polisher

    Pics? Videos? Results?
  26. JHR

    Corrys Darting Around The Tank?

    No problem mate always happy to try and help
  27. JHR

    Are Garden Hoses Aquarium Safe?

    Once opened I imagine it would
  28. JHR

    Swap Air Pump For Filter

    7 pound plus however much postage costs?
  29. JHR

    My Rio 125 Marine Conversion

    Hey, sorry I cannot offer any advice but I'm defo looking forward to seeing progress on your conversion!
  30. JHR

    Corrys Darting Around The Tank?

    Hrmmm I see... Sorry I can't be of much help but my corys do kind of the same thing and have done since day 1... I don't know If that's any relief to you but personally I wouldn't be alarmed Someone may disagree but that's my opinion
  31. JHR

    Corrys Darting Around The Tank?

    Are they not just playing? If parameters are all ok then chances are they're just having fun?
  32. JHR

    Are Garden Hoses Aquarium Safe?

    Seachem.... Water conditioner?
  33. JHR

    Swap Air Pump For Filter

    Not up for sale? Just swap?
  34. JHR

    Free To Good Home: Red Tail Shark

    How big is he?
  35. JHR

    Are Garden Hoses Aquarium Safe?

    I use garden hose and have been for months and months with no problems at all
  36. JHR

    Ornaments With Plastic / Super Glue

    Ok I'll have a look. Could you point me in some direction do you think? Not 100% sure what to type into google lol
  37. JHR

    Ornaments With Plastic / Super Glue

    I'm not sure of what you mean. But would that stuff be aquarium safe?
  38. JHR

    Ornaments With Plastic / Super Glue

    Boo :( What a shame, I think the ruins would look good in my tank too! How could I go about sealing them? 100% silicone would obviously be used but that stuff is thick as hell!
  39. JHR

    Ornaments With Plastic / Super Glue

    It would have been this kind of paint and glue: