Albino Cory Odd Behaviour And Damage


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2012
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Hey guys please can you give me some help identifying the problem, cause and solution for one of my corys.

Tank size: 100 litres
tank temp:25 degrees

Fish Symptoms:
Apparent loss of one eye
Damage to tail only-not fins
Instead of acting like a bottom feeder like my other corys it stays near the top and appears to go for air very frequently

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
20-30% once a week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Aqua care water treatment when changing water

Tank inhabitants:
5 ember tetra
10 cardinal tetra
3 panda corys
4 albino corys
3 Mollys
1 clown pleco

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:
Not as far as I know

Digital photo:
Hard to take cannot get clear image

Please help me out guys he's only a little guy and my latest edition to the tank (3 or so weeks)
Just a few questions:
Sounds to me like it has been in a fight and lost 
Have you any idea of what sex your albino cory's are?
Shouldn't both your species of cory's be a minimum of 6? (others will advise you better than I on that one)
Any chance of isolating him in a QT to try and give him a chance?
Edit: To take out silly question..
Just a few questions:
Sounds to me like it has been in a fight and lost :-( 
Have you any idea of what sex your albino cory's are?
Shouldn't both your species of cory's be a minimum of 6? (others will advise you better than I on that one)
Any chance of isolating him in a QT to try and give him a chance?
Edit: To take out silly question..
Yeah that's what i had thought...
I have no idea what the sex are for any of them I'm afraid
I bought them as a 4 because it was 4 for £10 and 3 for £21 for my albinos and pandas respectively that is the only reasoning to the numbers
I have a small shrimp tank I could put him in but the shrimps are so small he may eat them!
Cory's aren't known for eating other tank inhabitants. Give it a try so he is less stressed and has a chance to heal. Keep a watch for any aggression from your other fish to see if you can find out who the culprit may have been... although I don't think any of the fish you mentioned are usually that aggresive.
Ok I'll give it a shot. See if he's any better.

Youre right, I have never had any problems with aggression, the worst aggression I have ever seen is at feeding time and that's only like boisterous behaviour to get some food etc.
Hey guys just an update.

I've put him in quarantine and he's already acting more normal by feeding off the bottom and generally going for air a lot less.

Maybe he's less stressed now and hopefully he will recover quicker in this environment

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