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  1. 14gtr14

    Stocking For A 40 Uk Gallon Tank

    OR 5 ottos 10 dwarf rainbowfish 2 Rams 2-4 angels 5 marbled hatchetfish 1 rtb shark NO tiger barbs in tank
  2. 14gtr14

    Bbq Lava Rock?

    thanks alot, cheers!
  3. 14gtr14

    Bbq Lava Rock?

    ye if im going to try it im going to soak it for a while first just in case. i wouldnt add cheap fish to a tank though, just gonna test the water anyone tried bbq lava rock before??
  4. 14gtr14

    Bbq Lava Rock?

    interesting read, but i know that lava rock can be put in aquariums its just that im not sure if the lava rock available for barbecues is untreated lava rock?
  5. 14gtr14

    Glo Fish

    To achieve their goal, scientists are in the process of adding a "switch" that will cause the always fluorescing GloFish® zebra fish to selectively fluoresce in the presence of environmental toxins. A non-fluorescing fish will signal that the water is safe, while a fluorescing fish will signal...
  6. 14gtr14

    Bbq Lava Rock?

    this may be incredibly stupid but do you think I could use barbecue lava rock in my tank? (obviously thorougly washed first) Is there anything added to these rocks or are they just shoved in a bag? it may be stupid, but i suppose its better than not asking at all!!
  7. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    ye the cactus comp is pretty good:my cabomba grows so quickly, even my anubias nana is growing kinda fast. one problem though is that you really need to go through the compost when you first get it and remove any lighter material. I never did this and when i am vacuuming the gravel i sometimes...
  8. 14gtr14

    Location Poll?

    EXACTLY!! Scotland all the way!! :D :grr: :D :grr: :D
  9. 14gtr14

    Stocking For A 40 Uk Gallon Tank

    i was thinking about the feeding point, the barbs are pretty mad then! i really like gouramis, but i like my barbs too :sad: :/
  10. 14gtr14

    Stocking For A 40 Uk Gallon Tank

    i read that too, but i also read that tiger barbs are less nippy in groups of 10+ and thereafter should be ok with anything apart from guppies and bettas??? maybe im wrong but that's what ive read
  11. 14gtr14

    Stocking For A 40 Uk Gallon Tank

    I have been told elsewhere that this stocking is fine for my tank, but just before i build it up fully i would like to know for certan (as i trust this forum lol!) At the moment i have: 10 tiger barbs (6 norm 4 green); 4 japonica/algae shrimp; and 1 rtb shark i am looking to add: 1-2 small...
  12. 14gtr14

    Hi I Am A Newbie: Ten Gal Frshwater Stocking

    that community creator is rubbish!! it claims i could keep 62 tiger barbs in my 45 US gallon tank!!
  13. 14gtr14

    Can I Put A Frog Or 2 With Tiger Barbs?

    my shrimp are fine with tiger barb (i have 3 shrimp and 6 tiger barb)....if anything the tiger barbs are scared of the shrimps, if they get too close the shrimp jump at them!!
  14. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    thanks for the replies... still on my holz but will be back by monday/tuesday and i'll update you all on the catus compost situation! ... im hoping it'll be working fine! if not i might invest in some plant substrate....maybe
  15. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    hi sorry im actually on holz in florida just now so i wont know much for another week and a bit, ill update then though! on another note does anyone know any decent aquatic stores on the east coast of florida?? :hey: :drool:
  16. 14gtr14

    And Portugal Are Through...

  17. 14gtr14

    Nitrate Dissapeared Before Big Water Change!

    this is exactly what happened to me! i added ammonia as usual and nitrites/ammonia fell and also my nitrate fell pretty quickly? could it be the plants or the filter??
  18. 14gtr14

    Microscopic White Creepy Crawlies

    good that would be great. im away on holiday for two weeks but i'll see how yours have got on when i get back. cheers!
  19. 14gtr14

    Nitrate Dissapeared Before Big Water Change!

    if anyone has a clue please please help! it would be great!!
  20. 14gtr14

    Microscopic White Creepy Crawlies

    i just want to make sure as i am close to adding fish now (near end of cycle) and dont want to effectively kill them! anyone know??
  21. 14gtr14

    Microscopic White Creepy Crawlies

    i have things like these in my newly set up freshwater tank. Are they the same things? Are they ok for the tank? or should i remove them in some way?? thanks
  22. 14gtr14

    Nitrate Dissapeared Before Big Water Change!

    i have been cycling my tank around 3 weeks now and i have seen nitrite go through the roof. My nitrate has been at around 15ppm and my ammonia dissapears in around a day. one thing though is that now my nitrite is at 0ppm and ammonia is 0ppm 12-24 hours after adding, but for some reason my...
  23. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    started my cycle the other day so hopefully i can get my tank runnining asap. for some reason amazon isn't accepting my debit card so i'll need to find the book elsewhere
  24. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    i just thought i'd let you know that i have gone with cactus compost base (4-5 cms) with a dark gravel top (about 2-3cms) it's looking good but it was only set up on saturday! chrisC, how have you found the cactus compost? are the plants taking well?
  25. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    it could be possible :good: lots of moss' etc dwarf riccia looks amazing :drool:
  26. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    :drool: lol i'm thinking the same myself! one query about it though: can you still grow the same density and aesthetics as you can in a 'normal' planted tank?? cheers :good:
  27. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    im not sure about the demolishing every 12 months lol! i'm still deciding on my substrate after 2 weeks...and i'm trying to stay patient! has anyone used laterite plus gravel before? is it good for highly planted tanks? sorry about all the questions, i am rather new to this game...if you...
  28. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    I would probably use aqua soil if it was cheaper, but to fill 3" of my tank with it it would cost 3x9litre bag= £75+!! so unless someone knows where i can get this cheaper then i can't afford it. thanks anyways
  29. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    i am thinking about splashing the cash on a one off on substrate. No more than £50 to spend. ...but there are so many to choose from. I'm thinking about eco-complete is it worth the extra one off payment? does it benefit in the long-run?
  30. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    i looked up Deponit and there are two that i can see: what one is the one you have? the fertiliser substrate or the other one? yhanks alot
  31. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    thanks for all your help as it's extremely helpful to me, keep it coming :D :good: i thought this was for ponds?? is it ok to use in aquariums? what about the tetra complete substrate?
  32. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    ye i checked amaon 5 mins ago. i think i'll buy this and have a read through it, thanks again! :good:
  33. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    sounds absolutely amazing! can this be done even with a large tank and alot of plants? where'd you get this book? do you think i would find it in a good book shop like blackwells? thanks for your help, i really appreciate it!
  34. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    thanks alot:good:, i have seen your tank development on another post, looks great. How many 9 litre packs of the aqua soil would i need for my tank (4 foot by 1 foot)? the reason i'm on a tight budget is that i'm still at school so i really cannot afford to set up my tank with substrate that...
  35. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    ye i have heard great reviews about it, but i just don't have the money to splash on it at Uk prices. any ideas where i can get this stuff at US prices (£10-15 per pack) or any cheap substrates that are nearly as good or as good as eco-complete
  36. 14gtr14

    Best Substrate For Planted Tank?

    I am in the process of setting up a 4 foot x 1.5 foot x 1 foot aquarium for my first attempt at keeping a planted tank + fish. I need some advice for what substrate to use. I want dark gravel/substrate to contrast the fish and want good substrate to hold enough minerals for a fully planted...