Hi I Am A Newbie: Ten Gal Frshwater Stocking


New Member
Jul 17, 2006
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Hi I am an herper, but just as i like Herps i like Fish My family sarted out With Oranda Goldfish even my Pop-pop and he is 96.. but With my Goldfish setup .. i would like to know more about other fish ... I have a 10 gallon tank That i would like to fill with freshwater species That are small to medium in adult size an dcan be housed with a lot of fish. I like variety All idea's will be appreciated

So your looking for a small community? Maybe guppies? A school of 5-6 small tetras (glowlights, neons, harlequins, phantoms)? Pygmy or panda cories, khuli loaches, shrimps, african dwarf frogs, snails, platies, all those are good fish for a 10 gallon. If you were looking for a single aggressive fish, paradise fish are really cool. A small group of dwarf puffers would also be neat. You could also have a betta as a centerpeice and work around that, or divide the tank and have mulitple bettas. Or you could have female bettas together. Any of those sound appealing?
a small school or tiger barbs, tetras, maybe a few gouramis.

or you could try zebra danios for the top level and a small cat fish or coolie loach.
a small school or tiger barbs, tetras, maybe a few gouramis.

or you could try zebra danios for the top level and a small cat fish or coolie loach.

Errmmm....tiger barbs are far to active for a 10 gallon. Gouramis are very territorial so if you put more then one in a tank (and in such a small tank) they will be aggressive to each other. Most gouramis also get too large for a 10 gallon, try to be more specific next time (honey gouramis or dwarf gouramis would be fine). Zebra danios are also too active for a 10 gallon...and khuli loaches need to be kept in groups, they won't fair well singly. Did I miss anything?
thanx i narrowed your list and my list to some species i want like the guppy the platy and the tetra .. do you know (10 gal) how many of each i could out in there???
If you go for several mollies, make sure you don't have both males and females, otherwise you will very quickly find that instead of only 1/2 dozen fish in your tank, you now have 50 or 60 fish that you then have to find a responsible way of disposing of.

(although I have found that a couple of angle fish seem to have stopped the explosion of baby mollies. I haven't seen one baby molly since I got the angle fish ;) )

Now (after culling the number of mollies from about 60 down to 8, I have 2 females and 6 males, which is a bit unfair on the females, as they constantly have 3 or 4 males chasing after them
thanx i narrowed your list and my list to some species i want like the guppy the platy and the tetra .. do you know (10 gal) how many of each i could out in there???

i have a 12 gallon, and i am soon to stock it with 5 guppies, 8 neon tetras, 3 otocinclus, and according to thinkfish.co.uk community creator i still have enough room for a few glowlights, without being too close to full stock. I suggest you use the thinkfish community creator, as it is very useful.
so that would mean Two fish 2 inches les than yours /... fine i will soon stock mine with 7 guppies 1platty and 6 neon tetras
so that would mean Two fish 2 inches les than yours /... fine i will soon stock mine with 7 guppies 1platty and 6 neon tetras

according to various websites, the 1 inch per gallon rule doesnt apply to guppys, meaning per 10 gallons, 15-20 guppys can be accomodated, i wouldnt suggest this much, however.
The thinkfish calculator is a HUGE LOAD OF CARP. Please do not use it!!!!! For the sake of the fish!

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