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  1. D

    Tina's Twin Bommies

    Wow, stunning plates Tina & Buddy! :drool: :drool:
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers Buddy! Yeah, must try and see if they grow up the wall, I think the flow on the toadstool could be too much right now, so may be moving them around tomorrow. Also the toadstool has a little baby budding on the other side. :)
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Unfortunately they are still sulking......hopefully have better pics tomorrow Only had one of these guys, so will pick up another 2 another day
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    haha....maybe next payday! ;)
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Just back from a few things. Pics coming soon...... ;)
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    Wow Crazy Sized Tank Wow

    As for stocking, may I suggest a Goby/Shrimp pair? :devil: :lol:
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    Ausust Peppermint Shrimp Trip To Movie Set

    That's the set from the new Narnia film isn't it?
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    Wow Crazy Sized Tank Wow

    Yeah.....same here! :crazy:
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    Scarlet Hawkfish Gone Barmey

    Not necessarily, especially as you said the hawkfish was eating fine and was healthy in the LFS for 2 months. That leads me to think it was the move to your tank that caused the death. Whether that was stress, water conditions (your other stock could be just used to it, but the new arrival could...
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    It's A Mystery...

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Should I Just Complete The Set?

    Go for it YF, for 50 quid you can really lose.
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    It's A Mystery...

    haha....classic! To be fair, you could grab Ron Pearlman, slap some makeup on him, a pair of oversized sunglasses and a miniskirt he would be like Lady Gagas doppelganger!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Going on a speculative trip to an LFS this evening. Just to have a look around *ahem*
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    It's A Mystery...

    Such a great looking little fish Buddy! Much much nice looking than Lady (or is that Lord?) Gaga......
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    Reesy's 20 Gallon Reef Adventure

    Looking forward to seeing more updates. Oh and :hi: Also, I would invest in a refractometer to measure your SG (you can get them relatively cheaply on fleabay). Hydrometers aren't very accurate.
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    Mandarin Love

    Haha....fantastic! :D :D He is a lovely chubby little fella....and I mean that in the nicest possible way! ;)
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    Can You Help Me Please.....

    Glad to hear you got your flow sorted out. It can be bit of a pain trying to sort out flow I find, especially finding spots in the tank that would suit various corals flow needs! I spent ages trying to find where the best low flow, med flow and high flow spots in my tank were!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Then may the Aiptasia Inquisition begin! Although it looks like a couple of them can retract quite far into the rock, so it may be difficult to get to them....
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Does burning them completely remove them so more won't appear from the remnants?
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yep they retract quiet quickly when I poke them. I have found 3 in my tank this evening! :-( Does the superglue trick work? (ie: take the rock out and superglue over them)
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers for the tips Buddy. :good: I am pretty positive it is an Aiptasia, from the other side you can see the disc with all the tentacles radiating around it. Plus, I have just spotted another one on my live rock! At least I think it is another fast can these things move? The reason I...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    It looks like a rogue Aiptasia has sprung up in my new zoa colony and is killing them! :( I couldn't get a good picture, you can only see some of its tentacles, but I am 99% positive this thing is an aiptasia. You can see how it is stinging the life out of the zoas. :( :( Unfortunately I have...
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    Ak77's Nano Journal

    Some days my hermits are very quiet, just sitting in the one spot, and then the next day they are back to themselves. Also, I have noticed that they can be a lot less active then normal when they are about to shed.
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    Thinking About Taking The Plunge...

    I suppose that could happen! To be honest I have never had trouble with my hermits harassing each other or the snails. In fact many times my snails will hitch a ride on the shell of the Halloween crab, or else my hermits will graze on any algae on the snails shells! lol
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    Thinking About Taking The Plunge...

    I never heard about it being bad to mix hermits. :blink: I have 2 red legged hermits, 1 halloween hermit and 1 orange claw hermit in my tank and haven't had any problems.
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    Coral Of The Week - Tubastraea, Sun Corals

    Looking good! Do sun corals only open when they are being fed?
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    Percula 90 Lighting Problems?

    Maybe the lights are just too old and need to be replaced? Just a guess, as I have no experience of MH lighting.
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    488l Mega Nano

    Fantastic pics Buddy!! Amazing lookg fish. :drool: :drool: :drool: I also love the pic of the flame hawk...they always look like they are in some sort of trance like state.....
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    Thinking About Taking The Plunge...

    Good stuff! :D I think salt basically comes down to preference. I use TMC Pro Reef Salt and I like it. Marine Tests - Go for Salifert. I bought Red Sea ones and they were a waste of money Get a Refractometer instead of a Hydrometer as they are much more accurate. As for CUC, I suppose once...
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    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    With anything like this you need to take is slow and don't take shortcuts. Better off doing it right rather than making a mistake and regretting it. My advise is to empty the tank, move it with help from others and then refill it again.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Noticed a couple of things last night when I went down with the torch. One is a possible glass anemone of some sort, it was difficult to see - but it looks like it could be an aiptasia. :( I will try and get a pic tonight, although it could be difficult. The other creature is amongst one of the...
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    How Much?

    I won't ever try and work out what I have spent so far.....I dread to think!!!
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    Lovely little torch Morri! :good:
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Gave my rics a treat of brine shrimp this evening
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    lol.....although if anyone wanted frags it would cost overnight courier shipping from Ireland!! :P
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    Mag + Calc Additives

    Cheers buddy! :good:
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    Mag + Calc Additives

    Hey Morri, Just a quick question more out of curiousity than anything else. How often are you adding these? Do you do it with a weekly water change? Or add them directly to the tank every so many days etc? Just wondering as I will probably have to go down this route at some stage.
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    Yep, I have seen some of the various peoples hammers on here, truly stunning looking! :D How fast to these various Euphyllias grow? In other words, will I spend a lot of time fragging and trying to offload frags in order to keep the size suitable for a nano?
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    Cheers guys! :D :good:
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    Tina's Twin Bommies

    I love your tank, it is really beautiful! :drool: Never heard of trumpet coral before so just did a google image search, wow they are little beauts! What are their care requirements like?