Mag + Calc Additives


Fish Herder
Mar 9, 2006
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Just a quick question my Mag and Calc are a little low and i have been using the tropic marine additives to up them (advised by the LFS) are these any good as my levels are still under the desirable figures? any recomendations for better products?

I am adding slowly as i dont want to upset anything in the tank.
You need to do Mag first up to about 1350.

Your rock etc will continue to absorb the mag as you add it, it will take a while, keep persevereing, I did and eventually got there.

Do calc next then alk.

You need mag stable before adding calc and alk.
You need to do Mag first up to about 1350.

Your rock etc will continue to absorb the mag as you add it, it will take a while, keep persevereing, I did and eventually got there.

Do calc next then alk.

You need mag stable before adding calc and alk.

Thanks T the Alk was fine when tested will try and squeeze a set of tests in tonight feel like a mad scientist doing the calcium and mag tests :p

Not far from 1350 at last test added mag and cal to water change water yesterday so hopefully will be good :)
Hey Morri,
Just a quick question more out of curiousity than anything else. How often are you adding these? Do you do it with a weekly water change? Or add them directly to the tank every so many days etc?

Just wondering as I will probably have to go down this route at some stage.
The rule I work on is....test first then add !!

Only add if required as too much can be even more damaging than low levels. Morri I use tropic marin bio magnesium as it dissolves quickly and can be added directly to the tank...
Once you are in a routine, you can test weekly and add the required amount of additive using an online calculator. This is presuming the amount is not over the recommended dose. Always make sure you don't add too much as Bud has said.

I have been using TMC myself, using a hell of a lot though now I have nearly a tank full of hard corals. Have ordered some Tank Tests stuff off Muzzy as there was a special offer on the calcium (BOGOF) on the site I mod on.

I have read of quite a few people using it with good results.
I have tested mag as per Tina`s recommendation before the rest mag is still very low 1200 added what was required to get it to 1350 will retest tommorrow and add more if needed :)

Just thought with my nitrate reactor I have a calcium reactor to buffer ph am I right in thinking this will add to my calc as well ? (need to make a bracket before I can install)
Yes it will.

You can use Dolomite chips in the bottom or top (would need to check) seperated by some foam from the calc media and the dolomite will buffer mag for you.
Yes it will.

You can use Dolomite chips in the bottom or top (would need to check) seperated by some foam from the calc media and the dolomite will buffer mag for you.

I got the sealed reactors from CT wanted to see if these could buff my water a little maybe I should have got some I could fill myself :(
Would have been a good move, as the sealed reactor will need replacing every 6 month or so as it's contents disolve.

I'm going to contradict Tina here. Mg first, then ALK, then Ca. Mg holds Alk in the water. Alk holds Ca in the water (simplified). Add Ca without enough Alk, and all the Ca will precipitate out again... Likewise with Alk and Mg (well, Ca also, as low Mg usually means Alk and Ca precipitation...)

All the best

EDIT, for Ca supplement, i use the cheapest brand of Calcium Chloride Di-hydrate available. For Alk, I use Sodium Bicarbonate (baking powder/soda, I can't remember which, I think soda...). For Mg I use Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate and Non-chloride salts for balling in a home made recipe...
Would have been a good move, as the sealed reactor will need replacing every 6 month or so as it's contents disolve.

I'm going to contradict Tina here. Mg first, then ALK, then Ca. Mg holds Alk in the water. Alk holds Ca in the water (simplified). Add Ca without enough Alk, and all the Ca will precipitate out again... Likewise with Alk and Mg (well, Ca also, as low Mg usually means Alk and Ca precipitation...)

All the best

EDIT, for Ca supplement, i use the cheapest brand of Calcium Chloride Di-hydrate available. For Alk, I use Sodium Bicarbonate (baking powder/soda, I can't remember which, I think soda...). For Mg I use Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate and Non-chloride salts for balling in a home made recipe...

Ok Think i got my head around that :) I am focusing on Mag at the moment slowly rising got it to 1250 is it better to get to 1400?

I have to make a bracket/shelf to fit the reactors to my tank would it be worth investing in a 3rd refillable chamber and adding the Dolomite chips to this?

I dont mind replacing the reactors they are a sensible price but when i have to replace will get re-fillable ones.
Would have been a good move, as the sealed reactor will need replacing every 6 month or so as it's contents disolve.

I'm going to contradict Tina here. Mg first, then ALK, then Ca. Mg holds Alk in the water. Alk holds Ca in the water (simplified). Add Ca without enough Alk, and all the Ca will precipitate out again... Likewise with Alk and Mg (well, Ca also, as low Mg usually means Alk and Ca precipitation...)

All the best

EDIT, for Ca supplement, i use the cheapest brand of Calcium Chloride Di-hydrate available. For Alk, I use Sodium Bicarbonate (baking powder/soda, I can't remember which, I think soda...). For Mg I use Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate and Non-chloride salts for balling in a home made recipe...

But Rabbut, add too much alk and then add calcium and you could end up with sky high alk. The calc I used did actually raise my alk after I had got mag reet. As long as alk is not below 8, you should be fine adding calcium first and then retesting the alk to make fine adjustments.

He is using TMC Calcium which is Calcium ions and hydrogencarbonate. If you were using Calcium chloride, yes definately increase the alk first as Calcium chloride does actually decrease alkalinity.
Ah, caught me out there :p Yes, if your supplement raises Alk and Ca, do Ca first, but really watch the Alk to ensure you don't inadvertently overdose it. Also change supplements if this is the case, as half of what you add will be wasted as precipitate. Add Alk and Ca together in high concentrations in a marine tank, and they'll react with one another to make Calcium Carbonate, which is inert above a pH of 8.0...

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