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  1. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    Ferts and co2 arrived today and that pic was taken last night so, next pic will be in a weeks time to see if there's a difference Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    I will keep an eye out for the plant you mentioned, the heater has been moved to the back wall for now, I totally agree re the HOB or canister filters and I do plan on upgrading to one (probably canister) within the next couple of weeks. I'm in 2 minds about a new light unit too as the lid is...
  3. AshGillott

    Hello All

    Howdy Lee   Welcome to TFF, hope you like it here 
  4. AshGillott

    I Miss My Curvicep Cichlid

    Still no joy I'm afraid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. AshGillott

    Planes, Trains & Automobiles--Scale Modeling

    Thanks, you can actually buy some diners as model kits you know? I never have though but I have been tempted. I bet those took some painting. Cool though very cool Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. AshGillott

    Planes, Trains & Automobiles--Scale Modeling

    Hi Guys   The above is what I started doing a couple of years ago, I got addicted (as I do all hobby ventures) and then after messing up my last paint job I fell out with it and started selling the kits i had collected so I could buy a tank and start with fish again. I did have a decent...
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  12. AshGillott

    What To Do? Fry In Mi Tank

    Thanks Byron,   I just fed the team so hopefully they got some, these have learned fast because they are at the bottom of the tank amongst the nooks and crannies, covering Jaws 2's house is a decent sized piece of wood, which is slowly becoming covered in moss, I noticed one creeping about on...
  13. AshGillott

    30" Red Brick Decor

    Sounds good, cheap and very cheerful 
  14. AshGillott

    I Miss My Curvicep Cichlid

    It appears so, fancy falling in love with a fish that no one stocks, oh my.   I fell in love with a fish once, my Mandarinfish, geewizz it was my pride and joy, but alas it passed away, I later found out that they dont eat so called 'normal foods' apparently you need to have an ancient tank full...
  15. AshGillott

    Hello From Patty

    Hi Patty   I hope that you like it here, Im new too but the people are full of knowledge on here so if you have any questions just ask as I'm sure someone will know the answer to your quest for information.   Regards Ash
  16. AshGillott

    What To Do? Fry In Mi Tank

    Hi guys, I did a water change today and spotted a little platy in my tank, I know the mother had dropped as her spot had gone but being in my tank I thought I would never see anything swimming. But low and behold there is was, a spotty little fish swimming about. I went to the shop and got me...
  17. AshGillott

    I Miss My Curvicep Cichlid

    Not so good news I'm afraid, 1 of the shops says they never get them and the other says they rarely come in but will let me know if he here's anything. However there is a 3rd I know of and its large + I will be going past them tomorrow to get my kids so I will pop in. Fingers crossed Sent...
  18. AshGillott

    I Miss My Curvicep Cichlid

    You have been busy then, I will ask at my local today and see if they can help Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. AshGillott

    Hi From Donnie Uk

    Test with tap talk thing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. AshGillott

    I Miss My Curvicep Cichlid

    Good morning,   Have you tried looking into garden centres over a specific aquatis place?   I assume your in north Yorks somewhere as thats where Northallerton is, and theres a large garden centre in Knaresborough, may be worth a shot, theres also a decent sized aquatics place in Leeds but that...
  21. AshGillott

    New Filter Making Sucking Sounds

    If its one which sits within the tank I would try turning it off and then turning it upside down and moving it around in the water to see if any bubbles come out.
  22. AshGillott

    Cheap Lighting For Low Tech Tank

    I was just about to post a thread on near enough the same thing, my tank light unit is creating dark spots within the tank so I was considering getting myself a 3 bulb LED unit, after reading this I now wont bother.   So next up will be a DIY twin bulb unit, im no good with carpentry either but...
  23. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    Done, Ebay £15.90 for 500ml of both with delivery, cheaper than Amazon by 4p 
  24. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    I was thinking about the CO2 thing earlier as when I went to the shop to enquire about planting a tank he mentioned it but I didnt buy any at the time I just took the soil stuff (JBL aquabasis + and JBL Manadu) and some sand and left.   Wont have time to get any tomorrow as got a really busy day...
  25. AshGillott

    Can I Have A Zebra Pleco In This?

    Thanks Akasha,   The bulldozer thing has put me off a bit now lol, the zebra's are a beautiful fish and my fave's (with the starlight BN 2nd) but waking up at 6am and popping into the garage to see my tank destroyed would make me want to quit fish keeping   However,  another tank in a few months...
  26. AshGillott

    Alasse's Tanks

    Wow, when I saw the first pictures I thought you had your own store and these where your display tanks... Not likely they are all yours!!   AWESOME!!   Planted tank is my fave 
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  28. AshGillott

    Can I Have A Zebra Pleco In This?

    HI Guys   New here and just starting out again after a 10 year break.   I have a 80 x 30 x 40 (LxWxH) planted tank which houses the following   BN plec 2.5" female I think 5 x cardinal tetra 4 platies 2m + 2f 3 guppies 1m + 3f (lucky boy) 2 cherry shrimps  1 mardy rainbow shark   I love the...
  29. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

      Thank you very much, I dont actually have any plans tbh, I just wanted a tank with real plants and some fish, (though I really wanted a marine tank and decided its too mush hassle) I'm hoping that the grass stuff covers the front and the bush things bush and the fish dont die, should all that...
  30. AshGillott

    55Gal Goal Is Planted, Peaceful

    Wow your tank has come a very long way since the beginning of the thread   Sorry I dont know anything so I am unable to offer any advice, but your tank looks a little foresty to me and perhaps a trim would make it more aesthetically pleasing though each to their own I say!
  31. AshGillott

    Hi From Donnie Uk

    Thank you    Oh and for those who havent seen the pics of my tank.   here it is        
  32. AshGillott

    Hello! New To The Forum.

    Welcome to TFF!! Im new too 
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  34. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    With a black background and the weedy plants moved to the rear        
  35. AshGillott

    Hi From Donnie Uk

    Thanks people and thank you for the input against my tank pics     
  36. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    I have read up today on this and the biggest problem could be the shrimps though no one seems to have had any problems from what I could see.. Time will tell I guess but on the plus side Jaws 2 pays them no attention, he is mardy though and doesnt like the guppies very much.           I have...
  37. AshGillott

    My First Planted Tank Ever

    Hi Guys   This is my first go at planting a tank and my first tank since I quit fish keeping about 10 years ago.   Ask me what the plants are and I would look at you smiling like a goofball and say ummm green and red ones??, though I know that the grass at the front is grass stuff and the moss...
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  39. AshGillott

    Hi From Donnie Uk

    Good morning   My name is Ash and I currently reside in Doncaster UK   Many years ago I bought a 3ft long tank and decided to keep tropical fish, I was well into the hobby, buying smaller tanks and setting them up as breeders I managed to breed and raise corydora's, Bristlenose plecs, danio's...