Hello! New To The Forum.


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Jun 26, 2016
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Hey there,
How's it going? I'm somewhat new to fish keeping, or rather I've started it again. I kept fish a few years ago but was never that serious about it. I guess I lacked something and they never could keep my interest as much as other things. For example I was always more into reptiles and such. Maybe it the fact you can't interact with fish as much. But as I've gotten older, become more patient and matured I've found myself enjoying fish a lot more. There's really something to it. My uncle is similar. He used to keep a lot of snakes, frogs, lizards, etc but now has a huge marine setup. Really beautiful. 

So how did this all start for me again? Well I've been visiting a fish store around here that gets some great stuff in and one day I thought "I want to setup a nice tank!"Part of the love of keeping reptiles and stuff has always been setting up the vivs to look natural. After visiting the store all the time, I saw a few I really liked and after lots of staring, saving, planning and much money spent, I had bought myself a decent tank with a hood and stand ( no more glass tank on the table with light balanced on top and wires coming out all over the show! ) and I'm loving it. I keep them out in the lounge right next to the lazy boy chair my grandpa left me. I love sitting there and reading a book and watching everyone swim.

Right now, in the fish department I've got a small silver Arowana, about 5" / 12cm, 10 silver dollars, all pretty close in size, just under 2" / 5cm, a black ghost knife fish about 3" / 8cm and a banded bichir who's similar in size to the BGK. I also have a dog, a greek spur-thighed tortoise, a leopard gecko, four Australian water dragons and some spiders and other inverts. I've attached a photo of my tank, some of the silver dollar gang and the arowana. 

A worker at one of the stores I frequent has offered me a large tank for when these guys need something bigger. It's 6 foot long, I can't remember the rest of the dimesions but from memory it was about 4 foot deep and 3 high. It has a crack that needs to be repaired, a job I've had quoted for about $100 plus he doesn't have the room - Though I'll need a hood and a stand. I've got a bit of time til the fish need a bigger tank. So I'll work on that in the meantime

Looking forward to getting to know people here and chatting and also learning. Please forgive any simple questions I may ask at the beginning as I'm learning.  

Thanks for reading 

P.S - My arowana has some beautiful reddish pink colours on his fines and tail. It's a really nice look. I've heard it's largely dietary related and to do with carotene in the diet. Can someone tell me a little more about this? I've heard of similar being done with crustaceans. 


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to TFF! Would love to see pics of the BGK and bichir if you can get any. Glad to know there are plans to upgrade in the future as well.
Hello Cordyceps,
I am thrilled to "meet" you and the others in this forum.
My husband and I are considering breeding bettas, and as such are wanting to learn all we are able before we seriously take this on and attempt to work at improving traits and experiencing different recessive and dominant genes in the fry.
My husband has had a pet store in the past (many years back) and has experience in breeding other fish species, but neither of us do with bettas. We are excited and eager to learn. Thank you all in advance for sharing your knowledge and insights.

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