My First Planted Tank Ever

I buy mine online as I find it cheaper and easier and buy both the profito and easycarbo together :)
Done, Ebay £15.90 for 500ml of both with delivery, cheaper than Amazon by 4p 
Good luck with the Easycarbo - may your plants grow bigger and bushier! 

Can't wait to see how it matures!!
Nice tank.
What I would do is move the heater to the back near the filter, Then plant a nice tall bushy plant in front of the heater and filter to hide them.Blue stricta Hygrophila corymbosa, Its easy to grow and it looks great.
Well spotted Nick ... I'd not noticed that! Yes ... move the heater next to the filter ... it'll work better because as it heats the water around it the filter will push that warm water around the tank :)
I am not a fan of those internal filters, Sure they work, But I prefer Hang on back or canister filters, the plumbing is easier to hide. Plus they are quieter for the fish, oh and cleaning can be a pain in the butt, every time you take them out some of the gunk in them always gets out and makes a mess in the tank.
I will keep an eye out for the plant you mentioned, the heater has been moved to the back wall for now, I totally agree re the HOB or canister filters and I do plan on upgrading to one (probably canister) within the next couple of weeks. I'm in 2 minds about a new light unit too as the lid is starting to get on my nerves now with having to remove it to get to the back of the tank + I'm not overly sure that it's adequate for the plants (though they are growing I suppose) 1 x 20w bulb in a 15" deep tank.

Thanks for your input guys, here's the tank now, still waiting for the ferts and co2 to arrive.

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Ferts and co2 arrived today and that pic was taken last night so, next pic will be in a weeks time to see if there's a difference

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if your considering an external canister filter have a look at the JBL crystalprofi range. I have two e901's on my 4ft and I love em. Super quiet, super efficient (just 13 watts of power) and they come with a 4 year guarentee. 
PFK magazine did a canister filter test on 10 different filters and the JBL did well in their tests. They were very impressed with it. This was in last months magazine so you might able to get it online :)
I see them but what would I need for a 100l tank?

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the e701 should be about right for a 100 litre but if you are ever likely to be considering an upgrade I'd keep that in mind and look at the 901. I know the 701 uses less power - just 11 watts. I guess it depends on what your future plans are likely to be :)
Hmmm then I will need to sell more kits! First up I'm buying a new light unit. Though which, I do not know, there's too many lol

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I can't really help with lighting. I'll admit to not understanding a lot it.
Ash look " aqualantis easy led "and see what you think.I have a new one that's not used and is just a gap filler on top of my marine tank.

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