Can I Have A Zebra Pleco In This?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2016
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HI Guys
New here and just starting out again after a 10 year break.
I have a 80 x 30 x 40 (LxWxH) planted tank which houses the following
BN plec 2.5" female I think
5 x cardinal tetra
4 platies 2m + 2f
3 guppies 1m + 3f (lucky boy)
2 cherry shrimps 
1 mardy rainbow shark
I love the zebra plec and wonder would it be ok with the above residents?
I was also planning to get a Mr BN too but if its gotta be 1 or the other I will probs go for the BN 


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I've just had a quick look on planet catfish and these are related to the ancistrus genius and doesn't grow big so the short answer is 'yes'
But ... you'll need to provide somewhere for this fish to live. Most pleco's like a cave like structure to live in - my own has hollowed out all the sand under my large lump of bogwood and he's created himself a cave under there and that's where he lives constantly. You'll also need to be prepared for him/her to potentially destroy your aquascape ... I had two ancistrus to begin with and one was a bulldozer. I get up in a morning and he'd just destroyed the place during the night! 
He'll also need feeding and that includes some fresh vegetables. Mine loves cucumber and courgette but there's other things they can have. If you do a search of 'Nick's veggie list' you'll find a list of what is safe for them there 
Hope that helps :)
Thanks Akasha,
The bulldozer thing has put me off a bit now lol, the zebra's are a beautiful fish and my fave's (with the starlight BN 2nd) but waking up at 6am and popping into the garage to see my tank destroyed would make me want to quit fish keeping
However,  another tank in a few months fill it with wood and a couple of plants then buy a few of those stripy monsters could be a possibility after I convince my mrs of course 
getting a bulldozer or non-bulldozer is a luck thing really. As mentioned I had two plain BN ancistrus and they both turned out to be male. One is a gem, he's so shy and never causes a mess but the other was the opposite. When the two boys hit maturity I found them fighting one day and it was getting brutal so one had to be removed ... it didn't take me long to decide which to re-home!

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