Hi From Donnie Uk


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2016
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Good morning
My name is Ash and I currently reside in Doncaster UK
Many years ago I bought a 3ft long tank and decided to keep tropical fish, I was well into the hobby, buying smaller tanks and setting them up as breeders I managed to breed and raise corydora's, Bristlenose plecs, danio's, tetra's (yeah the easy ones I know but I felt like a god!!) Then after not so long (probably about a 18 months) I decided trops were not the way and sold everything and bought a Rio 180, skimmer, pumps etc and went the Marine route and I loved it. This tank I had for about a year or so then as everyone does went bigger!! Vision 450 woohoo it was massive, actually it was too big and being on a not so good wage I was struggling financially to fill it up.
Then 1 day I was looking outside at my £200 car then looking at my tank which stood me around 2K I thought "I got this the wrong way around" So I sold everything and bought a better car.
This was about 10 years ago but the strange thing is that ever since then I have wanted another fish tank, fish keeping for me is like a drug (Im sure it is the same for most people too) and even when you have nothing you always want something.
So I resisted the temptation until now.
My sister asked me if I wanted her shoebox tank (so called because its a 20L and really tiny) I agreed and then it started, within a day after setting it up I wanted/needed a larger tank, this was 3 weeks ago, Since then I have bought a 3ft'r off Ebay, I then discovered that one of the largest aquatic stores in the UK is literally 2 miles from my house! Omen or what??? 
After watching some vids on YouTube and googling some stuff I decided to have a planted Tropical aquarium (I bought plants years ago but they always died) I would like some real aquascaped themed goodness going on but you need experience and there's no point chucking hundreds of quids into a tank when you dont really know what your doing, so for now it is what it is and later when I finally convince my mrs to let me have my tank in the living room (instead of the garage) I may upgrade and have it how I imagined.
The pic below is of my old Rio but the Vision one I have is too large so Im unable to post that so heres a link to my photobucket where the image is should you wish to see it
Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction essay.


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Hi and 
 ... your not that far from me. I'm in Harrogate North Yorkshire. If the water in Donny is the same as here you'll have lovely soft Yorkshire water which means so much choice in fish! I'll look forward to seeing what you do with this tank. Good luck :D
Welcome to Forum. Yorkshire is a place I visit a lot. Son lives there and I go to the races in York every year with a group of friends. Gonna be there again in 2 weeks enjoying all the great pubs and restaurants.
Thanks people and thank you for the input against my tank pics
Thank you 

Oh and for those who havent seen the pics of my tank.
here it is


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Test with tap talk thing

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what is this tap talk thing? I'm seeing it a lot now on here. 
It's an app which allows you to post directly from your phone. When I joined I used FB not an email address etc, then when I tried to log in from my phone it wouldn't allow it. So I read a post on here which said download the app and it will work. So I did and viola, there you go

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ahh I see. I'm using my laptop. I hate anything internet based on my phone ... too smaller screen
Welcome Ash.
Tapatalk works perfectly (normally). Regards Aad

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