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  1. R

    Overfeeding tetra?

    I love fat tetras. So jolly.
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    swordtails not eating

    I've had fish behave like that after I transferred them to a new tank. Even their color was bad. It lasted a couple of weeks, which was making me anxious. Then they got comfortable and things went back to normal.
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I've started aquatic growing plants this year, and have had my fair share of both successes and failures. But I've killed off all my java ferns, which everyone has assured me is impossible, because they are the easiest plants.
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Same here, except I love fish-keeping and fishing, but I hate actual fish.
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    Found his breakfast

    Having a fish that eats snails is a great idea for anyone running more than a few tanks imo.
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    Some fish are bad at wiping. I've got a honey gourami who always trails an inch or two of poop behind her. She's very popular with the guys.
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    Amazon sword babies

    HI all. I'm relatively new to aquatic plants. I've got an Amazon sword that has shot out a long stem with little Amazon swords along it at intervals. Some of these baby swords have five or six leaves and little roots trailing down. I'm guessing those are ready to be separated and planted...
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    Injured black skirt tetra with white, fluffy growth... should we quarantaine it?

    I'm pretty sure that the white fluffy stuff is a common fungus. It is not unusual for it to grow on wounded areas. If it were me, I'd quarantine the fish and treat it with an anti fungal for several days.
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    Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp

    Baby brine shrimp are more like a snack for dwarf gouramis. If you are looking at it as a major dietary staple, I'd use adult brine shrimp.
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    Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp

    I started hatching baby brine shrimp a few months back. Like most things, it's easy once you've done it once or twice, and I think it's well worth the modest cost. All my fish loooove it, but I use it mostly for breeding pairs and fry.
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    African dwarf frogs dangerous?

    Salmonella is unpleasant, but it is only very rarely a serious problem. No doubt the article emphasized the risk to children simply because they are more vulnerable to most illnesses than adults are. My kid got salmonella as a toddler from playing with chickens. Poor little guy had the runs...
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    Glofish Yes / No

    Glofish aren't my cup of tea aesthetically speaking, but I have no strong objections to them. My daughter loooooves them when shes sees them in the store. So far I've held the line.
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    Fish depression. Stimulate those fish brains!....

    I have three in a ten gallon. At first I thought it wouldn't work because they were pretty aggressive toward each other, but things calmed down soon enough. Just needs a ton of plants and stuff in the tank. I'm hoping to eventually get some baby puffers. I think pea puffers do pretty well on...
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    Fish depression. Stimulate those fish brains!....

    I just changed up my pea puffer tank this week. They seem to love exploring. The only problem is they can get nippy with each other for a day or two trying to reestablish territories.
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    Ebjd breeding

    Nice aquatic plants.
  16. R

    Making fish up ?

    I've been trying to get a hold of some Brimingham plecos. Very rare variety.
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    Feeding brine shrimp

    That's how I do it. Break it into pieces and it spreads out nicely in the tank. Not sure about the amount. Maybe try half a cube and see how quickly they eat it. A lot of my fish that are dainty eaters with flakes go wild with live and most frozen foods.
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    How often can honey gouramis mate?

    I've been semi-successfully trying to breed my honey gouramis. It's my first ever breeding project. My sole adult female just laid eggs for the second time, about two months after the first egg-laying. Does anyone know what the optimal turn around time is? Do I need to give the little lady a...
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    Post your favorite native fish

    I see you like darters. One of my faves has always been the greenside darter or Etheostoma blennioides.
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  21. R

    Weird fly hatching out of tank?! Help!

    They bite. Hard. They'll draw blood.
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    Weird fly hatching out of tank?! Help!

    I'm not any kind of entomologist, but the yellowish color and striped abdomen makes me thinks that could be a juvenile deer fly. If so, they are awful.
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    Things in sand ..

    Looks like you got some gravel in your gravel.
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    Some more critters in the new tank need identifying

    A hydra can eat fish fry or baby shrimp. Sometimes they can be hard to get rid of if you don't stock any fish that eat them.
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    What’s the science behind adding salt?

    Wow, he is not pro-salt at all. Quotes from the first paragraph: "As David A. Lass points out, there is not much therapeutic benefit at those dosages. “Salt serves more to assuage the hobbyist’s need to ‘do something’ for their tropical fish,” he writes. [8] There is absolutely no need to add...
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    White cotton fuzz

    When I first got mystery snails they secreted a heavy white slime that looked sort of like a fungus. It's a slime secreted when the snail is stressed. Could be the snail doesn't like the water or is getting harassed in the tank. Also a small object could be stuck in the shell. Never really...
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    Pea Puffer Panic

    Just got mine this afternoon. I got three in a 10 gal. They are very small, like 1/2 inch each. I like watching them swim around and peer closely at everything. Seem curious. Also, your tank looks great.
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    75% water changes

    My experience with fish keeping has been short, so bear that in mind. However, mathematically, if you make only one change per week and are changing less than 100%, your nitrate level will continue to grow week after week until it hits a mathematical limit. It will then fluctuate between two...
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    Transitioning tiny fish fry from infusoria

    Hi all, I've got seven honey gourami fry about two weeks old. I've been feeding them infusoria aka cloudy water. They look a bit chubby, so it must be working, but I never see them eating. I am getting nervous that as they get bigger they might need something more substantial. I tried mixing...
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    Pea Puffer Panic

    Hahaha. I have a tank set up and waiting for pea puffers, so I can't wait to have this problem.
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    Honey Gourami breeding gone wrong - Need some basic advice

    Thanks. I did a largish water change today, because the tank is a little messy because I had been stuffing the adult gouramis with all kinds of food. So I'm worried about the balance of keeping it clean vs not disturbing stuff. Also, I heard humidity above the water surface is important, and...
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    cocoa potted plants?

    I'm not a huge expert, but I've planted a few crypts that had some sort of wool like material around the roots. It made a giant mess. Going forward I plan on cleaning everything off the roots first. So admittedly a bit apples and oranges, but I'd remove it unless there's a compelling reason...
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    Honey Gourami breeding gone wrong - Need some basic advice

    OK, so this week I decided to have my first go at breeding honey gouramis. Took a while, but I got to the point where there was a bubble nest with a small batch of fertilized eggs, at which point I removed the female. This was Weds or Thursday. After this, everything went downhill and I'm...
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    Fresh water mussels

    That's an intriguing answer. Where would one look to learn more about green water set ups? It's the first I've heard of it. When I google green water it's just fixes for algae problems.
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    Sick Paradise Fish

    OK fish doctors, I need some medical advice. My first sick fish! I have a male paradise fish that developed white cottony areas on the body. It has also spread to the fins. Looks like a fungal infection to me. I put him in a quarantined 10 gallon tank and have been treating with API Melafix...
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    Very noobish question related to temperature

    Yeah, I just bought a simple mercury thermometer this morning and remeasured the temp in two tanks. One was 74 F and the other was 76. Happily, it seems like my fish are fine, and I just had a scare with a bad thermometer.
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    Very noobish question related to temperature

    Not getting sunshine. There is no external heat source with the obvious exception of the LED lighting. Here's the kind of thermometer I'm using. My kids ran off with the packaging, but it's this guy right here:
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  39. R

    Gourami tank mates??

    I have two dwarf gouramis and they do nicely with several honey gouramis and some corys. I tried putting amana shrimp in there, and the gouramis wouldn't leave them alone. I also have a paradise fish in there who hates dwarf gouramis, but I've managed to settle things down after some time...
  40. R

    Very noobish question related to temperature

    I haven't been using heaters in any of my tanks. My thinking was that my house has a very stable temperature of 75-76F (about 24.5 C) and all my fish fit those parameters so I didn't need to worry about it. I assumed the water in the tanks was about 76F. But as I've slowly been trying to...